On Tue, Aug 08, 2000 at 02:33:57AM +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I'll be there lobbying for that when men are home doing half the
> > housework and childcare and aren't referred to as babysitting their
> > own kids when the mom is out and take days off of work because their
> > kids are sick.  Then maybe they will deserve to have custody.
> Start lobbying.
> Ok, not all men - but some. My brother, for instance.

And my boyfriend. Although not much. Just as much as I do (messy messy
messy house, too many computers and pizza boxes, too little space).

Interestingly, he was scared of cooking. My mother cooks at home (I moved
out when I was 17 to go to uni 300k away), and so I just assumed that it
was something that would happen for me when I wanted it to. He saw it as
something scary and out there. I see this actually as a reasonably
powerful demonstration of socialisation in my own life.

But now he cooks more often than I do, when I'm coding (even though
he codes too). And washes up.

Anyway, I think stuff like this is improving.


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