Author: branden
Date: 2004-11-17 16:48:32 -0500 (Wed, 17 Nov 2004)
New Revision: 2030

(cosmetic) Remove comment that was an artifact to un-confuse Vim's sytax
highlighter in the rules file.  Vim's syntax highlighting for Makefiles is
now less easily confused.

Modified: trunk/debian/CHANGESETS
--- trunk/debian/CHANGESETS     2004-11-16 15:30:00 UTC (rev 2029)
+++ trunk/debian/CHANGESETS     2004-11-17 21:48:32 UTC (rev 2030)
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 Miscellaneous cosmetic fixes.
     1915, 1916, 1919, 1920, 1932, 1934, 1940, 1951, 1960, 2008, 2014, 2015,
-    2016, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2028
+    2016, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2028, 2029
 Update Danish debconf template translations (thanks, Claus Hindsgaul).
 (Closes: #274101)

Modified: trunk/debian/rules
--- trunk/debian/rules  2004-11-16 15:30:00 UTC (rev 2029)
+++ trunk/debian/rules  2004-11-17 21:48:32 UTC (rev 2030)
@@ -54,7 +54,6 @@
 # digits, dots, and/or the strings "woody" or "sarge" in the Debian part of the
 # version number.  Anything else indicates an unofficial build.
 OFFICIAL_BUILD:=$(shell VERSION=$(SOURCE_VERSION); if ! expr "$$(echo 
$${VERSION\#\#*-} | sed 's/\(woody\|sarge\)//g')" : ".*[^0-9.].*" > /dev/null 
2>&1; then echo yes; fi)
-# un-confuse Vim's syntax highlighter: "
 # XXX: xc/config/cf/* needs some fairly serious hacking to support this in a
 # way that David Dawes will accept upstream, so for the time being, this isn't

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