dtlogin through vnc

2000-12-01 Thread Carlyle Sutphen
Ok. I almost have what I set out for. The operating system is AIX 4.2.1 The UI is AIX CDE and window manager dtwm dtlogin is started from the inittab I have added the following line to /etc/dt/config/Xservers: :1 Local local@none /bin/vncserver :1 The environment variables that are set when


2000-12-01 Thread Carlyle Sutphen
www.carboncopy.com That was my tool of choice 15 years ago and they still make a version for dos. Carlyle. >At work I use a DOS based software system that I would like to be able >to remotely connect to from any WINDOWS machine using the internet. > >Currently the DOS system is on a LAN with a

Re: dtlogin through vnc - NEWS FLASH!!!

2000-12-04 Thread Carlyle Sutphen
I just discovered that, when I activate number lock, *all* the keys on the numeric keyboard work! I'm going to change the password to 12345678 and see what happens after that. Carlyle. -- Diese E-Mail enthdlt vertrauliche und/oder rechtlich gesch|tzte Informationen. Wenn Sie nicht der richtig

Re: dtlogin through vnc - please, I need a sane keyboard

2000-12-04 Thread Carlyle Sutphen
Did everybody read my message on Dec. 1 and think, "Whhaaat?" If I get this to work, it will be an answer to a lot (well, a few) of the questions coming in here. Now I know for certain that Xvnc has the generic US keyboard initialized as a default in ./Xvnc/programs/Xserver/hw/vnc/kbdptr.c Unfo

Re: dtlogin through vnc - please, I need a sane keyboard - !!!successful login!!!

2000-12-05 Thread Carlyle Sutphen
Thank you for answering, Grant. > At one point in time, older versions of the Xvnc server didn't handle more > than one symbol (glyph) per key. Are you running the latest Xvnc, 3.3.3r2? In my original message of Dec. 1, I explained that I can start the server from the command line and the keyboa

Re: VNC over works over LAN but not Internet

2000-12-05 Thread Carlyle Sutphen
Hi, Jon, > Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 9:56 PM > Subject: VNC over works over LAN but not Internet ... > ... one for the LAN and one to connect to my cable modem. ... > ... when someone tries to connect to VNC over the > internet it simply doesn't work. However it does work internally over t

Re: Core dump when running vncpasswd

2000-12-07 Thread Carlyle Sutphen
Hello, Gary, run gdb vncpasswd core and enter bt Tell us what it says. Carlyle. -- Diese E-Mail enthdlt vertrauliche und/oder rechtlich gesch|tzte Informationen. Wenn Sie nicht der richtige Adressat sind oder diese E-Mail irrt|mlich erhalten haben, informieren Sie bitte sofort den Absende

Re: Re: WinVNC auth request box

2000-12-07 Thread Carlyle Sutphen
Agreed, stealing the focus is a bad idea but there are a couple of applications on NT4 that can display on top without taking the focus. The Task Manager and Exceed's Virtual Desktop are just two but I've seen others. Date: 07.12.2000 17:03 To:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Reply

Re: Sending ScanCodes

2000-12-08 Thread Carlyle Sutphen
What the client sends are so called glyphs, which are for all practical purposes in this case, scan codes, which are recieved by the server and translated according to a KeySym table, into events for the X clients. It's just a matter of configuring the right KeySyms. Date: 08.12.2000 1

Re: VNC server behind firewall - connects and authenticates OK, but no display

2000-12-13 Thread Carlyle Sutphen
Very interesting. I have, unfortunately, no experience with NetBSD ipfilter. Could it be acting differently depending on which side initiates the connection? Try making a reverse connection. See the "Reverse connections" section at the bottom of http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/xvnc.html. Anot

Re: Server documentation?

2000-12-13 Thread Carlyle Sutphen
It would probably be a good idea to start here: http://www.xfree86.org/ Date: 12.12.2000 23:11 To:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Server documentation? Message text: I'm looking for some documentation for the Win32 VNC Server code. I'


2000-12-13 Thread Carlyle Sutphen
Now there's really no call for that! You may not have seen the preceeding two answers to his question but there is no call to be so rude. That's one of the nice things about this list is that the responders are generally polite, if not outright friendly. If you can't give advice without being ins


2000-12-14 Thread Carlyle Sutphen
Good question. That depends on your operating system. If you are using the unix version, you're in luck. I haven't seen a ready to use list of resources to put into an .Xdefaults file but the widget hierarchy for the X vncviewer is listed in the documentation on the site. Under windows, it looks

Re: Re: Server documentation?

2000-12-14 Thread Carlyle Sutphen
Date: 13.12.2000 18:34 To:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Server documentation? Message text: Carlyle Sutphen wrote: > > It would probably be a good idea to start here: http://www.xfree86.org/ Sorry, perhaps my question wasn't clear.

Re: Conection to client machine with VNC

2000-12-14 Thread Carlyle Sutphen
DHCP can be so configured so that DNS is notified and you can connect using the machine name rather than the dynamically assigned dotted decimal address. Unfortunately, firewalls do not generally propogate dns information outside. If you can configure a domain name server that has access to the DN

Re: vnc in w2000 behind router and zonealarm

2000-12-14 Thread carlyle . sutphen
While you're waiting for somebody more knowledgeable to give a more specific answer, try entering something like configure near port* and zonealarm into alta-vista's advanced search. Date: 14.12.2000 13:48 To:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subjec

Re: Tight Encoder + Win2k -> no connect before Logon

2000-12-15 Thread Carlyle Sutphen
Excuse me, I haven't even seen win2k, yet. I use nt4 at work. Isn't it possible to install services that run even when noone is logged in like it is on nt? Date: 14.12.2000 16:13 To:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Tight Encoder + Win2

Re: RE: running 2 servers?

2000-12-15 Thread Carlyle Sutphen
Ok, now that makes sense. I'm a Unix guy who only uses NT at work because that's the company's strategic choice. You know how that goes ;-) Anyway, it is theoretically possible if the service is renamed. Somebody who knows what to change and if the package has to be recompiled or if some tool ex

Re: Div bug-reports.

2000-12-15 Thread Carlyle Sutphen
Hi. It looks like I'm working on #67409. Unfortunately there isn't a lot of information in the bug report or am I missing something. In my case, it is obviously a problem on the server side, not with the viewer and is closely related to the CDE user configuration scripts. I may get around to lo

Re: Export DISPLAY Problem

2000-12-18 Thread Carlyle Sutphen
Fist off, the third one is correct: export DISPLAY=our.IP.address:1 Now some questions. Which operating system are you running the vnc server on? Are you not starting the installer in the browser session? Why "redirect" the output? What messages are you getting. Anything like "connection refused

Re: Sources.

2000-12-19 Thread Carlyle Sutphen
You seem to be refering to this. $ ls -1 ./vnc_unixsrc/classes DesCipher.class animatedMemoryImageSource.class authenticationPanel.class clipboardFrame.class index.vnc optionsFrame.class rfbProto.class shared.vnc vncCanvas.class vncviewer.class vncviewer.jar True? Date: 19.12.2000 10

Re: Re: Sources.

2000-12-19 Thread Carlyle Sutphen
>> There is are two lists of packages, "binary" and "other" on the VNC >> download page. All of the source packages are listed under "other". >> You can find the Java source package 2nd from the bottom. >> >> Cheers, > Thanx a lot! I thought that was some java client sources. :) That's exactly wh

Re: RE: Problems with Compiling Xvnc

2000-12-20 Thread Carlyle Sutphen
It should be made during the make World run. Did you abbreviate your output from make? I get: snip- Building Release 6.3 of the X Window System. I hope you checked the configuration parameters in ./config/cf to see if

Xvnc running from dtlogin has screwy keyboard; NEW NEWS!!!

2000-12-20 Thread Carlyle Sutphen
dtlogin 24254root7u inet 0x01e7ba00 0t0 TCP *:1024 (LISTEN) Ok, now, finally, the big question: who knows exactly what this port is used for? Why does lsof think that even the vncserver perl script is listening to it? I would appreciate anybody's tips, pointers, co

Re: RE: Problems with Compiling Xvnc

2000-12-20 Thread Carlyle Sutphen
I have ideas. I almost have it working. Please read my post titled Xvnc running from dtlogin has screwy keyboard; NEW NEWS!!! It outlines all steps I've taken so far to get the login. Unfortunately, noone has been able to help me with my last hurdle. Not even IBM!!! Date: 20.12.2000 23

Re: RE: Problems with Compiling Xvnc

2000-12-21 Thread Carlyle Sutphen
quot; before running "make World". On my Linux box that results in exactly the problem described. You need to just unpack the tarball and do "cd vnc_unixsrc/Xvnc ; make World" -- Joe Carlyle Sutphen wrote: > > It should be made during the make World run. &

Re: where can I found ... your answer is here with a statement to all newcomers.

2000-12-22 Thread Carlyle Sutphen
I would respectfully like to ask all people to read the FAQ and the documentation before posting to the list. This is happening more and more often lately on many topics. Many of us are working hard on making VNC into the best of its kind and 1) don't have time to hold the hands of newcomers who

Re: vncserver configuration - Not just for Jean-Marie and Dale! Attn: developers!

2000-12-22 Thread Carlyle Sutphen
Hello Jean-Marie! Your explaination, in my opinion, is excelent. Nothing speaks more clearly than experience. The documentation http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/xvnc.html is actually very clear. But, as you wrote, may not be so clear to someone who is not familiar with the workings of X on Un


2000-12-22 Thread Carlyle Sutphen
Wie meinst Du das? Do you mean the menus on the viewer? VNC has yet to be subjected to internationalization. What OS's do you use? F|r welche Betriebsysteme? On X you can edit .Xdefaults. A list of the widget hierarchy is at the bottom of: http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/xvncviewer.html On wi

Re: Noise on the vnc-list : suggestion

2000-12-22 Thread Carlyle Sutphen
If there is agreement on this, there would have to be an ettiquette file next to the FAQ file file to inform newcomers of the local customs (I deliberately avoided the words laws and rules!). The suse linux mailing lists do this, at here in Germany and I was only actuall in the isdn list. P.S.

Re: Noise on the vnc-list : suggestion

2001-01-02 Thread Carlyle Sutphen
Surely you have a "reply to all" option? Use that, delete the list's address and copy the sender's address to the primary recipient field. Why is that a huge pain? And I find that feature very convneient, that replies default to the list. Even when I write a new messgae, I generally reply to an o

Re: Re: Noise on the vnc-list : suggestion

2001-01-02 Thread Carlyle Sutphen
I think you misunderstood. The private mail is meant to keep the investigation out of the list. Whenever any new knowledge surfaces, they should, of course, be posted to the list as well as the final solution. The private mails need not be one-on-one. They should be addressed to all who are showin

Re: RE: Noise on the vnc-list : suggestion

2001-01-02 Thread Carlyle Sutphen
No, no, discussion is good along the lines of "what is better A or B", "well I like A better because ..." and "B does it for me because..." It's the clarifications and "try this, if it doesn't work, try that" that the list can do without. Once the question has been sufficiently clairified, this c

Re: Re: Noise on the vnc-list : suggestion

2001-01-02 Thread Carlyle Sutphen
I can't understand why some people insist on not discussing the entire content. It has been mentioned a number of times that if that scheme is to work and if the list is to serve it's intended puprpose to serve as a reference even for those who didn't ask a question, it is of utmost importance tha

Re: Re: Noise on the vnc-list : suggestion

2001-01-02 Thread Carlyle Sutphen
Let's not appoint anybody. Let anybody answer RTFM who feels the need; just do it in a private mail. If they get several such mails, they'll either get the message or leave the list in a huff. Date: 22.12.2000 22:10 To:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]