Josh, That's one of their models. Mine is the furnace only, no stove/oven. See for details. Jeffs/v Full DeckVictoria, BC
Date: Sat, 6 Feb 2016 18:19:05 -0500 To: Subject: Re: Stus-List Diesel Heaters and installation From: CC: Jeff, Is Wallas the diesel stove/oven that starts a blower when you close the lid? Cool idea for getting propane off the boat. Josh Muckley S/V Sea Hawk 1989 C&C 37+ Solomons, MD On Feb 6, 2016 1:19 PM, "Jeff Allston via CnC-List" <> wrote: Hi Steve, I had a Wallas 30 Dt installed on my 32 two autumns ago. I live on the boat in Victoria over the winter so it gets a fair amount of use. I went with a professional installer and it took him two days to get it all done. It would have taken me significantly longer. The heater is installed in the port lazarette tucked up under the coaming. It's a bit of a pain to remove for servicing, but it's out of the way the rest of the year. This model heater has two hot air ducts and two cold air returns. One cold air return is under the cockpit seat on the port side and the other is in the cabin on the bulkhead behind the fridge. Both hot air runs enter under the sink and I have one outlet vent there. I ran the other duct under the stove, behind the water tank, through the hanging locker and, finally, out the bottom of the storage in the v berth. I wrapped the heating ducts with insulation. Don't skip this step. It works great. I went with Wallas because the national distributor is in town and I figured they would have all the parts and expertise I would ever need. If you want more details, and there are many, let me know. Jeffs/v Full DeckVictoria Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2016 14:41:17 -0500 To: Subject: Stus-List Diesel Heaters and installation From: CC: Hi All, I'm starting to look at the Espar and Webasto units. Is anyone running one on a 32? There's a good price jump from the Espar D2 to the D4. The literature indicates the D2 is good to 26 feet of boat, so it sounds like I need the D4 :( My use is Georgian Bay, just want to extend the season, not living aboard in the winter. The boat is two hours away so there will be "maintenance" trips in the spring and fall which means sleeping aboard, it can get quite cold up there. I have to keep the temps warm for the boat parrot who'll be living aboard with us while we cruise. We're planning three weeks in August this year so it shouldn't be too much of an issue but it gets cold up there at night, even in August. I imagine a D2 would be fine for cold summer nights but I have ideas about maybe cruising the North Channel when the fall colours are out. I don't want to limit myself. At the same time, I don't want to spend money that could go elsewhere. The Newport Dickinson Diesel bulkhead heaters are pretty but I hear they don't make quite enough heat. I'm leaning this way for the cost, but don't want to be disappointed. Everyone says the Espar and Webastos are best. I'de be doing the installation myself in any case so am eager to hear from others who have gone through it. Thanks, SteveSuhana, C&C 32Toronto _______________________________________________ Email address: To change your list preferences, including unsubscribing -- go to the bottom of page at: _______________________________________________ Email address: To change your list preferences, including unsubscribing -- go to the bottom of page at: _______________________________________________ Email address: To change your list preferences, including unsubscribing -- go to the bottom of page at:
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