Michelle Konzack wrote:
> Wired, because the manpage "sis" was from http://www.XFree86.org/>
> and was from Version 4.1.0.
> This was what me iritating because there is no SIS330 Support in
> Version 4.1.0 from WOODY.
OK, that's no surprise. 4.1.0 came out long before the chip.
>(Requires the PCI module SIS5513 to activate the NIC SIS900 which is
> crap and WOODY can not be installed on it because the missing SIS5513
>in bf24)
Huh? 5513 is the IDE controller, 900 is the NIC. Never had any problems
with the 900 or the 5513, and I never noticed any dependency between
these two.
And yes, I *have* installed woody on such a machine without ANY problem.
But anyway. You sold the piece, what's the deal.
Thomas Winischhofer
thomas AT winischhofer DOT net http://www.winischhofer.net/
twini AT xfree86 DOT org