I can't remember off the top of my head about -q, but the default level is INFO which would give you ERROR, WARNING & INFO. The -v flag gives you that plus VERBOSE, while -d gives you everything.
-- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WebSphere v7 Release Engineer WebSphere Build Tooling Lead (Project Mantis) "Cena, Bernard \(IT\)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 11/10/2005 12:24:06 PM: > Are there any "best practices" for which logging levels to use from > custom ant tasks ? > The 5 levels: MSG_ERR, MSG_WARN, MSG_INFO, MSG_VERBOSE and MSG_DEBUG are > self explanatory, but I'm not certain which levels appear when ? I'm > asking which levels are visible depending on options supplied to ant > (-v, -q, -d) ? Also, is <echo> equivalent of logging at the info level ? > (Asking about this from the point of view of using a custom logger such > as the color logger). > Thanks > Bernard > -------------------------------------------------------- > > NOTICE: If received in error, please destroy and notify sender. > Sender does not waive confidentiality or privilege, and use is prohibited.