Hello Jean-Marie!

Your explaination, in my opinion, is excelent. Nothing speaks
more clearly than experience. The documentation


is actually very clear. But, as you wrote, may not be so clear to
someone who is not familiar with the workings of X on Unix.

It might be helpful for those who haven't completely visualized
the result of running multiple X servers on Unix, to add a small
phrase to the documentation.

Original: "In this case it will choose the first available display number,
start Xvnc as that display and run a couple of basic
applications to get you started."

"In this case it will choose the first available display number,
start Xvnc as that display, a completely separate display from all other
existing virtual or physical displays, and run a couple of basic
applications to get you started."

Dale Westby wrote:
> The Solaris server is running Openwindows (CDE version 1.2) and that is the
> part I don't  understand. Is VNC basically for use with a headless server
> that isn't running a window manager or does it coexist with the window
> manager that is already in place. I only ask this because I think the
> vncserver script tries to launch a window manager.
Yes, it can be used to serve a headless system. Also, you can have as many X
servers and
window managers running as your system can support.

> When I connect to the server via a browser or vncviewer, I only see a black
> screen where I expect to see the desktop.

This sounds like your vncserver script is not creating the $HOME/.vnc/xstartup
script, which contains
a couple of basic commands.

As many on this list surely know, I am trying to get Xvnc to startup under the
control of dtlogin (CDE).
I am still having keyboard problems on AIX but succeded in getting it to run,
display the dtgreeting
(login) dialog, *accept a login* and startup a new desktop. This was, by the
way, on a consoleless

If you want to let Xvnc have some semblance of the WinVNC behaviour, this is
the way to do it. Get
rid of the console, start Xvnc as display :0 and only use that box remotely!

Of course, I had to edit the perl script quite a bit to get it to work. It
sould be cleaned up and either
parameterized so it can be used in either scenario or provided separately as a

Anybody interested in this CDE vncserver script for Solaris, let me know. I
would be glad to mail
it. Maybe it should be added to the distribution?




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