Messages by Thread
Processed: Triage for #280696
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#277832: #277832 - xterm: copy/paste of non-ISO-8859-1 characters between uxterm windows malfunctions
Thomas Dickey
Xabre SiS 330 (xserver-xfree86 4.2.1-15)
Michelle Konzack
X Strike Force XFree86 SVN commit: r2036 - trunk/debian
X Strike Force SVN Repository Admin
X Strike Force XFree86 SVN commit: r2037 - branches/ubuntu/debian
X Strike Force SVN Repository Admin
Bug#281504: [FAQ] More information for left-handed X user
X Strike Force XFree86 SVN commit: r2038 - branches/ubuntu/debian
X Strike Force SVN Repository Admin
Bug#282401: xserver-xfree86: segfault at startup (when loading module pcidata?)
Admar Schoonen
Bug#279245: #279245 - different "Large" font sizes for utf-8 and not
Thomas Dickey
Bug#282341: /usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86: XFree86 can't found us_intl keymap
Bug#165134: Is This Stock Ready to Blaze Higher?
Jacob Davison
Bug#166515: The Next Gangbuster Growth Stock?
Olive Y. Simon, V
Bug#11147: Download Free Music. Now You Can Too. Stop Paying For Your Music. - lumberman
Better than Napster
Bug#166335: Newsletter for November 2004
Jamaal Quick
Bug#278724: Info received (was Bug#278724: [nv] system hang when using gv, xmms, or lopster on NV5 [Aladdin TNT2] rev 0x20)
Bug#24192: Amazing deals on Software
Software Clearance Sale
Bug#22506: Amazing deals on Software
Software Deals
Bug#11147: Amazing deals on Software
Software Holiday Sale
Bug#116507: Software from MicroSoft, Adobe, MacroMedia and others
Great Software Deals
Bug#126519: SAVE 200% on soft-ware
Great Software Deals
Bug#56179: Get Free Retail Software! Truly Amazing
Software Deals
Bug#282189: xserver-xfree86: Locks up computer upon start with Radeon 9600.
Nils Nordman
Bug#6682: Fix yourself, First.
Nigel Barton
Bug#45291: catch
Maxine Vaughn
Bug#11147: diffuse
Sherman Wilkes
Bug#56179: as
Steven Corcoran
X Strike Force XFree86 SVN commit: r2035 - in trunk/debian: . patches
X Strike Force SVN Repository Admin
Bug#282080: xserver-xfree86: [i740] X cursor not updated correctly
Rudolf Dovicin
Bug#282035: xserver-xfree86: [kbd] Logitech "Internet Navigator Special Edition" / "Elite" USB Keyboard missing 4 buttons
Chris Boyle
X Strike Force XFree86 SVN commit: r2034 - in branches/ubuntu/debian: . patches
X Strike Force SVN Repository Admin
X Strike Force XFree86 SVN commit: r2033 - in branches/ubuntu-warty/debian: . patches
X Strike Force SVN Repository Admin
X Strike Force XFree86 SVN commit: r2032 - branches
X Strike Force SVN Repository Admin
Processed: tagging 279436
Debian Bug Tracking System
X Strike Force XFree86 SVN commit: r2031 - in trunk/debian: . patches
X Strike Force SVN Repository Admin
Bug#281885: Caught signal 11. Server aborting
Olaf Zaplinski
Bug#6682: Now,low fees, low interest rates- tallyho crumple
Cool Payments NewsLetters
Bug#204243: marked as done (xlibmesa-dri: [radeon_dri] SIGILL with Radeon 7500 on IBM Thinkpad R40 (2722))
Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: Re: Bug#204243: XFree DRI error with radeon 7500
Debian Bug Tracking System
X Strike Force XFree86 SVN commit: r2030 - trunk/debian
X Strike Force SVN Repository Admin
Bug#126519: Take advantage of low interest-rates!
Marc Echols
Greg Orlowski
Bug#24192: Fw: coniferous
Alyson Simpson
enforcing xautolock
martin f krafft
Bug#6682: dwarf
Beatrice Gorman
Bug#45291: orthodontic
Amelia Hickey
Bug#116507: eminent
Lori Esposito
Bug#11147: shied
Devon Boston
Bug#11147: distributive
Kathie Hobson
Bug#116507: freeport
Elma Chavez
Bug#126519: aforementioned
Jamel Combs
X Strike Force XFree86 SVN commit: r2029 - in trunk/debian: . scripts
X Strike Force SVN Repository Admin
X Strike Force XFree86 SVN commit: r2028 - trunk/debian
X Strike Force SVN Repository Admin
X Strike Force XFree86 SVN commit: r2027 - in trunk/debian: . local
X Strike Force SVN Repository Admin
Bug#281518: No way to configure X left-handed mouse (xmodmap, gpm)
Bug#281504: [FAQ] More information for left-handed X users
Bug#281439: xserver-xfree86: lockup with linux 2.6.9 using mplayer
Marton Illes
Bug#45291: he said you rpaed him
Ashlee Lake
Bug#121297: xlibs: German ibook-layout, please apply at least partially
Helge Kreutzmann
Bug#165134: why did you tell eevyrobdy i had adis?
Steve Grace
Bug#11147: cehck it out!
Emile Dickinson
Bug#165619: i gtota kon.w..
Duncan Dominguez
Bug#166515: are you raelly seeing smobeody esle?
Erika Wheeler
error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/xbase_clients_4.1.0_16woody4_i386. deb
Vander Poorten Emmanuel B.
Bug#116507: hubbabubba
Davis Magee
Bug#11147: what are you up to?
Gonzalo Gunn
Bug#126519: Hi
Salvador Santos
Bug#275735: xserver-xfree86-dbg: Removing DRI module does not help
Frederic Lehobey
Bug#281286: xserver-xfree86: Starting X with USB mouse unpluged hardlocks system when Option "AGPMode" "4" used.
Slaven Peles
Bug#281203: SEGV in XftCharIndex at "if (!font->hash_value) return 0"
Bug#11147: Announcement
Anika Greenhill
Bug#166335: did I send this to you?
Kraig Domenico
Bug#278724: [nv] system hang when using gv, xmms, or lopster on NV5 [Aladdin TNT2] rev 0x20
current support for intel i82915G
Fabrice LORRAIN (home)
Bug#45291: Fwd: what is this?
Bartlet Mccarthy
Processed: why this is tagged experimental?
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#281050: xserver-common: [i810] Memory leak
Piotr Roszatycki
Bug#56179: Announcement
Meaghan Peacock
Bug#281025: a cursor theme package should be included in deb
Bug#126519: Fw: nowhere
Tyson Haines
Bug#116507: Fw: plutarch
Miriam Olson
Bug#176091: marked as done (xserver-xfree86: [ati/radeon] accelerated curved line segments drawn incorrectly on Radeon VE QY rev 0)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: reassign 280971 to xserver-xfree86
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#22506: increased salary with ph.d/degree/diploma
Newsletter Higher Education
Bug#116507: College Degree from home - codfish
Online Degrees November Newsletter
Bug#11147: Fw: Impress your friends with your new Diploma
Educational Newsletter
Bug#11147: Everybody qualify for our Degrees - noticeable
Higher Education Newsletter
Bug#126519: You went to school and got no diploma? We can fix that..
Higher Education Newsletter
Bug#6682: man's face assumed a
Bug#11147: Qualifying Amount inside
Eye-Loans Inc.
Processed: tagging 280872
Debian Bug Tracking System
Mister T
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