I would respectfully  like to ask all people to read the FAQ and the
documentation before posting to the list. This is happening more and more
often lately on many topics. Many of us are working hard on making VNC into
the best of its kind and 1) don't have time to hold the hands of newcomers who
haven't RTFM and 2) need this list to get help on topics that is not only not
documented but is brand new territory.

Here is a pointer into the FAQ answering your question.

(Wow, what an overkill on that trailer! !!I thought ours was bad. That is just
too too much. Please inform your mail team. I am working with mine on
konceptualizing an optional message to be used only in mails of buisiness
nature where the message applies.)

Date:          22.12.2000 08:37
To:            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Reply to:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject:       where can I found ...
Message text:

Where can I find vnc server with no icon on task bar for windows NT4.
Very thanks for your help.

Best regards Stephane


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