My 2 cents worth:

Sorry in advance for any generalisation :)

I think that if any person feels confident with their own knoledge
base on a subject they will probably attempt to dominate the conversation.

An example of this (to contradict my husband Simon earlier - who said he
tends to dominate our conversations at home) is that I tend to dominate
the medical conversations because that is my area of expertise.

I have noticed that Simon will *most of the time* wait for me to answer
any medical questions.

Whereas Simon has a larger UNIX knowledge base and tends to dominate
dominate the UNIX discussions.

It is all a comfort zone issue and relates to each person's knoledge on
a certain subject as well as the willingness of the other person in the
conversation to interject.

On my part I interject if I feel I am confident / have enough of a knoledge
base within a subject.  Ie if someone can tell the story better because they
know more - leave them to it.

I know the shared interests / knowledge in our household *on occaseion* leads
to my husband and I both attempting to dominate a conversation *grin*.

The point of my rant - domination is closely linked with knolege and
personal comfort zones.



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