> We BOTH hated it. Then we found out that he was assuming I'd interrupt
> him if I had something to say, and *I* was assuming that he'd leave me
> space to speak in.
When my SO & I were starting out, I'd get so bored because I never had
a chance to speak during any heated discussion. I'm from a very mellow,
non-confrontational family, and never learned how to interupt.
So I learned.
> The balance has become pretty good - we have a good group of mixed-
> gender people
Judging by a comment on the Sphere list regarding the amount of
crossover between Sphere and LinuxChix, we probably do have
a good group of mixed-gender people... as well as plenty of women
and men.
But I don't think that's what you meant. ^_^
A Kozic | The way you live without gender is you
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | look for where gender is, and then you
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | go someplace else. --Kate Bornstein
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