On Mon, 7 Aug 2000, lou wrote:

> "believe that nurture (vs. nature) reigns supreme. I do believe that we can
> overcome the handicaps of how we were raised"
> The point is that there is a handicap on how we were raised and if you
> have been able to do that, good for you, not everyone has the
> resources to do that.

No, you'd rather be a downtrodden soul, right? Or am I missing something?
> "women create sexism as much, if not more, than men do"  Here is that
> buying into our own oppression I was talking about.  The patriarchal
> system has been here for well over a thousand years and you blame
> women for it? 

Yes. Without their participation it wouldn't have happened. Sorry, that's
the way it is. Who performs genital mutilations in Africa? Hint: it's not
the men.

> But the belief that women cause sexism allows the blame to fall on
> women and not where it belongs, it is a smoke screen to maintain the
> status quo. Less than 200 years ago it was believed that if a woman
> was educated her womb would atrophy so women weren't educated.

As long as you believe that BLAME is necessary,  the problem won't get
solved. That's my point. Let's realize that both men AND women are
responsible for sexism, stop the finger-pointing and STOP BEHAVING IN A
SEXIST manner.

> "When women lobby so that men will have a shot of getting custody as
> often or to send women to the sanctions they'd gladly send men to for
> failure to pay child support "
> I'll be there lobbying for that when men are home doing half the
> housework and childcare and aren't referred to as babysitting their
> own kids when the mom is out and take days off of work because their
> kids are sick.  Then maybe they will deserve to have custody.



In my book, no sexism is OK, not even yours. Until we have people willing
to admit that individuals, not classes of people, are sexist and help
them learn to correct their behaviors, we will just have a society of
children in aging bodies.

_Deirdre   *   http://www.sfknit.org   *   http://www.deirdre.net
"We can always count on the British. Except for the Revolutionary War
they've been perfect." -- Mel Brooks, on the first Concorde flight since 
the Paris crash.

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