On Wed, Mar 21, 2001 at 07:41:11AM +0100, Gina Lanik wrote:
> On Wed, 21 Mar 2001 09:03:08 +1100, Mary Gardiner writes:
> >I must say I'm surprising at the lack of 'Hey chix wanna get some' posts
> >- have these people ever appeared on Linuxchix?
> um, one place I encounter this behaviour every now and then is on IRC -
> the male beings around here in vienna.at (job, friends, etc.) have
> never actually discouraged me or even let loose such statements, quite
> the opposite! the LUG meeting I'm going to tonight is a good example -
> I'm one of two linuxchix hanging out there frequently and we only got
> positive feedback as to our love for *nix, programming, etc.
I don't encounter it in person or at LUGs either, but I have seen it on
Slashdot, and stories about Linuxchix have appeared on /., so I
Mary Gardiner
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