I'm glad to inform you that changing the Section "Screen" DefaultDepth
from 24 to 16 the problem seems to have disappeared: at least I could
run my famous test (i.e. gv foo.txt) many times without locking the
system :-)

Although I think you could reasonably close the bug, one question
remains: I had not set that value to 24 and, if I recall well, when I
configured X in old Woody and tried to run it with the wrong value, some
'goblin' would come out from within the X Window System and tell me
that depth 24 was not supported by my video card!


[Perche' usare Win$ozz (dico io) se ..."anche uno sciocco sa farlo.   \\?//
 Fa' qualche cosa di cui non sei capace!"  (diceva Henry Miller) ]    (°|°)
[Why use Win$ozz (I say) if ... "even a fool can do that.              )=(
 Do something you aren't good at!" (as Henry Miller used to say) ]

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