On Mon, Dec 13, 2004 at 11:25:29PM +0100, Frederic Lehobey wrote:
> After a few hours of X running, it seems actually that both removing
> the xlibmesa-dri and disabling the DRI in the X server configuration
> prevents the occurence of the lockup (I am still setting memory
> limitation to 128 Mb as explained previously).  I cannot be completely
> sure as I have no reproducible way to trigger the problem (but I do
> not recall the machine having run that long flawlessly).  I will
> perform the same tests with the -9 packages as soon as they hit my
> mirror.

Michel, I have to admit I'm a little surprised by this.

What precisely does disabling the "DRI" module in the XF86Config-4
accomplish that making the DRI modules unavailable by removing the
xlibmesa-dri package doesn't?

If I had to guess, I'd say that codepaths usually found in XFree86's
driver/$FOO/FOO_dri.c don't get followed.  And in that case, any bug which
doesn't go away when xlibmesa-dri is removed but does when the "DRI" module
is disables properly belongs in the xserver-xfree86 package.

Does setting LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1 do anything distinguishable from
removing the xlibmesa-dri package?  If so, can you propose a debugging
order for seemingly DRI-related problems?  Maybe the following:

  1) try to repro with LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1
  2) try to repro with xlibmesa-dri removed
  3) try to repro with 'Load "DRI"' commented out of XF86Config-4


Thanks for your help in understanding these pretty basic issues.

G. Branden Robinson                |    When we call others dogmatic, what
Debian GNU/Linux                   |    we really object to is their
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |    holding dogmas that are different
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |    from our own.     -- Charles Issawi

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