On Wed, 28 Mar 2001, Ms. Piglet wrote:
> I don't tend to gravitate to women in car sales (I'll pretty much talk to
> the first sales person who comes up to me), but I *will* leave a dealership
> where *I* am the one who first talks to them, *I* am the one who asks
> questions, and the sales person either talks past me to give the answers to
> my question to my husband, or ignores me or talks down to me and assumes
> that spouse has the only questions that matter.
This happens to me *alllll* the time. Well, lots of the time. My
boyfriend was actually the first to notice this, not me--he had
experienced this with other female friends, and told me stories about
it, so I became conscious of it myself. This stiuation happens with *both*
male and female salespeople when shopping for all kinds of things.
I was at the cable/phone company, paying my phone bill, when I saw some
advertising about their cable modem special. I talked about it with the
female salesperson, asking questions about prices and such, and decided to
get the service. She was attentive and focused on me, answering my
questions, and seemed to accept I had quite a bit of technical
knowledge--or at least to some extent she did. She asked me if my
computer had a ethernet card, I said it didn't. She asked "are you sure it
doesn't have a ethernet card?" I was starting to say that it didn't have a
ethernet card again, when the male friend who was with me (and had been
quiet the whole time, not asking her any questions) started to say
something (probably something about going to buy a network card, I think),
and she abruptly turned to him and said "Does the computer have a ethernet
card?", and I interjected "No, it doesn't--I know exactly what's in that
computer; I built it myself". That sure was satisfying. :)
> It's kind of amusing as an event, actually, because spouse is extremely
> aware and supportive.....he'll give them one chance: "Sir, I'm not the one
> talking to you" and if they don't get it right quick, he just looks at me
> and says "Shall we go?"
My boyfriend does this too--he just grins and says "Don't ask me--she's
the one with the money". They usually get quiet for a split second, and
then start talking to me. I actually think it's pretty funny most of the
time and get a big kick out of it...
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