Author: branden
Date: 2004-11-16 09:54:16 -0500 (Tue, 16 Nov 2004)
New Revision: 2027

Perform some cleanup work on the xvfb-run utility and its manual page.
+ Query terminal for its width if $COLUMNS is not set, as
  does.  Fall back to a width of 80 if stty returns garbage or nothing.
+ Add message() and error() functions.
+ Enhance usage() function to (additionally) display an error message
  consisting of the function arguments, if any.
+ Use error() and usage() instead of echo for error messages.
+ Cosmetically tidy up usage message, and correct a typo.
+ Declare locally-scoped variable in find_free_servernum().
+ Store getopt's exit status and report it in an error message if it is
+ Clarify the error message if getopt rearranges the command line in a way
  we don't expect.
+ Tidy up comment, shell function, and redirection style.  Wrap long
  lines.  Quote variables that may have whitespace in them.  Update Vim
+ Describe effect of $COLUMNS environment variable in manpage.
+ Remove erroneous description of exit status 1, and explain why it is not
+ Add description of exit statuses 0, 4, 5, and 6.
+ Fix markup error.

Set svn:keywords property to "Id" on xvfb-run.

Set svn:executable property to "*" on xvfb-run.

Modified: trunk/debian/CHANGESETS
--- trunk/debian/CHANGESETS     2004-11-12 06:00:26 UTC (rev 2026)
+++ trunk/debian/CHANGESETS     2004-11-16 14:54:16 UTC (rev 2027)
@@ -283,4 +283,27 @@
   are no backwards-incomaptible changes).
     2025, 2026
+Perform some cleanup work on the xvfb-run utility and its manual page.
++ Query terminal for its width if $COLUMNS is not set, as
+  does.  Fall back to a width of 80 if stty returns garbage or nothing.
++ Add message() and error() functions.
++ Enhance usage() function to (additionally) display an error message
+  consisting of the function arguments, if any.
++ Use error() and usage() instead of echo for error messages.
++ Cosmetically tidy up usage message, and correct a typo.
++ Declare locally-scoped variable in find_free_servernum().
++ Store getopt's exit status and report it in an error message if it is
+  nonzero.
++ Clarify the error message if getopt rearranges the command line in a way
+  we don't expect.
++ Tidy up comment, shell function, and redirection style.  Wrap long
+  lines.  Quote variables that may have whitespace in them.  Update Vim
+  modeline.
++ Describe effect of $COLUMNS environment variable in manpage.
++ Remove erroneous description of exit status 1, and explain why it is not
+  used.
++ Add description of exit statuses 0, 4, 5, and 6.
++ Fix markup error.
+    2027
 vim:set ai et sts=4 sw=4 tw=80:

Modified: trunk/debian/changelog
--- trunk/debian/changelog      2004-11-12 06:00:26 UTC (rev 2026)
+++ trunk/debian/changelog      2004-11-16 14:54:16 UTC (rev 2027)
@@ -160,6 +160,28 @@
     + Update manual pages to document changes in interface and behavior (there
       are no backwards-incomaptible changes).
+  * Perform some cleanup work on the xvfb-run utility and its manual page.
+    + Query terminal for its width if $COLUMNS is not set, as
+      does.  Fall back to a width of 80 if stty returns garbage or nothing.
+    + Add message() and error() functions.
+    + Enhance usage() function to (additionally) display an error message
+      consisting of the function arguments, if any.
+    + Use error() and usage() instead of echo for error messages.
+    + Cosmetically tidy up usage message, and correct a typo.
+    + Declare locally-scoped variable in find_free_servernum().
+    + Store getopt's exit status and report it in an error message if it is
+      nonzero.
+    + Clarify the error message if getopt rearranges the command line in a way
+      we don't expect.
+    + Tidy up comment, shell function, and redirection style.  Wrap long
+      lines.  Quote variables that may have whitespace in them.  Update Vim
+      modeline.
+    + Describe effect of $COLUMNS environment variable in manpage.
+    + Remove erroneous description of exit status 1, and explain why it is not
+      used.
+    + Add description of exit statuses 0, 4, 5, and 6.
+    + Fix markup error.
   Changes by Denis Barbier and Fabio M. Di Nitto:
   * Edit xc/programs/xkbcomp/symbols/pc/Imakefile so that the new pc/us_intl
@@ -242,7 +264,7 @@
     exiting upon encountering the first shell interpeter that fails on the
     script; instead, attempt all the interpreters and report all that fail.
- -- Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Fri, 12 Nov 2004 00:50:58 -0500
+ -- Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Fri, 12 Nov 2004 17:07:29 -0500
 xfree86 (4.3.0.dfsg.1-8) unstable; urgency=high

Modified: trunk/debian/local/xvfb-run
--- trunk/debian/local/xvfb-run 2004-11-12 06:00:26 UTC (rev 2026)
+++ trunk/debian/local/xvfb-run 2004-11-16 14:54:16 UTC (rev 2027)
@@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
-# xvfb-run - run the specified command in a virtual X server
+# $Id$
-# This script starts an instance of Xvfb, the "fake" X server, runs a
-# command with that server available, and kills the X server when
-# done.  The return value of the command becomes the return value of
-# this script.
+# This script starts an instance of Xvfb, the "fake" X server, runs a command
+# with that server available, and kills the X server when done.  The return
+# value of the command becomes the return value of this script.
-# If anyone is using this to build a Debian package, make sure the
-# package Build-Depends on xvfb, xbase-clients, and xfonts-base.
+# If anyone is using this to build a Debian package, make sure the package
+# Build-Depends on xvfb, xbase-clients, and xfonts-base.
 set -e
@@ -21,51 +20,73 @@
 LISTENTCP="-nolisten tcp"
-# display a usage message
+# Query the terminal to establish a default number of columns to use for
+# displaying messages to the user.  This is used only as a fallback in the 
+# the COLUMNS variable is not set.  ($COLUMNS can react to SIGWINCH while the
+# script is running, and this cannot, only being calculated once.)
+DEFCOLUMNS=$(stty size 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $2}') || true
+if ! expr "$DEFCOLUMNS" : "[[:digit:]]\+$" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+# Display a message, wrapping lines at the terminal width.
+message () {
+    echo "$PROGNAME: $*" | fmt -t -w ${COLUMNS:-$DEFCOLUMNS}
+# Display an error message.
+error () {
+    message "error: $*" >&2
+# Display a usage message.
 usage () {
-    cat << EOF
+    if [ -n "$*" ]; then
+        message "usage error: $*"
+    fi
+    cat <<EOF
-run COMMAND (usually an X client) in a virtual X server environment
+Run COMMAND (usually an X client) in a virtual X server environment.
--a        --auto-servernum   try to get a free server number, starting at
-                               --server-num
--e FILE   --error-file=FILE  file used to store xauth errors and Xvfb output
-                               (defualt: $ERRORFILE)
--f FILE   --auth-file=FILE   file used to store auth cookie
-                               (default: ./.Xauthority)
--h        --help             display this usage message and exit
--n NUM    --server-num=NUM   server number to use (default: $SERVERNUM)
--l        --listen-tcp       enable TCP port listening in the X server
--p PROTO  --xauth-protocol=PROTO   X authority protocol name to use
-                                     (defaults to xauth's default)
--s ARGS   --server-args=ARGS  arguments (other than server number and -nolisten
-                                tcp) to pass to the Xvfb server
-                                (default: \"$XVFBARGS\")
--w DELAY  --wait=DELAY       delay in seconds to wait for Xvfb to start
-                               (default: $STARTWAIT)
+-a        --auto-servernum          try to get a free server number, starting 
+                                    --server-num
+-e FILE   --error-file=FILE         file used to store xauth errors and Xvfb
+                                    output (default: $ERRORFILE)
+-f FILE   --auth-file=FILE          file used to store auth cookie
+                                    (default: ./.Xauthority)
+-h        --help                    display this usage message and exit
+-n NUM    --server-num=NUM          server number to use (default: $SERVERNUM)
+-l        --listen-tcp              enable TCP port listening in the X server
+-p PROTO  --xauth-protocol=PROTO    X authority protocol name to use
+                                    (default: xauth command's default)
+-s ARGS   --server-args=ARGS        arguments (other than server number and
+                                    "-nolisten tcp") to pass to the Xvfb server
+                                    (default: "$XVFBARGS")
+-w DELAY  --wait=DELAY              delay in seconds to wait for Xvfb to start
+                                    before running COMMAND (default: 
-    :;
-# find free server number by looking at .X*-lock files in /tmp
+# Find a free server number by looking at .X*-lock files in /tmp.
 find_free_servernum() {
+    local i
     while [ -f /tmp/.X$i-lock ]; do
         i=$(($i + 1))
-    echo $i;
+    echo $i
-# parse command line
+# Parse the command line.
 ARGS=$(getopt --options +ae:f:hn:lp:s:w: \
        --name "$PROGNAME" -- "$@")
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-    echo "$PROGNAME: error while getting options" >&2
-    exit 1
+if [ $GETOPT_STATUS -ne 0 ]; then
+    error "internal error; getopt exited with status $GETOPT_STATUS"
+    exit 6
 eval set -- "$ARGS"
@@ -82,9 +103,8 @@
         -s|--server-args) XVFBARGS="$2"; shift ;;
         -w|--wait) STARTWAIT="$2"; shift ;;
         --) shift; break ;;
-        *) echo "$PROGNAME: error while parsing option \"$1\"" >&2
-           usage >&2
-           exit 1
+        *) error "internal error; getopt permitted \"$1\" unexpectedly"
+           exit 6
@@ -96,53 +116,54 @@
 if [ -z "$*" ]; then
-    echo "$PROGNAME: need a command to run; aborting" >&2
+    usage "need a command to run" >&2
     exit 2
-if ! which xauth > /dev/null; then
-    echo "$PROGNAME: xauth command not found; aborting" >&2
+if ! which xauth >/dev/null; then
+    error "xauth command not found"
     exit 3
-# If the user did not specify an X authorization file to use, set up a
-# temporary directory to house one.
+# If the user did not specify an X authorization file to use, set up a 
+# directory to house one.
 if [ -z "$AUTHFILE" ]; then
     if ! mkdir -p -m 700 "$XVFB_RUN_TMPDIR"; then
-        echo "$PROGNAME: temporary directory $XVFB_RUN_TMPDIR already exists;"
-                         "aborting" >&2
+        error "temporary directory $XVFB_RUN_TMPDIR already exists"
         exit 4
     AUTHFILE=$(tempfile -n "$XVFB_RUN_TMPDIR/Xauthority")
-# start Xvfb
+# Start Xvfb.
+  >"$ERRORFILE" 2>&1
+  2>&1 &
+sleep "$STARTWAIT"
-# start the command and save its exit status
+# Start the command and save its exit status.
 set +e
 set -e
-# kill Xvfb now that the command has exited
+# Kill Xvfb now that the command has exited.
 kill $XVFBPID
-# clean up
+# Clean up.
 if [ -n "$XVFB_RUN_TMPDIR" ]; then
     if ! rm -r "$XVFB_RUN_TMPDIR"; then
-        echo "$PROGNAME: error while cleaning up temporary directory" >&2
+        error "problem while cleaning up temporary directory"
         exit 5
-# return the executed command's exit status
+# Return the executed command's exit status.
 exit $RETVAL
-# vim:set ai et sts=4 sw=4 tw=0:
+# vim:set ai et sts=4 sw=4 tw=80:

Property changes on: trunk/debian/local/xvfb-run
Name: svn:executable
   + *
Name: svn:keywords
   + Id

Modified: trunk/debian/local/xvfb-run.1
--- trunk/debian/local/xvfb-run.1       2004-11-12 06:00:26 UTC (rev 2026)
+++ trunk/debian/local/xvfb-run.1       2004-11-16 14:54:16 UTC (rev 2027)
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 \\$2 \(laURL: \\$1 \(ra\\$3
 .if \n[.g] .mso www.tmac
-.TH xvfb\-run 1 "2004\-10\-31" "Debian Project"
+.TH xvfb\-run 1 "2004\-11\-12" "Debian Project"
 xvfb\-run \- run specified X client or command in a virtual X server 
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
 one to use).
 .B xvfb\-run
 then exits with the exit status of
-.IR command.
+.IR command .
 .B xvfb\-run
 requires the
@@ -165,6 +165,14 @@
 The default is 3.
+indicates the width of the terminal device in character cells.
+This value is used for formatting diagnostic messages.
+If not set, the terminal is queried using
+.BR stty (1)
+to determine its width.
+If that fails, a value of \(oq80\(cq is assumed.
 specifies the directory in which to place
 .BR xvfb\-run 's
@@ -201,9 +209,16 @@
 .B xvfb\-run
 uses its exit status as well as output to standard error to communicate
+The exit status of \(oq1\(cq is not used, and should be interpreted as failure
+of the specified command.
-The command\-line options could not be processed.
+.B xvfb\-run
+only uses this exit status if the
+.B \-h\fR,\fB \-\-help
+option is given.
+In all other situations, this may be interpreted as success of the specified
 No command to run was specified.
@@ -212,6 +227,20 @@
 .B xauth
 command is not available.
+The temporary directory that was going to be used already exists; since
+.B xvfb\-run
+produces a uniquely named directory, this may indicate an attempt by another
+process on the system to exploit a temporary file race condition.
+A problem was encountered while cleaning up the temporary directory.
+A problem was encountered while using
+.BR getopt (1)
+to parse the command\-line arguments.
 .B xvfb\-run \-\-auto\-servernum \-\-server\-num=1 xlogo

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