On Tue, 20 Mar 2001, Rick Scott wrote:
> Anyway, part of the reason that I bring this up is because I feel as
> though I've been doing a whole heck of a lot of the posting to
> techtalk lately. [1] I'm pretty new here, and don't have a lot
> of historical perspective - what does everyone think about the
> balance and flavour of the linuxchix lists? How about online
> female-centric or gender-equitable fora on the whole..?
Hi Rick,
It doesn't seem to me that you're dominating the techtalk
conversation--it's cool you're aware that some guys do this kind of
thing. You seem pretty conscientious about it, and you're not
patronizing towards the women on this list, so I wouldn't worry about
it--to me, tech advice is good no matter who it comes from, anyway. :)
I'm new here too. I mostly just lurk on any other newsgroups, mailing
lists, or message boards I frequent, and the only specifically female
lists I'm on are women's health and contraception lists, where there are
almost no men at all. On a side note, I would bet there's probably quite
a few women on lists dealing with prostate trouble or erectile
dysfunction--that's something to think about.
I sometimes visit the WomanGamers.com site, and I haven't noticed if there
was a message board there, but women who write articles for the site say
that when they are on irc, for example, or anywhere else the
WomanGamers.com site gets mentioned, some guys are pretty hostile about
it, even though, like LinuxChix, men are welcome, and welcome to write
articles too. I wish I could get these guys to understand that really the
only reason why women start groups like this is because they feel excluded
from 'general' groups--they just don't get it. :(
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