
You seem to have a fixation with fecal matter & the orifice from which it 
proceeds.  Possibly some counseling would help with the issues you seem to be 
exhibiting.  Or, possibly you’re already under a physician’s care & just need 
to modify your pharmaceutical regiment.  Lastly, I suppose, you could be in 
need of an exorcist’s professional attention.  

But, never-the-less, you might want to consider the concept that even if you 
don’t agree with some of the views expressed in response to your original 
posts, you are probably alienating people who—sooner or later—might be in a 
position to help you with a Apple product related problems.  Or, you might 
consider the idea that your offensiveness is just juvenile & tiresome.  Lastly, 
while a moderator seems to be absent, I believe that everyone would just be 
better off to ignore any of your posts.  I sincerely hope that you will come to 
the realization that your not funny, just sad & annoying.


P.S. Don’t bother replying, as I won’t be reading it.

> On Mar 28, 2015, at 11:21 AM, mário navarro <> wrote:
> yes, i know.
> put a microphone in the ass, and connect to your   mouth, and call the 
> moderators.
> fuck you, piece of shit ...
> Em 28/03/2015 17:53, David Griffith escreveu:
>> Does anybody know how to contact moderators  on this list?
>> David Griffith
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