
Possibly, some folks, who love their Apple products, might wake up & tell NFB 
to shut up & go away.  I already have congress making decisions that don't 
reflect my values.  I certainly don't need the NFB, an organization that I have 
never supported, representing itself as representing me.  


On Jul 13, 2014, at 8:50 PM, Robert C <gone.to.da...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Ray,
>   No one is listening. They are hellbound to make their positions known and 
> they will defend their opinions to the end. In the end, this is nothing more 
> than a political debate and as such, will never reach a consensus until 
> everyone gets too damn tired to go on. Congress is afflicted with the exact 
> same sickness.
>   This debate is pointless, no winners, only rhetoric that resolves not a 
> damn thing except waste everyone's time.
> Quote of the nanosecond . . .
> What do you get when you cross a dog with a phone?
> --A golden receiver.
> Robert & Annie Yanni ke7nwn
> E-mail-
> gone.to.da...@gmail.com
> On 7/13/2014 8:30 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> David, your message does not help any.  It represents the kind of NFB hatred 
>> of which I spoke last night.  Your right, of course:  still, I do not 
>> believe personally that there is any place for that here.
>> Sincerely,
>> the Constantly Barefooted Ray, Still a very happy Mac and iphone user!
>> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
>> built-in!
>> On Jul 13, 2014, at 9:41 PM, David Chittenden <dchitten...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Yes, the NFB president really wants to become "in" with Apple so he can 
>>> attempt to influence Apple's policies around VoiceOver access to apps 
>>> written by third party developers.
>>> So, let's consider what would most likely happen if Apple should be stupid 
>>> enough to do what the NFB resolution is demanding, only from Apple. Apple 
>>> creates a policy in their App Store which says all apps must be VO 
>>> accessible. Considering that this will not be possible with the vast 
>>> majority of purely visual graphical games, game developers will leave and 
>>> go to the platforms which appreciate them. So, we have already alienated a 
>>> large majority of money-making apps. Kids, teens, and adults, all with 
>>> vision who enjoy those games will leave and go to where the fun games are. 
>>> This will significantly decrease iOS popularity, and as has been stated, 
>>> Google, with its not-so-strong focus on accessibility, and probably 
>>> Microsoft, with its non-accessibility in its mobile phones, will become 
>>> much more popular.
>>> Shall we also look at other app categories? I challenge you to find one app 
>>> category where developers will not vacate to either of the other two mobile 
>>> platforms where they would not need to focus on accessibility. Oh, and be 
>>> painfully honest and realistic here; not thinking the way you wish it would 
>>> be.
>>> At the time NFB went after Microsoft in the late 90's to convince MS not to 
>>> build a robust screen reader into Windows, Freedom Scientific made a 
>>> substantial financial contribution to NFB. I find such coincidences to be 
>>> quite interesting. Follow the money and many possibilities look fascinating.
>>> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
>>> Email: dchitten...@gmail.com
>>> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On 14 Jul 2014, at 14:20, Marianne Denning <maria...@denningweb.com> wrote:
>>>> According to what I read from the president, it is because Apple has
>>>> gone above and beyond the requirements to make things accessible. He
>>>> has nothing but praise for Apple and their response.  There is no
>>>> threat in the resolution that was passed.  It is an effort to work
>>>> with Apple.  Microsoft and, to some degree, Google and Amazon just
>>>> refuse to seriously work on accessibility. Where do you spend your
>>>> efforts?  I am also a TVI and when I am asked which tablet a school
>>>> should purchase for a student my response, without hesitation, is
>>>> Apple.  There are still some apps that are used in schools that are
>>>> not accessible so my students cannot fully participate in the
>>>> classroom when this happens.  NFB supports full inclusion in
>>>> education, employment and life.
>>>> NFB does not receive any money from Microsoft or Freedom Scientific to
>>>> the best of my knowledge.  Android is accessible and many blind people
>>>> choose Android over Apple and say bad things about Apple.  Android is
>>>> not used as much in education and employment in the U.S. as Apple
>>>> products.  There has been a real push for schools to use Apple
>>>> products because of Apple's commitment to accessibility.  So, NFB is
>>>> asking them to continue to improve.
>>>> As I stated before, this was a resolution passed by the recent
>>>> national convention held in Florida.  I did not attend but if that is
>>>> what the membership who were present believed was important then so be
>>>> it.  I will continue to use and support Apple and hope Apple continues
>>>> their commitment to accessibility as we go forward.
>>>>> On 7/13/14, Joanne Chua <shuang.an...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> It is still doesn't discount the fact that NFB is picking Apple from
>>>>> the rest o the bunsh. If NFB is so interested in promoting
>>>>> accessibility across all platform, why not Microsoft? Why not Google?
>>>>> Why target purely at Apple?
>>>>> So, yes, is that a punishment for Apple from NFB because Apple has
>>>>> been doing so much for the blind community? Or, is that because NFB
>>>>> got some other deals with some other company, like Microsoft or
>>>>> Freedom Scientific that may favouring them financially by
>>>>> promoting/selling their products, so, is okay to target the single
>>>>> company that they might not able to gain something from?
>>>>> If NFB is really looking at the interest of blind people, and their
>>>>> family, won't it be more useful to target other company like Google,
>>>>> with their less than desirable Androy platform than with Apple?
>>>>> My point still stand, why single out and targeting a company, when
>>>>> there are numbers of company that doesn't do as well as Apple.
>>>>> Also, i think NFB have no rights to be the big man, to say, "oh,
>>>>> because we do this, look now, we are doing the world hell lots of
>>>>> favour for the blind." They have no rights, and shouldn't be givin
>>>>> such rights as well.
>>>>> I'm sure VO happen is not because some NFB big guy went to make deals
>>>>> with Apple, and make Apple have that sense of responsibility to have
>>>>> VO available on their products. If NFB is that influencial in the
>>>>> globally,  the "world" will be much more accessible than what it is
>>>>> now.
>>>>>> On 14/07/2014, Marianne Denning <maria...@denningweb.com> wrote:
>>>>>> You do bring up an interesting point.  I don't think your analogy is
>>>>>> too good but Apple is doing a great job.  I don't believe NFB is
>>>>>> punishing Apple.  According to what I read, NFB is trying to work with
>>>>>> Apple to increase the number of accessible apps.  One example is the
>>>>>> Microsoft suite of products.  There may be times when we need to or
>>>>>> want to use a Microsoft product on the Mac but cannot since Microsoft
>>>>>> doesn't have an accessible app.  Apple puts the information out there
>>>>>> on how to make apps voiceover friendly and many companies don't want
>>>>>> to or don't understand the importance of voiceover accessibility.  The
>>>>>> president of NFB wants to work with Apple.  He is not against Apple
>>>>>> products in any way and is pleased with their level of commitment.
>>>>>> Does that mean we need to be happy with what we have even though there
>>>>>> are still many apps that are not accessible?  If it improves
>>>>>> accessibility to voiceover users in the U.S., it is accessible to
>>>>>> voiceover users around the world.  Please read the blog he posted on
>>>>>> this subject.
>>>>>> If you don't know anything about NFB or ACB, they are both
>>>>>> organizations of blind people and their families.  They want to
>>>>>> promote independence for people who are blind and visually impaired.
>>>>>> Both organizations take positions I don't agree with but when we work
>>>>>> together as a group it improves independence for all blind and
>>>>>> visually impaired people.  I hope there are similar organizations in
>>>>>> other countries.
>>>>>>> On 7/13/14, Joanne Chua <shuang.an...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> So Erik, what you are saying is that, when your kid performing very,
>>>>>>> very  well at school, always gets 90 points in every exams,   while
>>>>>>> the rest is hobbing around 30 points, rarely pass the test, is okay
>>>>>>> for the school principle to point your kid out in public, and punish
>>>>>>> your kid by asking him to perform 100% better, and is okay for the
>>>>>>> rest of the school kids staying behind on 30 points mark?
>>>>>>> Or, we got double standard because its NFB, and because its Apple, so,
>>>>>>> hey, who cares about other company, other organization, or even other
>>>>>>> blind people that is not even in America, but could pretty well effect
>>>>>>> by what so call big brother NFB does or doesn't in their policy making
>>>>>>> process?
>>>>>>> Jees, if i'm one of the school kid, i'm very happy to stay on 30%
>>>>>>> points mark, and not performing well, because, look what happen when
>>>>>>> you are on 90%? you got name, you got shame, you got single it out.
>>>>>>> I wonder, is this the pressure and the fear from other company, say
>>>>>>> Freedom Scientific to NFB. When Apple products weren't accessible,
>>>>>>> people rely on conventional screen reader, conventional braille note
>>>>>>> taker to have a life. But now, because of Apple, thanks for Apple,
>>>>>>> blind people have this sudden choice, not rely on an external screen
>>>>>>> reader, and still able to have a life, a well inform life, a better
>>>>>>> life than ever before in the history. Which also means, blind people
>>>>>>> are more than likely to rely on their own, starting to do self
>>>>>>> advocacy more than ever before, and left those organizations like NFB
>>>>>>> behind in the future.
>>>>>>>> On 14/07/2014, erik burggraaf <e...@erik-burggraaf.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Naming a company does not necessarily imply targeting them.  There are
>>>>>>>> sound
>>>>>>>> economic reasons for starting with apple.
>>>>>>>> 1, they are the lear in the field of mobile accessibility right now.
>>>>>>>> Lots
>>>>>>>> of players, only one leader, ...apple,  a p p l e.
>>>>>>>> 2, Apple products are used daily in classrooms from at least grade two
>>>>>>>> right
>>>>>>>> through university.  They are prominat  in government.  This isn't true
>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>> any other company.  Blackberry has a lot of government market share but
>>>>>>>> nothing in education, and almost nothing in employment.  Android may be
>>>>>>>> bigger in employment over all than apple, but androide started much
>>>>>>>> later
>>>>>>>> than apple and has only one truely comparable accessibility feature
>>>>>>>> namely
>>>>>>>> talkback A lot of disabled people who would get an android for work as
>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>> matter of course are getting apple because the accessibility suite is
>>>>>>>> frankly more robust than that on android.
>>>>>>>> OK, I think the discussions should include android.  I also think they
>>>>>>>> should include disability advocacy groups besides the blind.  But I
>>>>>>>> don't
>>>>>>>> see any one targeting anyone else here.  Past experience
>>>>>>>> not-with-standing,
>>>>>>>> this idea that the NFB will somehow bombard apple into enforcing
>>>>>>>> accessibility standards is ludacris.
>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>>>>>>> The great amazon gift card giveaway begins friday june eleventh at 5
>>>>>>>> pm!
>>>>>>>> The more who donate, the more chances there will be to win!  Click here
>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>> detales.
>>>>>>>> http://www.fundme.com/en/projects/6287-Orientation-and-mobility-training-for-the-blind
>>>>>>>> On 2014-07-13, at 6:12 PM, David Chittenden <dchitten...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> When a resolution singles out one specific company by name, this means
>>>>>>>>> that one specific company is being targeted! If the resolution was
>>>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>>>> multiple companies being approached for increasing accessibility, it
>>>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>>> have said so.
>>>>>>>>> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
>>>>>>>>> Email: dchitten...@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
>>>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>>>>> On 14 Jul 2014, at 10:03, Marianne Denning <maria...@denningweb.com>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I also think it makes sense to push the one that is most accessible.
>>>>>>>>>> Some of the others make it very clear they just don't care.  Apple
>>>>>>>>>> believes we are a market.  Apple, like all other companies, is about
>>>>>>>>>> making a profit.
>>>>>>>>>> We give them our loyalty but ask them to do more.  They have chosen
>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>> tightly control all apps by requiring us to get them from the app
>>>>>>>>>> store so they need to work to be as accessible as possible.  I
>>>>>>>>>> believe
>>>>>>>>>> more pressure needs to be put on other companies too so come up with
>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>> resolution to address that in whatever organization you are active
>>>>>>>>>> with. We, as individuals, benefit from working together as a group.
>>>>>>>>>> The viphone list is a great example of working together as a group
>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>> this group has gotten out good information to developers who create
>>>>>>>>>> accessible apps.  Many members of this group are members of a
>>>>>>>>>> national
>>>>>>>>>> organization too so work through that organization to influence
>>>>>>>>>> companies.
>>>>>>>>>>> On 7/13/14, erik burggraaf <e...@erik-burggraaf.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I didn't read anything about targetting in the resolution.  Show me
>>>>>>>>>>> where
>>>>>>>>>>> that line is please?
>>>>>>>>>>> Apple has the broadest user base in the access technology market
>>>>>>>>>>> when
>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>> comes to mobile.  Apple is also well recognized in education,
>>>>>>>>>>> government,
>>>>>>>>>>> and employment sectors.  Samsung is a great accessibility company.
>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>> don't
>>>>>>>>>>> see why this resolution shouldn't apply to them except that they
>>>>>>>>>>> don't
>>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>> their own app distrobution model.  Android is on the rise and has a
>>>>>>>>>>> good
>>>>>>>>>>> following and I think this conversation should be taken to them.  In
>>>>>>>>>>> fact,
>>>>>>>>>>> so it is.  Ensuring that apps offer a minimum level of accessibility
>>>>>>>>>>> benefits all disability groups, not just ours.  I think its a dialog
>>>>>>>>>>> that a
>>>>>>>>>>> lot of disability organizations should be having with apple and with
>>>>>>>>>>> eachother.
>>>>>>>>>>> I don't see apple being targetted here, and I don't see apple being
>>>>>>>>>>> intimidated even if they did feel targetted.
>>>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>>>>>>>>>> The great amazon gift card giveaway begins friday june eleventh at 5
>>>>>>>>>>> pm!
>>>>>>>>>>> The more who donate, the more chances there will be to win!  Click
>>>>>>>>>>> here
>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>> detales.
>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.fundme.com/en/projects/6287-Orientation-and-mobility-training-for-the-blind
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 2014-07-13, at 3:44 PM, David Chittenden <dchitten...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Maybe it is because the NFB is specifically targeting only the
>>>>>>>>>>>> company
>>>>>>>>>>>> that is doing the most for accessibility and ignoring the companies
>>>>>>>>>>>> they
>>>>>>>>>>>> should be targeting, such as Microsoft, Google, Sony, Panasonic,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Cisco,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sharp, Samsung, and so forth.
>>>>>>>>>>>> You do not encourage accessibility by targeting the most accessible
>>>>>>>>>>>> company.
>>>>>>>>>>>> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
>>>>>>>>>>>> Email: dchitten...@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>>> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 14 Jul 2014, at 4:13, erik burggraaf <e...@erik-burggraaf.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Isn't the very point of the NFB to advocate?  IE, make change for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> better?  IE, make companies like apple do things they wouldn't
>>>>>>>>>>>>> normally
>>>>>>>>>>>>> do by the use of resolution, discussion, policy positions and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> demonstration of the user demand for such change?  THe NFB seems
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> me
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> be doing what an advocacy organization does.  I don't understand
>>>>>>>>>>>>> why
>>>>>>>>>>>>> any
>>>>>>>>>>>>> one has a problem with this.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The great amazon gift card giveaway begins friday june eleventh at
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5
>>>>>>>>>>>>> pm!
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The more who donate, the more chances there will be to win!  Click
>>>>>>>>>>>>> here
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for detales.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.fundme.com/en/projects/6287-Orientation-and-mobility-training-for-the-blind
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 2014-07-12, at 11:36 PM, "Littlefield, Tyler"
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <ty...@tysdomain.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm writing this from a sock-footed perspective, so take that for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it's worth...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> None of this is "hate" directed at NFB. I don't agree with their
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> philosophy. I don't believe that one organization should have the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> power
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to "resolve" to make a company like Apple do anything. This isn't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> matter of ACB vs NFB or AFB or anything, it's a matter of what I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> believe
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is right. I don't believe that an organization should speak for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> entire blind population. Further, I don't believe that any
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> organization
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should be so arrogant as to award a company, then expect them to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> show
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> up, as if it's an honor to receive that award. I don't understand
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> how
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NFB thinks it has the right to force this on anyone, much less
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> why
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they're only targetting apple for this. I also don't understand
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they hope to accomplish. Sure there are unaccessible apps out
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that number is dwindling. Advocacy and work with the developers
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> apps is generally plenty to make people want to make their
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> applications
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> accessible. Not always, but enforcing accessibility guidelines
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> forcing an entire OS to conform to those guidelines when it would
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> probably mean changing the user experience for everyone else is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ludicrous.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You brought up the 2009 article: why should we thank NFB for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> appologising for something they never should have published in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> first
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> place?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm not sure where this will lead. I think that work with apple
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> developers and perhaps work under the hood to the native controls
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> make more of a difference. Perhaps developers can choose to have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> these
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> checks enabled, and these checks can insure that specific labels
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> set, etc etc which would generally make the app more accessible.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also up to the developer, but it would greatly help I think in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> targetting exactly what needs to be done.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 7/12/2014 11:15 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Okay.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am changing the subject because I think it's high time I said
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> something.  I well remember how many Mac users strongly
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> criticized
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NFB for their June 2009 Braille Monitor article on Voice Over.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> criticism was fully justified:  let there be no doubt about
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the other hand, how many Mac users gave the NFB credit for the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> retraction printed in the December 2009 Monitor article?  Not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> many
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seem to recall.  Look, it's your business whether or not you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hate
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NFB and I cannot change your minds about that.  I'm not even
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> going
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> try.  But, frankly, I think it's very shallow minded to have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kind
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of hatred controlling the issue when what we need to do is have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> balanced and mature conversation.  Hate us all you want:  but,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> remember, there are NFB members who use Macs and iPHones and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Apple products too.  For what it may be worth, I do not hate
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anyone
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the ACB.  Why should I?  They've never done anything to me to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> merit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> such hatred.  I would add this.  My own state, Louisiana, voted
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> against
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the resolution at the convention this year.  This somewhat took
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> me
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> by
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> surprise.  I did not expect that to happen, but it did.  Look,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> who
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are NFB members and who use our Apple products love them as much
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do.  I know that, for myself, I will never touch windows again.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'd
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sooner be without a computer totally than to do that.  I do not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> believe
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it is at all reasonable to ask the current generation to bear
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hatreds of the past.  1961 is long gone:  as the hatred of those
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> days
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should also be.  Condemn what I say if you wish:  (That's your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> right.):
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but, just bear in mind that the only one being effected by your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hatred
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of people like me is yourself.  I don't hate you.  You see, it's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> frightfully simple.  Those who hate you don't win unless you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hate
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> them.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have what ever feelings you choose towards me and what I say:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bear in mind that we really need to rise above such things and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> continue
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to help each other with Apple product issues.  After all, is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the principal purpose of this list?  When I first joined, I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> received
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> much good help from the members of this list.  I would hate to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> depart
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from this list over feelings of bitterness and hatred with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> respect
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> either to the ACB or NFB.  No.  I cannot change how you feel:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> frankly, I'd prefer a gentler tone.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Constantly Barefooted Ray, Still a very happy Mac and iphone
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> user!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> blind built-in!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jul 12, 2014, at 9:57 PM, David Chittenden
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <dchitten...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is probably more like, NFB attempted to dialogue with Apple.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Apple
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rebuffed NFB, like Apple rebuffs any organization doing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> something
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> similar. NFB passes a resolution which they can then take back
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Apple and say, See, the blind are behind us because we are the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> blind
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and this resolution was passed at our convention, so you really
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> need
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to dialogue with us.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What will be the result? Apple will again rebuff NFB, just like
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Apple
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rebuffs any organization attempting such an approach. NFB may
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> well
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> become in-sensed again and we will see some form of tantrum
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NFB.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As I recall, when Apple did not send an official representative
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NFB
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> National Convention to receive the awards NFB gave Apple, a few
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> months
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> later articles appeared in the Braille Monitor proving how
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> horrible
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VoiceOver was on the Mac. Yes, I suspect NFB will do something
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> idiotic this time when their scheme does not work yet again.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Email: dchitten...@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 13 Jul 2014, at 13:57, Tristan <theblinddj...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I feel the need to point out this article:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://nfb.org/blog/vonb-blog/comments-apple-and-nfb-resolution-2014-12
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This gives me a largely new prospective on this; I was really
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inclined
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to agree with everyone's opinions on this at first, but it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> honestly
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> looks like they're trying to work with, and not threaten Apple
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> core of the resolution.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If this link has been posted prior, I apologize, but thought
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'd
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> share.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> While I do think it's an unnecessary step, it does not look
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> slap in the face to apple nor a step backwards. It's something
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> personally wouldn't care about and probably wouldn't pay
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> attention
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> because I'm comfortable with the way apps are handled on both
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mac
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> iOS.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 7/12/14, Karen Lewellen <klewel...@shellworld.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I cannot imagine it being about anything else but nfb getting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> money
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> exchange for building in limitations.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Granted I make no secret of choosing my own dictionary.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But why on earth in the 21st century is anyone still
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> worshiping
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the nfb
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> altar anyway?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So they pass a resolution...and?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The only reason apple feels they must entertain them, is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> because
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> customers do not indicate they have minds imaginations and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interests
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> their own.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a bunch of people gave this organization power, those same
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> people,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> who BTW
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have within  themselves the ability to write their own
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dictionaries
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> blindness and anything else, can tell  the nfb they have out
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> grown
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> need for such a body anymore.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I simply do not understand why one conformity is exchanged
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> another, one
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> person's ideas of limitations exchanged for those the nfb
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> create
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> their mindset.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kare
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 12 Jul 2014, Littlefield, Tyler wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Karen:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I fully agree. It really does feel like we're slapping Apple
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> face,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> forcing them to conform. I really really hope this doesn't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> work,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> because
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> going to create a huge mess and totally redefine apps. Not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everything is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> accessible but that really is fine with me; usually I can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> find
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> app that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is. It's what happens when you use anything, really. My
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thoughts
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mainly
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> money based: how much money will NFB get for consulting for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> something like
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this, and secondly how is this trash going to redefine apps
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> iPhone?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's not going to be all that hard for NFB to use their
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> power
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> force
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> things
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> into IOS/apps that don't need to be there, force things out,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> etc.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 7/12/2014 9:25 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Let me see if I understand this.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Apple who has built in innovation on its own must discuss
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nfb
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> how
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to now limit that innovation to fit the nfb's one size fits
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> definition
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of blindness? as in all blind people are interchangeable,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nfb
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the only source to  tell you how to find a plug and play
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> blind
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> person
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> by
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which you measure what works for them...all 400 plus
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> million
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> them?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I wonder how much money they plan on extorting for this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dialog?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Not only should it be a blanket resolution, BTW android
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> phones
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> most popular in use now  according to annual surveys,  but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dialog
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should involve many organizations, and a group of apple
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> customers
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> who
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not members of a consumer organization whatsoever.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The very suggestion that a single body is in a position to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> speak
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> every
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> child born of women who happens to have the label blind
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> attached
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> them
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is a stereotypes that really needs to end. otherwise the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> individuality
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that is  the rich experience of redefining blindness is not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> going
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> exist
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for the millions who need not buy the nfb line to live
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> freely
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inclusively.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Why does the nfb not spend its energy training software
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> developers
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> who
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> their one size fits all blindness box?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Many companies besides Apple would get the benefits that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> way.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just my take,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Karen
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 12 Jul 2014, Pamela Francis wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I personally am not in favor of this resolution; not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> because
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> don't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> want accessibility. Apple took the lead in making its
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> products
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> accessible without government or organizational
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intervention.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Microsoft,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on the other hand, allowed third-party vendors to do its
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> work
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> within
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> accessibility. Google, though it has come along way, still
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> does
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> want
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to adhere to its own standards unless it is pressed.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If there was a resolution to be had, it should've been a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> blanket
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> resolution for all companies dealing with accessibility.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Picking
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Apple, is as if we as a blind community are slapping it in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> face
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> given that it has continued its efforts to remain
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> accessible.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> understand the need for utilitarian apps such as maps,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> transit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> maps,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> notes, lists, etc. to remain accessible as they are a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> necessary
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> function
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in normal life. However, just to use as an example I don't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> necessarily
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> need Angry Birds to be accessible for my benefit nor do I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> need
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> threatened to be kicked from the app store due to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inaccessibility
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the sake of millions of people who enjoy it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As we continue to strive for accessibility in all areas,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> need
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a bully to the company that went out of its way to make
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> its
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> products
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> accessible from the beginning.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We also do not need to be put into a societal box allowing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> electronics
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> manufacturers, appliance manufacturers, and the general
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> public
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> believe that all we are capable of is operating an iPhone.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cusp of choice. We have fought for choice  for a long
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> type
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a resolution makes us look  militant and  ungrateful. What
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fair for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> one company is fair for all.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pam Francis
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jul 12, 2014, at 9:28 AM, Terje Strømberg
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <terjestrmb...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The NFB Resolution is very important for all blind and low
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vision
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> over the world. We all want accessible digital future.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A link to a comment from the president in NFB:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://nfb.org/blog/vonb-blog/comments-apple-and-nfb-resolution-2014-12
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Take care
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Take care,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ty
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://tds-solutions.net
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fool; he
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dares not reason is a slave.
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Take care,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ty
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://tds-solutions.net
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fool;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> he
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that dares not reason is a slave.
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>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Marianne Denning, TVI, MA
>>>>>>>>>> Teacher of students who are blind or visually impaired
>>>>>>>>>> (513) 607-6053
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>>>>>> Marianne Denning, TVI, MA
>>>>>> Teacher of students who are blind or visually impaired
>>>>>> (513) 607-6053
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>>>> Marianne Denning, TVI, MA
>>>> Teacher of students who are blind or visually impaired
>>>> (513) 607-6053
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