in the journal of economic literature in either winter or spring 1996 or 
1997 has an interesting symposium on the pay difference between men and 
women. it contains 4 abstracts-articles with topics ranging from 
socio-economic reasons to an economic model that includes sociological 
variables like the propensity to want to have a baby, the convience of a 
job that can be flexible if having a family, ect... the sex breakdown of 
the authors are 3:1 (men:women) and it is a very interesting collection of 
academic writing.

when i did my thesis on this very subject. i had a very hard time grappling 
with the fact that companies already of a premonition /prejudgement on the 
fact that women are more likely to leave because of their "need or want to 
have a child" or that women "can feel their biological clocks ticking". 
because of this "fact" or belief many men are reluctant to promote a women 
because of the short life span her career may have due to this "need". i 
suggest all of you check out the symposium. it is an easy enough read for a 
non-economist (it isn't core economics heavy).

//amanda yee
BS economics, the ohio state university '00

At 05:03 PM 8/3/00, you wrote:
>*Cut & Pasted from w
>Study finds explanation for pay disparity between men and women*
>04.08.2000 06:15
>The pay disparity between men and women may be due to the choices women 
>make, rather than discrimination in the workforce.
>Stephen Summers from Massey University has found that while women may earn 
>less over their entire careers than men, it is not necessarily due to a 
>lack of fairness.
>Mr Summers says a main contributing factor for apparent pay inequality is 
>that women tend to choose an occupation for job satisfaction, rather than 
>because it is highly paid.
>He says another reason women earn less over their working life is that 
>they are more likely to have broken their career for family reasons.
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