As for the duplicates, either use the basedir, or use the nested fileset: 
not both.

As for META-INF, how do you know that it is lowercased in the JAR?

Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
WebSphere v7 Release Engineer
WebSphere Build Tooling Lead (Project Mantis)

Guruprasad R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 01/17/2006 06:49:24 AM:

> i am creating a jar file using the below ant script.
>  <target name="makejar" depends="buildejb">
>   <jar jarfile="${src}/classes/npacejb.jar" basedir="${src}/classes">
>    <fileset dir="${src}/classes" includes="**/*.*"/>
>   </jar>
>  </target>
> The created jar file has all the files twice in it, with the same path. 
> there are 2 files named as weblogic-ejb-jar.xml with the same path.
> i have another problem. there are several files whose *path* is 
> but i am getting the META-INF in small letters. how can i change this
> meta-inf to META-INF?

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