I guess maybe men are interrupt driven on the hardware layer? ;)
Or is it the OS and ManOS is pre-emptive while WomanOS is cooperative?
I just haven't figured out how we can also be multi-threaded since, 
god knows, I've had many a boyfriend roll his eyes in exasperation 
when I'd pick right back up on an earlier piece of conversation as 
though it had never stopped. ;)

First post and I can't be serious... a tragic flaw in my I/O.

>  > To that extent, it's been somewhat helpful, but not as much as
>>  I expected.  Mainly, I think, it's because I see women asking
>>  questions and guys answering... and they're still the experts...
>>  It's hard to summarize though because there just hasn't been
>>  that much traffic.
>I've a tendancy to not-answer unless I am absolutely certain I
>know the answer, or there's not been an answer for 12 hours or so.
>So if the guys don't have those hesitations, and other women do
>the same thing I do... that's why it seems to be guys answering.
>Can anyone explain to me why I do that?
>Jenn V.
* Bitch Operator From Hell *
* http://www.BiOFH.org     *

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