This is really a commons-net question; Ant doesn't play a role in parsing the FTP server responses. You might get further if you transfer this discussion to the commons-net mailing list.
Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care
IBM WebSphere Application Server Development
WAS Pyxis Lead Release Engineer
WebSphere Mosiac
WebSphere Brandmark

Giovanni Mesturini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 03/03/2006 06:42:01 AM:

> Hi community,
> I have to get files from a Windows XP FTP server.
> Before using Ant I've tried from command line to
> verify that the FTP server I use (Golden-FTP) works,
> and it does.
> This is my ant script:
> <ftp action=""> >    server="${ftp-address}"
>    userid="${ftp-username}"
>    password="${ftp-password}"
>    remotedir="/repository/libs/jars">
>    <fileset dir="${maven-temp-dest}">
>       <include name="**/*.jar"/>
>    </fileset>
> </ftp>
> I've tried with standard Ant 1.6.5 and it gave me and
> error about no class def found for FTPClient. Then I
> followed suggestions from a forum where someone told
> me to add commons-net-1.2.2 and jakarta-oro-2.0.8 to
> my ant lib in order to solve the problem. That was
> true, problem solved, but another one grown up:
> D:\DEV_IOLI2\build.xml:35:
> Unknown parser type: WIN32
> So I'd search something and I found a russian forum
> (written in cirillic...) where there was the following
> english FAQ:
> Q: On which server operating systems is FTPClient able
> to bring back a parsed listing?
> A: Currently parsers have been written for UNIX, NT,
> OS/2 and VMS and OS400. These can be autodetected by
> the code without being specified. Additionally, the
> code correctly handles cases where NT or OS400 servers
> have been configured to look like unix servers. There
> is also a means of specifying a user-written parser by
> class name. All of these parsers return FTPFile
> objects with as much information about the file as can
> be gathered from the listing.
> If none of these is sufficient, FTPClient.listNames()
> may always be called. This retrieves just the file
> name without other information.
> (from
> Now, does someone did some successful attemp in
> downloading files from a Windows XP (or Win32) server
> using ant ftp task?...
> Thanks very much
> Jo
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