Just a helpful tip: the gurus on this list who hang out to help the newbs usually find it really annoying when people post the same question twice in one day. Please allow at least 48 hours before posting your question again.
Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care
IBM WebSphere Application Server Development
WAS Pyxis Lead Release Engineer
WebSphere Mosiac
WebSphere Brandmark

"Fletcher, Michael \(Calgary\)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 03/27/2006 11:52:49 AM:

> Hello
> I am trying to remove almost all of the files in a folder except for the
> "Logs" folder and the folder itself.  Unfortunately if the folder
> doesn't contain any Logs then the whole folder is removed.
> This is a snippet of my build.xml.
> -- CUT
> <delete verbose="true" includeemptydirs="true">
>    <fileset dir="\\pcaw2d1\wwwroot$\terminology"
>       defaultexcludes="false">
>       <include name="**" />
>       <exclude name="Logs" />
>       <!-- Do not delete the actual folder -->
>       <exclude name="." />
>    </fileset>
> </delete>
> How should I do this?
> Michael Fletcher
> Petro-Canada
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