Re: Knowing the build fail status of ant in batch script

2006-07-11 Thread Jeffrey E Care
Please do not use the Ant user mailing list for personal correspondence. Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care [EMAIL PROTECTED] IBM WebSphere Application Server Development WAS Pyxis Lead Release Engineer

Re: Operating System identification

2006-07-09 Thread Jeffrey E Care
What exactly does this have to do with Ant? Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care [EMAIL PROTECTED] IBM WebSphere Application Server Development WAS Pyxis Lead Release Engineer "Raghuveer" <[EMAIL PROTE

Re: Ant won't call g++

2006-07-07 Thread Jeffrey E Care
Sounds like an ant-contrib problem, rather than an Ant core problem to me... Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care [EMAIL PROTECTED] IBM WebSphere Application Server Development WAS Pyxis Lead Release Engineer

Re: build sub-source tree in the order I specified.

2006-07-05 Thread Jeffrey E Care
If you configure the task correctly the file order doesn't matter: the compiler will figure out the proper order. Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care [EMAIL PROTECTED] IBM WebSphere Application Server Developm

Re: Migration problem, Windows to Linux

2006-07-05 Thread Jeffrey E Care
You should be able to set the encoding javac uses to read your files; that would only require updating your build.xml. Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care [EMAIL PROTECTED] IBM WebSphere Application Server Dev

Re: classpath problem using the java task

2006-07-04 Thread Jeffrey E Care
Check out your property definition for appserver-home. Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care [EMAIL PROTECTED] IBM WebSphere Application Server Development WAS Pyxis Lead Release Engineer Douglas Dunn <

Re: How to run JUnit Test cases using ANT script ?

2006-06-20 Thread Jeffrey E Care
A simple look at the manual will reveal your answer Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care [EMAIL PROTECTED] IBM WebSphere Application Server Development WAS Pyxis Lead Release Engineer "Deepak R

Re: Re: Ant tasks to encrypt or decrypt passwords from property files

2006-06-19 Thread Jeffrey E Care
- Original-Nachricht > Datum: Mon, 19 Jun 2006 13:48:29 -0400 > Von: Jeffrey E Care <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > An: Ant Users List > Betreff: Re: Ant tasks to encrypt or decrypt passwords from property files > > > Encrypt or encode? > > > > If you just

Re: Ant tasks to encrypt or decrypt passwords from property files

2006-06-19 Thread Jeffrey E Care
Encrypt or encode? If you just need them to not be in clear-text you could always use a simple encoding: rot13, base64, etc.; depends on how strong your requirements are. JEC Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care

Re: need technical support

2006-06-13 Thread Jeffrey E Care
Rob wasn't asking for help - Rob was responding. Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care [EMAIL PROTECTED] IBM WebSphere Application Server Development WAS Pyxis Lead Release Engineer "Martin Gainty" <[EM

Re: Building a fileset from an arbitrary list (task)

2006-06-09 Thread Jeffrey E Care
If I may ask, why don't you want to use DirectoryScanner? Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care [EMAIL PROTECTED] IBM WebSphere Application Server Development WAS Pyxis Lead Release Engineer "Sommers, E

Re: File Sets Based on File Attributes

2006-06-08 Thread Jeffrey E Care
It's not that Ant doesn't support this - it's that the JDK does not provide a way to query or access file attributes. The short answer is that if you want to do this you'll need to write a custom task the uses JNI or execs a native executable to get this information. JEC __

Re: Implementing a loop in ANT

2006-06-07 Thread Jeffrey E Care
google antcontrib Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care [EMAIL PROTECTED] IBM WebSphere Application Server Development WAS Pyxis Lead Release Engineer Guru Balse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 06/07/2006

Re: FTP Task

2006-05-19 Thread Jeffrey E Care Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care [EMAIL PROTECTED] IBM WebSphere Application Server Development WAS Pyxis Lead Release Engineer "Venkatesh Vijayakum

Re: Running tasks in parallel

2006-05-18 Thread Jeffrey E Care
state it might be useful here.  Alexey? > > -Matt > > --- Jeffrey E Care <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > The short answer is no. > > > > The longer answer is that there was some discussion > > on the dev. list about > > adding parallelizati

Re: Running tasks in parallel

2006-05-18 Thread Jeffrey E Care
The short answer is no. The longer answer is that there was some discussion on the dev. list about adding parallelization to the task, but even the chances of that being implemented anytime soon are slim. JEC

Re: Counting lines in a file

2006-05-11 Thread Jeffrey E Care
exec wc Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care [EMAIL PROTECTED] IBM WebSphere Application Server Development WAS Pyxis Lead Release Engineer "EJ Ciramella" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 05/11/2006 05:10 PM

Re: conditional??????

2006-05-11 Thread Jeffrey E Care
google antcontrib Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care [EMAIL PROTECTED] IBM WebSphere Application Server Development WAS Pyxis Lead Release Engineer Alberto Marquÿe9s <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on

Re: Failed to execute task move in Windows

2006-05-10 Thread Jeffrey E Care
Windows file systems are case-insensitive while being case-preserving; if all you want to do is to change the case you'll need to use an intermediate file (i.e. move to temp_Bi.jar, then move to Bi.jar). ___

Re: Property Task's timestamp

2006-05-08 Thread Jeffrey E Care
Not part of the "spec" per-se, but IIRC yes: writing out a properties file using the APIs in java.util.Properties will put a timestamp in the serialized output. Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care [EMAIL PROTECT

RE: How to initialize the value of a boolean property based on the output from Custom Java ANT task?

2006-05-03 Thread Jeffrey E Care
disclosure, copying, or distribution of this > > message, or the taking of any action based on it, is strictly > > prohibited. > > TIAA-CREF > > ** > > > > > > > ** > This message, including any attachments, contains confidential > information intended for a specific individual and purpose, and is > protected by law.  If you are not the intended recipient, please > contact sender immediately by reply e-mail and destroy all copies.   > You are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, or > distribution of this message, or the taking of any action based on > it, is strictly prohibited. > TIAA-CREF > ** > > [attachment "build.xml" deleted by Jeffrey E Care/Raleigh/IBM] > - > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Asking for new feature: Self-Discovery of service to make Ant a real extensible system

2006-04-28 Thread Jeffrey E Care
Auto loading has already been discussed on the developer list; please check the archives and take any further discussion there instead of the user list. Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care [EMAIL PROTECTED] IB

RE: Converting a shell script part to ant target

2006-04-27 Thread Jeffrey E Care
Speaking strictly for myself, I'll either just ignore queries like this or respond in the manner that Rob did. The problem is the way you phased your question: I (and I'm sure many of the other experienced users) saw your question as an attempt to get us to do your work for you. You provided no d

Re: Tar Error: fileset doesn't denote a Tar$TarFileSet

2006-04-26 Thread Jeffrey E Care
The error message is spot-on: fileset != tarfileset If you want to use lib.fileset as a tarfileset you must declare it as such. Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care [EMAIL PROTECTED] IBM WebSphere Application

Re: How to build silently

2006-04-26 Thread Jeffrey E Care
So you want to prompt for input without the actual prompt? Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care [EMAIL PROTECTED] IBM WebSphere Application Server Development WAS Pyxis Lead Release Engineer "BOUSQ

Re: Replace task value can't take less than sign.

2006-04-25 Thread Jeffrey E Care
You need to use entity escapes for characters that have special meaning in XML (like <, >, ", ', &). Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care [EMAIL PROTECTED] IBM WebSphere Application Server Development WAS Pyx

Re: checking property values

2006-04-18 Thread Jeffrey E Care
Ant is not a functional programming language - it's a declarative build tool. You can probably hack what you want by using the tasks from antcontrib but, FWIW, my advice would be to rethink your approach. __

Re: How to add Logging information to ANT

2006-04-10 Thread Jeffrey E Care
You can easily write your own logger class to output all of the information that you want; check the manual for instructions. Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care [EMAIL PROTECTED] IBM WebSphere Application Ser

Re: Copy paradox - permissions and filters

2006-04-07 Thread Jeffrey E Care
The core problem is that there is no 100% pure Java way to get or set file permissions. See JSR 203 ( Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care [EMAIL PROTECTED] IBM WebSphere

Re: Property problem in 1.6.5

2006-04-06 Thread Jeffrey E Care
This is working as designed; ant, antcall & subant create new contexts and property values set in the context ARE NOT propegated back to the calling context. Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Parallel vs Sequential

2006-04-06 Thread Jeffrey E Care
Just think about it logically: if you have a multi-proc machine with good disks then yes, you can see performance improvements by building things in parallel. If you have a single-proc machine with a rinky-dink 5400 RPM drive then no, chances are that you won't see any performance benefit (and mig

Re: Dynamically increase the number of arguments to EXEC task based on the number and name of the file(s) in a directory.

2006-04-06 Thread Jeffrey E Care
Use the task. Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care [EMAIL PROTECTED] IBM WebSphere Application Server Development WAS Pyxis Lead Release Engineer "Guttula, Mohan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 04/06/20

Re: Building ant tasks with ant

2006-04-01 Thread Jeffrey E Care
Take a very close look at the attributes of the javac task. Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care [EMAIL PROTECTED] IBM WebSphere Application Server Development WAS Pyxis Lead Release Engineer Tommy

Re: Optional FTP task 'account' attribute needed

2006-03-31 Thread Jeffrey E Care
Your best bet to get this implemented would be to write up a feature request in bugzilla & attach a patch that implements the feature. Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care [EMAIL PROTECTED] IBM WebSphere Applic


2006-03-29 Thread Jeffrey E Care
You might want to try reading the "Smart Questions" FAQ before posting to this list again. Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care [EMAIL PROTECTED] IBM WebSphere

Re: Urgent : Send me some Initial Docs

2006-03-29 Thread Jeffrey E Care
You might want to try reading the "Smart Questions" FAQ before posting to this list again. Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care [EMAIL PROTECTED] IBM WebSphere

Re: Ant task to replace special characters

2006-03-28 Thread Jeffrey E Care
I can't speak to , but I know that does not require a token file; try reading the docs again. Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care [EMAIL PROTECTED] IBM WebSphere Application Server Development WAS Pyxis Lea

Re: Removing only the Children of a folder

2006-03-28 Thread Jeffrey E Care
Just a helpful tip: the gurus on this list who hang out to help the newbs usually find it really annoying when people post the same question twice in one day. Please allow at least 48 hours before posting your question again. _

Re: How to process multiple files using exec

2006-03-27 Thread Jeffrey E Care
use apply, not exec Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care [EMAIL PROTECTED] IBM WebSphere Application Server Development WAS Pyxis Lead Release Engineer murthy gandikota <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 03/

Re: how to return a String object in custom Ant

2006-03-27 Thread Jeffrey E Care
execute returns void; i think what you want to do is set a property Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care [EMAIL PROTECTED] IBM WebSphere Application Server Development WAS Pyxis Lead Release Engineer T

Re: Task to count files in a fileset?

2006-03-25 Thread Jeffrey E Care
Not that I can recall. Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care [EMAIL PROTECTED] IBM WebSphere Application Server Development WAS Pyxis Lead Release Engineer "Rick Genter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/25/2

Re: XmlProperty caching values

2006-03-24 Thread Jeffrey E Care
Ant properties are immutable. Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care [EMAIL PROTECTED] IBM WebSphere Application Server Development WAS Pyxis Lead Release Engineer "Arun Gupta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

Re: A problem with the ant task in a WLS 9.1 environmen t

2006-03-08 Thread Jeffrey E Care
This sounds like a problem for BEA support, not the Ant user mailing list Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care [EMAIL PROTECTED] IBM WebSphere Application Server Development WAS Pyxis Lead Release Enginee

Re: JAVAC Classpath

2006-03-06 Thread Jeffrey E Care
That's documented pretty clearly in the manual. Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care [EMAIL PROTECTED] IBM WebSphere Application Server Development WAS Pyxis Lead Release Engineer "Rosenberg, Eric" <[E

Re: How to access command line arguments passed to Ant. How to search Ant manual.

2006-03-06 Thread Jeffrey E Care
Google with the "site:" option. Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care [EMAIL PROTECTED] IBM WebSphere Application Server Development WAS Pyxis Lead Release Engineer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 03/06/20

Re: FTP get from Win32 server

2006-03-03 Thread Jeffrey E Care
This is really a commons-net question; Ant doesn't play a role in parsing the FTP server responses. You might get further if you transfer this discussion to the commons-net mailing list. Jeffrey E. (J

Re: Delete a dir set

2006-03-02 Thread Jeffrey E Care
You need to play with the default excludes. Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care [EMAIL PROTECTED] IBM WebSphere Application Server Development WAS Pyxis Lead Release Engineer Giovanni Mesturini <[EMAI

RE: Ant ,ftp,java

2006-02-20 Thread Jeffrey E Care
 the task is  processeed sucessfully. > > > On running the  same target using "ant -buildfile unix.xml" > > The ftp access is able to perform sucessfully (on the same port 22) > > > with regards > Karthik > > >   -Original Message- >   F

Re: Ant ,ftp,java

2006-02-20 Thread Jeffrey E Care
Double check your port numbers. Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care [EMAIL PROTECTED] IBM WebSphere Application Server Development WAS Pyxis Lead Release Engineer "Karthik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote o

Re: Real meaning of javac target/source attributes

2006-02-17 Thread Jeffrey E Care
> > There are other ways to accomplish this (and Ant itself makes use of > > some of those techniques) but you can't rely on those being 100% > > safe. > > Such as? I'm really curious. The usual tricks, like checking for the existence of a class known to be introduced in a given JRE version, lo

Re: Real meaning of javac target/source attributes

2006-02-16 Thread Jeffrey E Care
Your assumptions are incorrect; @target & @source have to do with language features and class file formats, not APIs. The only 100% safe way I know of to make sure you aren't using improper APIs is to make sure you are compiling against the class library from the *lowest common denominator* JDK

Re: Way to examine a property value?

2006-02-14 Thread Jeffrey E Care
Are you talking about antcontrib? -- Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) IBM WebSphere Application Server Development "Frank W. Zammetti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 02/14/2006 10:34:21 AM: > Maybe someone can refresh my memory... I seem to remember a contrib to Ant > that allows you to

Re: How to get the value of a system's environment variable

2006-02-12 Thread Jeffrey E Care
Read the manual for the task. > I would like to get the value of some system environment variables, > such as TOMCAT_HOME, PATH, CVSROOT, etc, as a property inside my ant script.

Re: builds and App. Server

2006-02-12 Thread Jeffrey E Care
What solutions have you tried already? Where are you having problems? You aren't giving us much to go on here. If you are looking for someone to completely design a solution for you (for free no less) then you have come to the wrong place. There are people on this list who make their living sel

Re: Please help....Urgent..Using inside the script

2006-02-10 Thread Jeffrey E Care
Sorry, I don't think you are providing enough information for anyone to help you; I certainly can't understand your scenario, as you seem to have two build.xml files you're working with, but you've only provided one that I can see. In any case, here is some helpful advice:

Re: Problem help needed reply urgent.

2006-02-06 Thread Jeffrey E Care -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WAS Pyxis Lead Release Engineer "Shweta Bodade" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 02/06/2006 08:57:04 AM: > > Can u help me with how to build a build.xml file for deployin

Re: Filtering on property values

2006-02-03 Thread Jeffrey E Care
IIRC ant-contrib has a task that can do regex replacements on properties. -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WAS Pyxis Lead Release Engineer Matthew Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 02/03/2006 12:33:20 PM: > I have a property > > > > In certain tasks, I want th

Re: Hiding target names during output

2006-02-01 Thread Jeffrey E Care
Information on loggers & listeners is available here: In the future, please confine your replies to the list. You might consider the advice offered here: -- Jeffrey E. Care ([E

RE: Copy-Task

2006-02-01 Thread Jeffrey E Care
You still need to pull down all of the bytes to compute the MD5 sum. -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WAS Pyxis Lead Release Engineer "Stephen McConnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 02/01/2006 10:36 AM Please respond to "Ant Users List" To "'Ant Use

Re: Hiding target names during output

2006-02-01 Thread Jeffrey E Care
I would recommend a custom logger class. -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WAS Pyxis Lead Release Engineer chuanjiang lo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 02/01/2006 10:28 AM Please respond to "Ant Users List" To cc Subject Hiding target names during output

Re: Copy-Task

2006-01-31 Thread Jeffrey E Care
already does timestamp checks, and it already has @overwrite. I think you need to use a selector to accomplish what you're trying to do. -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WAS Pyxis Lead Release Engineer "Markus M. May" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 01/31/2006 0

Re: : add arbitrary set of properties?

2006-01-27 Thread Jeffrey E Care
re using the manifest to store additional metadata about the archive, so I can definitely see the need for a more generalized way of getting entries into the manifest. -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WAS Pyxis Lead Release Engineer

Re: : add arbitrary set of properties?

2006-01-27 Thread Jeffrey E Care
idea. If you submit a patch for this I have a good feeling that the committers would accept it. JEC -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WAS Pyxis Lead Release Engineer

Re: Issue warning from task

2006-01-24 Thread Jeffrey E Care
Yeah, whoops; sorry about that. -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WebSphere v7 Release Engineer WebSphere Build Tooling Lead (Project Mantis) Matt Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 01/24/2006 02:08:59 PM: > Better yet, MSG_WARN. ;) > > --- Jeffrey E Care <[EMAIL

Re: Issue warning from task

2006-01-24 Thread Jeffrey E Care
log ("your message here", Project.MSG_ERR); -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WebSphere v7 Release Engineer WebSphere Build Tooling Lead (Project Mantis) Ian Pilcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: news <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/24/2006 01:28 PM Please respond to "

Re: Batch file execution fails on Win XP with error=2

2006-01-19 Thread Jeffrey E Care
Read the manual page for the task; it should give you a hint. -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WebSphere v7 Release Engineer WebSphere Build Tooling Lead (Project Mantis) Ramesh M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 01/18/2006 07:34:11 AM: > I have the folllowing fragment in an ant

Re: command execution

2006-01-18 Thread Jeffrey E Care
You don't need - use instead. -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WebSphere v7 Release Engineer WebSphere Build Tooling Lead (Project Mantis) Guruprasad R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 01/18/2006 07:40:44 AM: > I am using ant on my Windows 2000 OS. I want to execute a

Re: Setting memory options for Ant in Eclipse

2006-01-17 Thread Jeffrey E Care
Is your run config. spawning a new VM for the Ant run, or are you running within the same VM instance as Eclipse? JEC -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WebSphere v7 Release Engineer WebSphere Build Tooling Lead (Project Mantis) "Brown, Carlton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote o

RE: Auto task need to take backup before deployemnt

2006-01-17 Thread Jeffrey E Care
is for Ant _users_ to help _each other_ solve problems. No one can & no one will help you if you're just going to passively say "I need X, help me please!" I would really suggest that you read the advice on the smart questions FAQ. -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) Web

RE: Auto task need to take backup before deployemnt

2006-01-17 Thread Jeffrey E Care
ld be hiring them instead? Describe your goal, describe your problem & describe what you have done so far to solve that problem & describe where you're stuck; that's how to ask a smart question on this list. -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WebSphere v7 Release Engineer W

Re: Jar task

2006-01-17 Thread Jeffrey E Care
Don't trust winzip - use a real unzip program and actually unzip it. -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WebSphere v7 Release Engineer WebSphere Build Tooling Lead (Project Mantis) Guruprasad R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/17/2006 06:55 AM Please respond to "Ant Users List&

Re: Jar task

2006-01-17 Thread Jeffrey E Care
As for the duplicates, either use the basedir, or use the nested fileset: not both. As for META-INF, how do you know that it is lowercased in the JAR? -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WebSphere v7 Release Engineer WebSphere Build Tooling Lead (Project Mantis) Guruprasad R <[EM

Re: Auto task need to take backup before deployemnt

2006-01-17 Thread Jeffrey E Care -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WebSphere v7 Release Engineer WebSphere Build Tooling Lead (Project Mantis) "Karthik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 01/17/2006 06:27:24 AM: > > Hi form > > >using ant

Re: error msg for incorrect jar/basedir value

2006-01-16 Thread Jeffrey E Care
If you are going to submit a bug report I would advise you to submit a patch along with it. -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WebSphere v7 Release Engineer WebSphere Build Tooling Lead (Project Mantis) glenn opdycke-hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 01/16/2006 08:27:38 AM: >

Re: help please

2006-01-13 Thread Jeffrey E Care
Don't spam both the developer list and the user list: pick one. Also, a simple Google search would have been in order here: -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WebSphere v7 Release Engineer WebSphere Build Tooling Lead (Pr

RE: scope of types

2006-01-11 Thread Jeffrey E Care
You might want to read up on this then: -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WebSphere v7 Release Engineer WebSphere Build Tooling Lead (Project Mantis) "shreedhar natarajan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 01/11/2006 10:50:11

Re: scope of types

2006-01-10 Thread Jeffrey E Care
I'm sorry, is there a question in there, or are you making a statement? -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WebSphere v7 Release Engineer WebSphere Build Tooling Lead (Project Mantis) "shreedhar natarajan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 01/10/2006 07:46:21 PM: > H

Re: Ant and Questions

2006-01-09 Thread Jeffrey E Care
;s logging API is very basic; it should not be hard to figure out. -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WebSphere v7 Release Engineer WebSphere Build Tooling Lead (Project Mantis)

Re: Perform tasks conditionally

2006-01-06 Thread Jeffrey E Care
The jar task already figures this out for you. -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WebSphere v7 Release Engineer WebSphere Build Tooling Lead (Project Mantis) Steve Roy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 01/06/2006 09:24:43 PM: > Hello, > > I have been using Ant for about a y

Re: Deployment to Websphere 6

2006-01-06 Thread Jeffrey E Care
unless you're running on Sun or HPUX the only VM we support is the IBM VM. I'll forward this series of notes along to our team that works on the ant tasks to see if they have any suggestions. JEC -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WebSphere v7 Release Engineer WebSphere Build Tool

Re: AW: Deployment to Websphere 6

2006-01-06 Thread Jeffrey E Care
that your deployment steps work in the supported environment so we can try to localize the problem to just the environment. JEC -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WebSphere v7 Release Engineer WebSphere Build Tooling Lead (Project Mantis) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 01/06/2006 07:40:43 AM:

Re: echoproperties and umlauts

2005-12-29 Thread Jeffrey E Care
I don't know what it will do to the line breaks, but you could maybe run a reverse native2ascii on the output file to "unescape" it. JEC -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WebSphere v7 Release Engineer WebSphere Build Tooling Lead (Project Mantis) Steve Loughran <[EMAIL

Re: WebSphere Deployment

2005-12-28 Thread Jeffrey E Care
I can't speak to weblogic, but WebSphere ships ant tasks for these types of functions; check the InfoCenter for more information. JEC -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WebSphere v7 Release Engineer WebSphere Build Tooling Lead (Project Mantis) Alan Andrade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]&g

Re: rsync

2005-12-22 Thread Jeffrey E Care
AFAIK there's no rsync task. It should be fairly easy to use though to just execute the native application. Try checking the manual for the task. JEC -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WebSphere v7 Release Engineer WebSphere Build Tooling Lead (Project Mantis) "Sommers,

Re: Target duration

2005-12-22 Thread Jeffrey E Care
it's IBM confidential. JEC -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WebSphere v7 Release Engineer WebSphere Build Tooling Lead (Project Mantis) "Bruno PRIN" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 12/22/2005 11:29:16 AM: > > Hello, > > We use ant to build 130 modules. >

Re: source attribute

2005-12-20 Thread Jeffrey E Care
Try source="1.4" as well as target="1.4" -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WebSphere v7 Release Engineer WebSphere Build Tooling Lead (Project Mantis) "Lim, Teck Hooi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 12/20/2005 06:14:35 AM: > Hi, > > >

Re: FTP problems

2005-12-17 Thread Jeffrey E Care
You can also add them to the classpath for each "run configuration" by clicking on the classpath tab. Run | External tools | External tools... JEC -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WebSphere v7 Release Engineer WebSphere Build Tooling Lead (Project Mantis) Gilbert Rebh

Re: FTP problems

2005-12-17 Thread Jeffrey E Care
Since you are running this in the Eclipse environment something else to make sure of is that commons-net & oro are actually on the Ant classpath _as used by Eclipse_ ; I don't think just dropping the JARs in the Ant plugin's "lib" directory is enough. -- Jeffrey E

Re: Using properties like variables

2005-12-14 Thread Jeffrey E Care
There has been a fair amount of discussion on the developer list about providing scoped properties for macrodefs, but I'm not sure where we are on that. -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WebSphere v7 Release Engineer WebSphere Build Tooling Lead (Project Mantis) <[EMAIL P

Re: J2ee application --- jsp files

2005-12-13 Thread Jeffrey E Care
Wouldn't that depend on the application server that you are using? -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WebSphere v7 Release Engineer WebSphere Build Tooling Lead (Project Mantis) "Jonnalagadda, Sumithra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 12/13/2005 01:52 PM Please respond to

Re: How to use ANT as a command shell

2005-12-06 Thread Jeffrey E Care
Ant is not intended to be used in this way. The fact that you can kind of hack it together to work should not be taken as encouragement to do so. You might want to read "Ant in Anger" ( before setting yourself on this course. JEC -- Jeffr

Re: Tar with original permission setting

2005-12-02 Thread Jeffrey E Care
e the existing file permissions (instead of defining your own) then you must exec the native tar executable on your platform. JEC -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WebSphere v7 Release Engineer WebSphere Build Tooling Lead (Project Mantis) Leon Pu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 12/02/2005 09:3

Re: Extract jar files in an ant task

2005-11-30 Thread Jeffrey E Care
is a task, not a target. Why do you need to know the implementing class? Unless you're trying to use Ant programmatically the implementing class is irrelevant. -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WebSphere v7 Release Engineer WebSphere Build Tooling Lead (Project Mantis) M

Re: Extract jar files in an ant task

2005-11-30 Thread Jeffrey E Care
JAR files are simply ZIP files with extra metadata. Use . -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WebSphere v7 Release Engineer WebSphere Build Tooling Lead (Project Mantis) Markus Innerebner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 11/30/2005 07:53:06 AM: > Hello @all > > I realized

Re: Logging from custom tasks

2005-11-10 Thread Jeffrey E Care
I can't remember off the top of my head about -q, but the default level is INFO which would give you ERROR, WARNING & INFO. The -v flag gives you that plus VERBOSE, while -d gives you everything. -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WebSphere v7 Release Engineer WebSphere Build Too

Re: passing the name of a property file as parameter

2005-11-09 Thread Jeffrey E Care
-- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WebSphere v7 Release Engineer WebSphere Build Tooling Lead (Project Mantis) Lothar Krenzien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 11/09/2005 11:06:09 AM: > > Hi, > > I have an Ant script which should use a property file. But I want > to

RE: Specifiying user properties file

2005-11-05 Thread Jeffrey E Care
You can also use the fact that Ant creates implicit properties from the Java system properties and do something like this: This will load the user's specific properties file from their home directory. -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WebSphere v7 Release Engineer WebSphere

Re: help to convert makefile to build.xml

2005-11-02 Thread Jeffrey E Care
m, as they would contain confidential IBM information. -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WebSphere v7 Release Engineer WebSphere Build Tooling Lead (Project Mantis) Sethu Prasad G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 11/03/2005 12:41 AM Please respond to g_sethuprasad To Jeffrey E Care/Ral

Re: Ant fails to delete jars under "lib"

2005-11-01 Thread Jeffrey E Care
Perhaps some process was using that JAR at the time you attempted to delete it? -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WebSphere v7 Release Engineer WebSphere Build Tooling Lead (Project Mantis) "Erin Gu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 11/01/2005 11:28:46 AM: > Hi, I try

Re: help to convert makefile to build.xml

2005-10-28 Thread Jeffrey E Care
To the best of my knowledge there is no tool that an do such a conversion; you must do it by hand. -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WebSphere v7 Release Engineer WebSphere Build Tooling Lead (Project Mantis) Sethu Prasad G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 10/28/2005 03:37:13 AM:

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