Re: [RE-wrenches] Midnite Magnum E-Panel Unofficial Service Bulletin

2010-07-25 Thread Nick Soleil
It is smart to re-check the wiring in almost all 'factory wired' enclosures, no matter who they came from. Definitely check that the connections are tight, too. Especially for battery connections. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 65

Re: [RE-wrenches] Flashings- to nail or not to nail

2010-07-27 Thread Nick Soleil
HI Wrenches: My crew wants to nail all the flashings on our footings, but I am resisting. Do you guys have any strong feelings about that. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537 Fax

Re: [RE-wrenches] AL wire with DC

2010-07-28 Thread Nick Soleil
One of our installers put a shovel through a length of romex underground today? Not even direct burial wire! Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537 Fax:707-769-9037

Re: [RE-wrenches] Flashings- to nail or not to nail

2010-07-28 Thread Nick Soleil
What about just applying adhesive. The Cali Building Code says that all roof penetrations must be flashed. Is the nail not a roof penetration? What if it works out over time, like so many other flashings nails do? Then you will have a leak. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced

Re: [RE-wrenches] Flashings- to nail or not to nail

2010-07-28 Thread Nick Soleil
OK, even though the solar racking manufacturers do not detail nailing the flashings to the roofs in their installation manuals and on-line videos, Oatey does publish a document which says "One nail or staple in each bottom corner is appropriate." Nick Soleil Project Manage

Re: [RE-wrenches] Outdoor rated flexible metal cable

2010-08-02 Thread Nick Soleil
If it is metal clad cable, then it isn't rated for outdoor applications, but it doesn't matter much if it is 24V. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537 Fax:70

Re: [RE-wrenches] USE-2 in white?

2010-08-02 Thread Nick Soleil
The colored USE-2 wiring is UV resistant (as rated) and it is the better kind (double jacketed.) I like! Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537 Fax:707-769-9037

Re: [RE-wrenches] Aluminum conduit LBs

2010-08-13 Thread Nick Soleil
boxes do list the area of the box on it. If you are not sure, you should perform a calculation to determine how much of the total area you are consuming, based upon NEC requirements. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707

Re: [RE-wrenches] Plug-in solar

2010-08-22 Thread Nick Soleil
that getting a rebate requires a permit, which will cost more than the incentive. Additionally the incentives in CA require a minimum 1 KW system. I assume their business module is really just about attracting investors. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Bo

Re: [RE-wrenches] Shell SM110-12P Pvs

2010-08-25 Thread Nick Soleil
Perhaps the inverter is too hot, and derating its power for temperature. Have you installed a fan (such as a SunnyFan on the heat sink, to help it cool. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789

Re: [RE-wrenches] Tight roof layout questions: edge walkway requirements & "small gap" hardware options

2010-08-26 Thread Nick Soleil
than the Unirac mid-clip, which is 1". This results in a 3" savings across an 8 module array. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537 Fax:707-769-9037 _

Re: [RE-wrenches] roof noise after solar install.

2010-08-30 Thread Nick Soleil
he evening. At our site, the noise occured at a location where a new addition had been attached to an older structure, and were not fastened together properly. We resolved the issue by isolating the rail sets from each other where the two structures met. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced A

Re: [RE-wrenches] Micro-Inverter Vs Central Inverters $150 Design Challenge

2010-09-02 Thread Nick Soleil
than some string inverters, but higher than others. - It can be difficult to maintain a 1.5% voltage drop on the AC side, but there is almost no DC drop, which is a plus that makes up for the lower efficiency. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma

Re: [RE-wrenches] modules and inverter poll

2010-09-02 Thread Nick Soleil
SunPower. Highest efficiency, Most Attractive, Best Producing Enphase or SMA- Most Reliable, High Efficiency, Great Support, and familiar Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537 Fax:707

Re: [RE-wrenches] RE Visio shapes files

2010-09-05 Thread Nick Soleil
You need Visio Professional to get the engineering libraries Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537 Fax:707-769-9037 From: boB Gudgel To: RE-wrenches

Re: [RE-wrenches] Wiley Asset

2010-09-09 Thread Nick Soleil
shading factor while on the roof can be very time consuming with the pathfinder, but is instant with the Suneye. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537 Fax:707-769-9037

Re: [RE-wrenches] Wiley Asset

2010-09-09 Thread Nick Soleil
e other modules on that roof, and the total output of that module is as high or higher than the other modules! Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537 Fax:

Re: [RE-wrenches] Wiley Asset

2010-09-09 Thread Nick Soleil
the roof. So maybe it helps the output, I doubt that, though. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537 Fax:707-769-9037 From: Kent Osterberg To: RE

Re: [RE-wrenches] Delta LAs

2010-09-14 Thread Nick Soleil
I do find 'Polyphaser' works, though. But they cost almost as much as new equipment. I also think that AC surge suppresion devices are smart. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 O

Re: [RE-wrenches] Grounding

2010-09-14 Thread Nick Soleil
feel that the module manufacturers should be responsible for resolving the grounding and wire management issues. However, I am not holding my breath. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-78

Re: [RE-wrenches] GEC for Enphase inverters

2010-09-15 Thread Nick Soleil
Yes, Enphase bonds the DC positive to ground in their inverters. This allows them to work with all modules, including SunPower. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537 Fax:707-769-9037

Re: [RE-wrenches] GEC for Enphase inverters

2010-09-16 Thread Nick Soleil
Thanks Jay: That is true. Enphase and Evergreen are not compatible. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537 Fax:707-769-9037 From: jay peltz To

Re: [RE-wrenches] ARRA Question

2010-09-19 Thread Nick Soleil
Of course, No. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537 Fax:707-769-9037 From: Allan Sindelar To: RE-wrenches Sent: Sun, September 19, 2010 9:21:50 AM

Re: [RE-wrenches] deadly fall off of roof

2010-09-24 Thread Nick Soleil
The Solar City installer was first shocked with 400 VDC, and then fell to his death. My friends at that company have complained about the inexperienced designers there and the lack of quality controls. They said that they only hire designers from right out of college. Nick Soleil Project

[RE-wrenches] Protecting the Installer

2010-09-24 Thread Nick Soleil
afety and quality control, then we should be able to discuss it. It is a learning experience for all of us. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537 Fax:707-769

Re: [RE-wrenches] Pulse charge controller

2010-09-26 Thread Nick Soleil
Bryan White: Who is on this board now works for a solar distributor, but he was my primary contact at Pulse and then Connect. I think he works for Eagle Roofing. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office

[RE-wrenches] Fw: Pulse charge controller

2010-09-26 Thread Nick Soleil
Hi Marco: Bryan White, who is on this board, now works for a different solar company in Grass Valley. He was my primary contact at Pulse and then Connect. I think he works for Eagle Roofing now. He would be a good person to ask about this. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced

Re: [RE-wrenches] Trace/Xantrex info

2010-10-05 Thread Nick Soleil
Hi Allan: I too have found it difficult to find Xantrex and Trace owners manuals for SW and XW products. I don't deal with C-40s or DRs much these days, luckily. I did find a PDF at another site for the SW series manual, . Nick S

Re: [RE-wrenches] enphase D380

2010-10-07 Thread Nick Soleil
-380 cabling system by next year. Magnus has been working on the next cable system, and brought out a prototype to one of our projects during the layout phase. That next cable system will be more versatile, but will not cost much less. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy

Re: [RE-wrenches] Xantrex/Schneider GT inverters

2010-10-07 Thread Nick Soleil
They have been backlogged. We had waiting for three weeks for one GT, but it finally arrived yesterday. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537 Fax:707-769-9037

Re: [RE-wrenches] Enphase v. string inverter

2010-10-10 Thread Nick Soleil
was wiping out 75% of the production. I can assure you, those 9 modules would have been producing '50+% greater output' Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537 Fax:70

Re: [RE-wrenches] Enphase v. string inverter

2010-10-11 Thread Nick Soleil
your product line. Therefore, you will be on an even playing field, even if folks are providing misinformation. If you offer the product, but are honest about the limitations, they will probably believe you more than if you don't offer the product. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced A

Re: [RE-wrenches] Power line shading

2010-10-11 Thread Nick Soleil
s. I just checked todays production, and the modules with wire shadows on them were producing 18-21% less per module than the modules without the shadows. At another site with just one 1/2" phone wire located 3' above a module, that module is producing 2-3% less when shaded.

Re: [RE-wrenches] What is a solar installer...?

2010-10-15 Thread Nick Soleil
A license to some jurisdictions, who have limited the license requirements to C-10 and B, but the license is classified for 'power plants' and I have always been approved. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC CSL 806325 PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953

Re: [RE-wrenches] Target fire

2010-10-18 Thread Nick Soleil
typical of the quality I would have expected from this manufacturer/ commercial installer. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537 Fax:707-769-9037 From

Re: [RE-wrenches] Target fire

2010-10-18 Thread Nick Soleil
m the array. Why do you think that the module level wiring contributed? Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537 Fax:707-769-9037 From: Matt Lafferty T

Re: [RE-wrenches] Mounting Enphase when using S-5-PV Clamps

2010-10-20 Thread Nick Soleil
seems. If the seams are 18" to 24" apart, then it can be difficult to mount the modules within the module's max overhang (which is often 15-16" or 1/4" of the module length.) Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma,

Re: [RE-wrenches] Protection against birds

2010-10-25 Thread Nick Soleil
I did find a nest of dead squirrels under an array, they chewed through the USE conductors and got fried. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537 Fax:707-769

Re: [RE-wrenches] small offgrid pv kit

2010-10-28 Thread Nick Soleil
reason, because it seems more 'Earth conscious.' I always explain to them that the environmental impacts of manufacturing and disposing of batteries is far worse for the environment than continuing to use the grid and installing grid-tied PV. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alter

Re: [RE-wrenches] Enphase warranties

2010-10-29 Thread Nick Soleil
am guilty of that one.) Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537 Fax:707-769-9037 From: Drake To: RE-wrenches Sent: Fri, October 29, 2010 10:14:55 AM

Re: [RE-wrenches] Enphase warranties

2010-10-29 Thread Nick Soleil
d" application, you can't expect them to guarantee the performance, which is what a 'written' guarantee implies. I bet SMA won't provide a written guarantee that they will perform when coupled to an FX inverter, either. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alterna

Re: [RE-wrenches] Are Thick Plate Batteries Worth the Price?

2010-10-29 Thread Nick Soleil
You generally pay for what you get. The industrial 2V cells generally cost more, but will last a lot longer (up to 25 yrs.) I think it depends on the customer's budget, and the long term plans for the property. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC P

Re: [RE-wrenches] Are Thick Plate Batteries Worth the Price?

2010-10-29 Thread Nick Soleil
ct 25 years from a battery bank, though. I tend to tell customers 3-7 years for T-105s, 7-10 years for L-16s, and 12-15 years for industrial 2Volts cells, such as C&D Technologies batteries. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma,

Re: [RE-wrenches] warranty liabilities

2010-11-01 Thread Nick Soleil
costs, but rarely cover all of our expenses. There are weeks that I spend half my time dealing with warranty issues. This is virtually all from product failures. I am finding that many modules are failing at 4+ years old. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solu

Re: [RE-wrenches] Expected Life of SW Inverters

2010-11-03 Thread Nick Soleil
corrosion. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537 Fax:707-769-9037 From: Keith Cronin To: RE-wrenches Sent: Wed, November 3, 2010 1:26:48 AM Subject

Re: [RE-wrenches] enphase AC carrier length

2010-11-05 Thread Nick Soleil
product enables the Envoy to be located away from the router (and closer to the array.) The 'Ethernet Bridge' is a product offered by Enphase. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office

Re: [RE-wrenches] SB Power during countdown

2010-11-07 Thread Nick Soleil
screw driver during installation. I had been called in to service the project after the original installer went out of business. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537 Fax:707-769-9037

Re: [RE-wrenches] Another PV fire

2010-11-11 Thread Nick Soleil
could have lead to a fire. We are all at risk of this happening. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537 Fax:707-769-9037 From: Bill Brooks T

Re: [RE-wrenches] String Level Monitoring in Combiners

2010-11-15 Thread Nick Soleil
ned to full power on the monitor. Those types of issues will go one for ever in systems with less detailed monitoring. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537

Re: [RE-wrenches] Laing Solar Eco Pumps vs. El Sid

2010-11-29 Thread Nick Soleil
I have installed about a dozen Laing D-5 pumps in the last year, and have had good luck with them. Our thermal supplier includes the Laing pumps in all of their kits now, and stopped selling the El Sids a couple years back, due to reliability issues. I too have seen many El Sids fail. Nick

Re: [RE-wrenches] To insulate a battery bank

2010-12-10 Thread Nick Soleil
were only five years old at the time. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537 Fax:707-769-9037 From: Allan Sindelar To:

Re: [RE-wrenches] Trace TM500

2010-12-15 Thread Nick Soleil
Ralph is great treasure and Bogart Engineering is one of a kind. That is the only company in the world where the owner/engineer answers the phone everytime, ready to help you solve your needs. Thanks Ralph! Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657

Re: [RE-wrenches] Battery based hydrogen incidents

2010-12-20 Thread Nick Soleil
the board of Solar Sebastopol with him 5-6 years ago. I too have lost touch. I tried to reach him four or five years ago but his office said that he was retired and his cell number was disconnected. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 9

Re: [RE-wrenches] PV On Corrugated Metal Roof on Steel Building

2010-12-22 Thread Nick Soleil
I like to bolt through the structural member, but have used toggles in some applications. Of course, you need to download the structural specifications and confirm that the toggles are robust enough for the application. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC

Re: [RE-wrenches] XW config tool

2011-01-13 Thread Nick Soleil
start methods, but they forget the most fundamental one! How does that happen? Gen starting shouldn't be so complicated. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537 Fax:70

Re: [RE-wrenches] Working on DIY systems and Junkers

2011-01-13 Thread Nick Soleil
ms to be safe. Well, there was that one guy who was running his genny with the gas cap off, which started a grass fire just as I was pulling up Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-953

Re: [RE-wrenches] Incompatible Metals

2011-01-14 Thread Nick Soleil
Hi Kelly: Are you sure about the XHHW listing. Doesn't that designate aluminum wire? You mentioned CU before. I have seen some discolloration from copper wire against module frames, but not real corrosion. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions

Re: [RE-wrenches] Enphase and oversizing

2011-01-17 Thread Nick Soleil
Enphase has been very clear that the M-190 can be paired with modules up to 230 watts DC, with a slight amount of power loss Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537 Fax:707-769-9037

Re: [RE-wrenches] Generator Operating Cost

2011-01-19 Thread Nick Soleil
I have seen some 10 and 12 KW Kohler RZ gennys get ~16,000 hours. Those are water cooled units, of course. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537 Fax:707-769-9037

Re: [RE-wrenches] Inverter oversizing

2011-01-20 Thread Nick Soleil
pay for the increased cost of the inverter. It is probably a smart decision, as long as the increased inverter size doesn't increase the system cost significantly, by requiring a supply side tap, a service panel upgrade, or other major upgrades to the system.. Nick Soleil Project Ma

Re: [RE-wrenches] EnPhase male whips

2011-01-20 Thread Nick Soleil
, such as the situation that Eric described. As mentioned before, the extension cable can be cut, and the other end is used as a standard whip. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537 Fax:707

Re: [RE-wrenches] EnPhase male whips

2011-01-21 Thread Nick Soleil
of male cable options, because the Enphase extension cable is a good solution. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537 Fax:707-769-9037 From: Kent Os

[RE-wrenches] Fw: EnPhase male whips

2011-01-21 Thread Nick Soleil
Sorry about the typo. The second sentence should have read: The site had 28 modules on one roof, but due to fire access walkways, and limited space, we had to place one module on a different roof. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA

Re: [RE-wrenches] EnPhase male whips

2011-01-21 Thread Nick Soleil
he homerun cable back to the utility power. Mahalo Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537 Fax:707-769-9037 From: Kent Osterberg To: RE-wrenches Sent: Fr

Re: [RE-wrenches] Male Whip follow-up

2011-01-23 Thread Nick Soleil
Hello Eric: Would you please provide a reference to the literature where Enphase says, "using a cut extension cable will void the warranty of the entire installation." I didn't see anything in the installation manual. Also, Enphase did recommend the application to me. It was actually pr

Re: [RE-wrenches] Schneider recall

2011-01-25 Thread Nick Soleil
My list is over 100 inverters so far, and I have only got 2-3 years of jobs processed. Getting together all the serial numbers is taking some time. I am glad this recall didn't happen during the end-of-year rush. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC P

[RE-wrenches] Roofers installing solar = creative, new installation methods

2011-01-27 Thread Nick Soleil
the array slid down the roof, and a MultiContact connector came unplugged. The customer noticed that his system was not operating, and called us to the site. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 70

Re: [RE-wrenches] Roofers installing solar = creative, new installation methods

2011-01-29 Thread Nick Soleil
that the roofing attachments is the aspect of the project that the roofer should be able to do best, but they skipped that step. That gives me some concern for the safety of PV system owners and their neighbors. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657

Re: [RE-wrenches] Roofers installing solar = creative, new installation methods

2011-01-30 Thread Nick Soleil
Hi Keith: That kind of thing really helps develop a trusting relationship with the customer. Most customers seem willing to accept those charges on a T&M basis. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Of

Re: [RE-wrenches] Roofers installing solar = creative, new installation methods

2011-01-30 Thread Nick Soleil
Hi Kieth: Have you really drawn up a contract to label a load center. Honestly, that should probably be included as part of the PV project. Many inspectors want to see that the panels are labelled at final inspection. I end up doing all servicing on an hourly basis. Nick Soleil

Re: [RE-wrenches] SolarEdge

2011-01-31 Thread Nick Soleil
up later in the afternoon. That is not the kind of production that I would be looking for. Can anyone explain what is happening to there? Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537 Fax:707

Re: [RE-wrenches] SolarEdge

2011-02-01 Thread Nick Soleil
Hi Brian: I didn't get into solar to cut trees, and I doubt any of us did. Thanks for the insight. I am glad to know it wasn't due the Solar Edge equipment failing. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 70

Re: [RE-wrenches] Parallel wire runs to increase size

2011-02-02 Thread Nick Soleil
You shouldn't parallel wiring that way. That is not acceptable by code, and it is unnecessary. If the #10 is not sufficient just replace it. Due to the fact that the larger wiring has much less resistance, most if not all of the current will flow on the larger wires. Nick Soleil Pr

Re: [RE-wrenches] Parallel wire runs to increase size

2011-02-03 Thread Nick Soleil
That's true Dan. "Not all of the current" would be on the larger wire, but most would be, assuming that the old #10 and the connections are still good. And hopefully, it isn't landed on the 12V terminals on the back of the refrigerator. Nick Soleil Project Manager

Re: [RE-wrenches] Problem with NABCEP ad

2011-02-06 Thread Nick Soleil
w, so there is not much we can do about it. NABCEP is too much money, and adding additional certifications should be at a reduced cost. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537 Fax:707-769

Re: [RE-wrenches] NABCEP marketing

2011-02-07 Thread Nick Soleil
CEP wants as many participants as possible, so anyone can sit for it. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537 Fax:707-769-9037 From: Dave Palum

Re: [RE-wrenches] PV water pumping

2011-02-11 Thread Nick Soleil
say that those wheels send out ~500 million prayers a day! Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537 Fax:707-769-9037 From: Jeff Oldham To: re-wrenches

Re: [RE-wrenches] Can I handle the voltage drop?

2011-02-15 Thread Nick Soleil
t the Enphase cabling can add an additional 1.75% to the rise. I break my Enphase circuits into two sub-circuits of half length. Enphase is defintitely more tolerant of voltage issues than other inverters. Xantrex is the worst, but can be adjusted. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Altern

Re: [RE-wrenches] Array tilt angle doesn't matter?

2011-02-22 Thread Nick Soleil
Hi William: I got 46.9 degrees from the site. I feel comfortable calling that 47 degrees. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537 Fax:707-769-9037

Re: [RE-wrenches] Spot welding PV's to rails for theft prevention: bad idea?

2011-03-04 Thread Nick Soleil
structures. However, the thieves persisted, by cutting the steel substructures with torches to get the modules. Eventually, BP brought in the utility power. Too bad. The good thing was that I got to buy the remaining 600 used modules for a good price. Nick Soleil Project Manager

Re: [RE-wrenches] grounding the Enphase inverter

2011-03-04 Thread Nick Soleil
permit package. We should have this issue resolved before installation begins. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537 Fax:707-769-9037 From: Mark Frye

Re: [RE-wrenches] Top of POST mount

2011-03-22 Thread Nick Soleil
Hi Jason: The rail spacing seems too thin for the module. Most modules require that the rails are no more than 25% in from the edges. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537 Fax:707

Re: [RE-wrenches] Testing new batteries

2011-03-24 Thread Nick Soleil
are low, then contact the manufacturer with the data. I have had great luck with battery manufacturers warranting their defective batteries in warranty. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537

Re: [RE-wrenches] NABCEP Test

2011-03-31 Thread Nick Soleil
will be a passing grade? Can that be true? Does the grade get set to control the number who pass or fail? That doesn't seem right. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537 Fax:707-769

Re: [RE-wrenches] NABCEP Test

2011-04-01 Thread Nick Soleil
to find which surface would produce more power, and how much more power. However, the azimuths were listed as 'Compass' degree readings, but the provided chart gave outputs for 'True' degrees. The question did not provide the magnetic declination for the site!

[RE-wrenches] SLDs with Mac

2011-04-08 Thread Nick Soleil
? It seems really user friendly. What about AutoCAD for Mac? Nick Soleil 707-321-2937 ___ List sponsored by Home Power magazine List Address: Options & settings:

Re: [RE-wrenches] PVC running through the house

2011-04-09 Thread Nick Soleil
As per the 2011 NEC, MC (metal clad cable) is now allowed to be run inside the building envelope for solar output circuits. Nick Soleil Project Manager Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC PO Box 657 Petaluma, CA 94953 Cell: 707-321-2937 Office: 707-789-9537 Fax:707-769-9037

Re: [RE-wrenches] Battery Backup for Older Enphase Systems

2017-11-11 Thread Nick Soleil
. Cordially, Nick Soleil Enphase Energy | Product Manager, Envoy and IQ Accessories (707) 763-4784 x7267 // office (707) 321-2937 // cell [Enphase_esig_logo6.jpg]<> Energy Evolved<>™ Powering What’s Next™ | The Enphase Energy Management System&


2017-11-28 Thread Nick Soleil
he M and S-series micros (and vice-versa), so you will need two Envoys, one of them being an IQ Envoy. Cordially, Nick Soleil Enphase Energy | Product Manager, Envoy and IQ Accessories (707) 763-4784 x7267 // office (707) 321-2937 // cell [Enphase_esig_logo6.jpg]<https://enphase.c

Re: [RE-wrenches] Auger for ground mount

2018-02-09 Thread Nick Soleil
I’d use a two-man gas auger. Nick Soleil Product Manager Enphase Energy Cell: 707-321-2937 On Feb 9, 2018, at 7:05 AM, Chris Mason>> wrote: I'm taking on construction of a ground mount system of about 30KW. My previous experience has entai

Re: [RE-wrenches] Enphase question

2018-07-07 Thread Nick Soleil
u can pair the Panasonic HIT modules with our IQ 7X micros. We have a module compatibility tracker online here: Cordially, Nick Soleil Enphase Energy Product Manager (707) 763-4784 x7267 // office (707) 321-2937 //

Re: [RE-wrenches] Altitude and controllers

2018-08-22 Thread Nick Soleil
To clarify, the altitude restriction that Enphase sets is only related to the Envoy and Combiner Boxes, but does not apply to microinverters or other accessories. Please contact me off-list if you are having any issues with the altitude restriction. Cordially, Nick Soleil Enphase Energy

Re: [RE-wrenches] Enphase CTs

2018-08-22 Thread Nick Soleil
board. Unfortunately, you won't find an alternate CT. Cordially, Nick Soleil Enphase Energy Product Manager (707) 763-4784 x7267 // office (707) 321-2937 // cell [Enphase_esig_logo6.jpg]<> Energy Evolved<>™ Powering What’s Ne

Re: [RE-wrenches] Enphase CTs

2018-08-23 Thread Nick Soleil
Yes, both the Envoy-S and IQ Envoy use the same consumption metering CTs (CT-200-SPLIT). Cordially, Nick Soleil Enphase Energy Product Manager (707) 763-4784 x7267 // office (707) 321-2937 // cell [Enphase_esig_logo6.jpg]<> Energy Evolved<http://enph

Re: [RE-wrenches] Crimper for Enphase field wireable connectors

2019-03-08 Thread Nick Soleil
found here: Cordially, Nick Soleil Enphase Energy Senior Product Manager, Envoy and Accessories (707) 763-4784 x7267 // office (707) 321-2937 // cell Powering What’s Next™ | The Enphase Energy

Re: [RE-wrenches] Enphase Envoy in PVC J-Box

2019-03-28 Thread Nick Soleil
oesn't address Jason's code questions, though. Cordially, Nick Soleil Enphase Energy Senior Product Manager, Envoy and Accessories (707) 763-4784 x7267 // office (707) 321-2937 // cell Powering What’s Next™ | The Enphase Energy Management System<

Re: [RE-wrenches] Enphase Envoy in PVC J-Box

2019-04-01 Thread Nick Soleil
breakers smaller than 20A. 20A breakers are sufficient for protecting a single branch circuit of IQ Microinverters, provided that the field wiring is sufficiently sized. Cordially, Nick Soleil Enphase Energy Senior Product Manager, Envoy and Accessories (707) 763-4784 x7267 // office (707

Re: [RE-wrenches] Micro inverter OCP

2019-04-25 Thread Nick Soleil
ing a tripped GFI in our Envoy Installation Manuals, including in this doucment: Cordially, Nick Soleil Enphase Energy Senior Product Manager, Envoy and Accessories (707) 763-4784 x7267 // office (707

Re: [RE-wrenches] Old & new Enphase communication issues

2020-03-10 Thread Nick Soleil
) as well as Engage Terminators, Engage Seals, Engage wire clips, and Engage Accessory Kits (which include the Disconnect Tools) These are legacy components are available at an online store here: Cordially, Nick Soleil Enphase Energy Senior Product Manager

Re: [RE-wrenches] Old & new Enphase communication issues

2020-03-10 Thread Nick Soleil
Hi August, These IQ based micros will not work with the legacy, positively grounded Sunpower modules, but these will work for expanding to those systems. Cordially, Nick Soleil Enphase Energy Senior Product Manager (707) 763-4784 x7267 // office (707) 321-2937 // cell Powering What’s

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