[ Annette, You received this post and not the list. Sorry. My fault. abs ]

Annette Stroud wrote:

> > > The fact is that women PENALIZE THEMSELVES and that it is, to a large
> > > degree, a choice.
> >
> > The context of your statement is subtle. Would you please expand on this?
> By marrying and having children, women voluntarily eschew
> economic rewards, even though no such sacrifice is called for on
> the part of men for making the same decisions.
> Pretty bloody clear we are doing it to ourselves.
> Annette

Hmmm. This sounds like a pointer to a problem with the institution of marriage. Now 
THAT is an interesting subject.  All cultures through time have [had] some ceremony by 
which two individuals are bonded to each other. Do you think humanity's
'global' culture (did I say global?) is growing away from single partner marriages? In 
the United States I think marriage is still seen as a hierarchical structure. The 
keyword is, of course, hierarchy. Must such an institution, if it exists, be
hierarchical? There are other social and economic factors--of which I'm not well 
versed--that would enforce this hierarchy, at leas in the United States.

What I'm getting at is that there is little reason to load balance the rearing of 
children (it seems to me). Unless, the parents are agreeing to share and meter the 
results and adjust accordingly. I know there are many families that do this. The
primary reason this occurs, I /think/, is because two people agree to it. There is 
little support from most work environments for fathers to be fathers. Working mothers, 

This is the first time I've really thought about this, so please be gentle when 
correcting facts and recognizing opinion.


Alexander Sendzimir               "You're a person, not a user."
Digitally Inclined
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