Encrypt or encode?

If you just need them to not be in clear-text you could always use a simple encoding: rot13, base64, etc.; depends on how strong your requirements are.

Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care
IBM WebSphere Application Server Development
WAS Pyxis Lead Release Engineer
WebSphere Mosiac
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"Antoine Levy-Lambert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

06/19/2006 12:57 PM

Please respond to
"Ant Users List" <user@ant.apache.org>

Ant tasks to encrypt or decrypt passwords from property files


I am looking for ant tasks which can be used to encrypt or to decrypt passwords stored in property files.

The reason is that I am going to develop an ant script which will start an Oracle SQL*Plus batch or a stored procedure, and the DBA does not want that we hard code the password in clear text somewhere.

I am pretty sure this is a classical topic.

Hope someone has an idea.



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