[RBW] Re: Roadeo art

2009-10-14 Thread rperks
wrote: > On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 8:55 AM, rperks wrote: > > > Looks good, but why are the hills blue and the sky silver?  Silver > > clouds I understand.  If it is a too many color isue maybe the extra > > shade of green should be on the hills?  Just seems kind of off, not &

[RBW] Re: NOW: off-road handlebars WAS: Long introduction and question on frame and handlebar options from newbie to the list

2009-11-08 Thread rperks
I will chime in here as I have other places in proclaiming the greatness of the Nitto RM013, AKA Rivendell dirt drop, AKA MB1 drop bars. I have these in both the recently rediscoverd standard width, 48cm at the tips, and an older wider set, 52 cm at the tips. I have run the wider ones on my Rawl

[RBW] Re: NOW: off-road handlebars WAS: Long introduction and question on frame and handlebar options from newbie to the list

2009-11-08 Thread rperks
Link to pictures of my Rawland set up. http://www.flickr.com/photos/36302...@n08/sets/72157622761433374/ The early hobo bag should give it at least a thred of Riv content ;) Rob On Nov 8, 10:03 am, rperks wrote: > I will chime in here as I have other places in proclaiming the > greatn

[RBW] Re: NOW: off-road handlebars WAS: Long introduction and question on frame and handlebar options from newbie to the list

2009-11-08 Thread rperks
hold a position in the garage. Rob On Nov 8, 10:32 am, CycloFiend wrote: > on 11/8/09 10:03 AM, rperks at perks@gmail.com wrote: > > > > > > > I will chime in here as I have other places in proclaiming the > > greatness of the Nitto RM013, AKA Rivendell dirt drop,

[RBW] Re: Tires for Bombadil...

2009-11-12 Thread rperks
I was going to post a link to the extremes, but the Schwalbe web page is not working for me a tthe moment. I am running one on the rear with a Marathon XR on the front, both 42mm wide. If I did not already have the XR they both would be the extremes. The extreme replaced a 37mm XR that I had on

[RBW] Re: Aucklanders with S&S coupler tool?

2009-11-15 Thread rperks
Gino, Glad it all seems to be working out. I had a similar experience when going through customs there, but not as dramatic. They went through all our luggage looking for the shoes and boots so that they could sanatize them (the outsides, no smart comments). I guess that is part of what keeps t

[RBW] Re: Which Side Pull Brakes for Jack Browns?

2009-11-17 Thread rperks
I will also as why not the long reach shimano brakes? it looks as though they will let a Jack Brown pass with the QR, a wide rim and judicious use of the adjustment screw, although I do not have experience with this yet. Will these work? Rob -- You received this message because you are subscri

[RBW] Re: Protecting the top tube from brake cable

2009-11-18 Thread rperks
One of the Jagwire brake cable and housing kits, I think the MTB ones, come with Nosed end caps and a length of the thin tubing. Mine was black though. As you run the cable an housing to the first stop the nosing goes past the stop, and then you thread on the sleve, and then the rear cable housin

[RBW] Re: Protecting the top tube from brake cable

2009-11-18 Thread rperks
I took som pictures of a quick mockup of the cable set: http://www.flickr.com/photos/36302...@n08/sets/72157622706258693/ Disclamer: seemed like a good excuse to avoid real work and learn how to use Flicr on the iphone -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups

[RBW] Roadeo Teaser

2009-11-25 Thread rperks
I have been posting here and there, but mostly lurking. Santa's Brown truck came early this year, and apparently I was a good boy! Here are some teaser shots: http://www.flickr.com/photos/36302...@n08/sets/72157622875811028/ Size 63 in the Raw clear powder coat. I can now be part of the Owner's

[RBW] Re: Roadeo Teaser

2009-11-25 Thread rperks
hip, and for safe, happy > > riding! > > > > > From: Bill Connell > > To: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com > > Sent: Wed, November 25, 2009 2:40:22 PM > > Subject: Re: [RBW] Roadeo Teaser > > > On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 1:56 PM, rperks wrote: >

[RBW] Re: The cycling shorts ruse?

2009-11-27 Thread rperks
I have ridden most of my rides in a pair of surf trunks for 20 years or so now. Keeping an eye on material or seam placement heads off trouble at the pass. I have neve seen the need for padded shorts. Rob On Nov 27, 7:28 am, Mike wrote: > I enjoyed touring and bike camping this past summer in

[RBW] Re: Roadeo Teaser

2009-11-27 Thread rperks
put a deposit down? I placed my deposit immediately after the > Roadeo debuted on the site, but have not heard a peep since. > > On Nov 25, 2:56 pm, rperks wrote: > > > > > I have been posting here and there, but mostly lurking.  Santa's Brown > > truck came early t

[RBW] Roadeo Prelim Report

2009-12-07 Thread rperks
The honeymoon was perfect, and made it home in time to recover, pull a full afternoon build up, and a Sunday shakedown ride before the rains and work set in for the week. Picture here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/36302...@n08/4166372759/in/set-72157622875811028/ It is a mix of old, new and NOS c

[RBW] Re: Roadeo Prelim Report

2009-12-07 Thread rperks
oto!   Sounds like you were able to get in a good initial test > ride, despite what looks like some pretty harsh winter weather*. > > :) > > *OK I'm just jealous because we've had snow on the ground since > Saturday, and it doesn't appear to be going anywhere anyt

[RBW] Re: Roadeo Prelim Report

2009-12-07 Thread rperks
Steve, Shimano Deore XT M730, 175mm x 110mm BCD. I am running them on a 118mm Phil BB and the chainline between the double rings is just a little wide (45) for the 6 spd cluser on the 130 spaced rear. The rings are 48-36 or close to that that I had sitting in the parts box, saving pennies and qua

[RBW] Re: Roadeo Prelim Report

2009-12-07 Thread rperks
This was one minor let down with the frame, I had asked a couple of times if the seat tube bottle would be up high, it is really a minor issue though. Looking at the pictures of the other Rodeo frames on the Riv site it seems that they all have the bottom hole just above the bulge in the bottom of

[RBW] Black Friday Ride Report

2009-12-08 Thread rperks
Still Catching up on the photo backlog. http://www.flickr.com/photos/36302...@n08/sets/72157622960339922/ The friday after Thanksgiving I made it out for a fun morning picture ride. I was visiting family on the central California coast for the Holiday weekend, and rode this loop, with a little ex

[RBW] Re: What parts are going on Roadeos

2009-12-10 Thread rperks
If there was a blue ribbon for uncoventional builds I would likely win. Updated Photo set here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/36302...@n08/sets/72157622875811028/ Build: Handle bar: Nitto RM013 Riv Dirt Drop Levers: Tektro Shifters: Suntour Barcon NOS Cables/Housing: Jagwire Titanium Finish Stem: N

[RBW] Re: Goals for 2010

2010-01-01 Thread rperks
1. Support my lovely bride through the birth of our daughter this summer! 2. Take more Pictures 3. Ride at least 1 century per month. 4. Ride more in general 5. Get my blogs up and running, one Cycling, on more general. 6. Get a job closer to home, 130 mile round trip right now. 7. Get back in the

[RBW] Re: All-Rounder Deal - Anyone dig 26 here?

2010-01-04 Thread rperks
You need to hunt down a set of the Primo Comet 26x1.5. I came into owning a set of these through the purchase of an ebay tandem. They are dirt cheap, about $25, and held in high regard by the recumbent set. I have moved them arond on a few bikes and they are fast and smooth as pillows, I dream o

[RBW] Re: Rivendell Roadeo or Other

2010-01-04 Thread rperks
I was having a similar decision making process when I decided to go with the Roadeo. I had been looking at the Lyons and also Banjo Bicycles, he did the Velo Orange Pass Hunter. I was looking for something similar to the Pass Hunter, but with side pull brakes. Also, at the time Riv had a red Lego

[RBW] Re: Help open City of L.A. trails to bikes

2010-01-06 Thread rperks
Thanks for the heads up, Letter sent: Rob, in Ventura workng in LA, but might consider a move to get out of the car again if LA was a little more like Ventura On Jan 5, 9:17 pm, cyclotourist wrote: > Consider taking a few moments to submit support of opening dirt trails > withing the city to cyc

[RBW] Re: light chassis

2010-01-07 Thread rperks
you can dig in here at candlepower forums: http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/forumdisplay.php?f=86 more info than you ever wanted to know about flashlights resides in the archives, they make our bike fettish look almost sane, with the right tools and creative desire you can make it do almost an

[RBW] Roadeo Group on Flickr

2010-01-08 Thread rperks
In my deepest moment of focus on work today I started a Roado Flicker pool today. I looked up what I could and sent out invites but welcome all submissions that are on subject, i.e. Roadeo Frame, build and ride shots. Please help me flesh this out, it is way too top heavy with my own pictures at

[RBW] Re: Roadeo Group on Flickr

2010-01-08 Thread rperks
:33 pm, Seth Vidal wrote: > On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 4:32 PM, rperks wrote: > > In my deepest moment of focus on work today I started a Roado Flicker > > pool today.  I looked up what I could and sent out invites but welcome > > all submissions that are on subject, i.e. Roadeo

[RBW] Re: Roadeo Group on Flickr

2010-01-08 Thread rperks
I was thinking of setting up one each for: Seat Post Binders, Stems, Crank Bolts, Pedal Dust Caps. ;) > > > Just don't forget the most special-ist Rivendell group: > > http://www.flickr.com/groups/rivendell_valve_stems/ > > -- > Cheers, > David > Redlands, CA > > "Bicycling is a big part of t

[RBW] Sackville Rando Bag?

2010-01-09 Thread rperks
Can you tell us more about what looks to be a Sackville Rando Bag that it is sitting on top of in the first picture? Side and front pockets, Check. Top flap, check. Apparent loops for Nitto bar mount, check. Is this a reincarnation of the Boxy Bag? Inquiring minds need to know, this is the one

[RBW] Re: Birthday Ride...on a Quickbeam

2010-01-12 Thread rperks
Happy Birthday / Hau'oli lā hānau Bob! And the shots are pretty good too. Even though we are more spoiled then most with the weather here in California, I am still jealous of all that warm water in the background. Rob On Jan 12, 12:35 am, "Robert F. Harrison" wrote: > Today (1/11) was my 52nd

[RBW] Re: A Bit More on the RBW/SOMA San Marcos/Amos

2010-01-13 Thread rperks
>From following Rivendell/Grant for a while I would imagine that these types of projects really are the fruits of their labors. It takes the intelectual property and designs for a deeper penatration into the masses. The next stop would be packaging them as completes and getting them into the corn

[RBW] Re: 60cm "Maxway" Hillborne Photos

2010-07-29 Thread rperks
As stated there are tradeoffs both ways. Best spacer I have fond to date for this "problem" is a single presta valve nut on each. Rob On Jul 29, 11:56 am, William wrote: > Design flaw?  No.  Design choice with which some will disagree? > Yes. > > Many cages clear the FD without standoffs...the

[RBW] Re: Bike tour From Santa Barbara to San Diego

2010-07-30 Thread rperks
Nice pics, sounds like a fun trip. And you went over the 150 from carp to venture, you had your legs on for sure, great views though. and tailwinds almost the whole way Rob On Jul 30, 12:04 am, manueljohnacosta wrote: > Just got back from a tour. Many things learned, lots of things seen, > ref

[RBW] FS Nitto Soba Bar 46cm

2010-08-03 Thread rperks
I have a 46cm Soba bar in near new condition for sale. If you are not familliar, the Soba is the same shape as the noodle, but lighter weight, approx 300g. This is just the ticket for the noodle fan building up a Roadeo. I wanted to like it but find I prefer the shape of the RM013. Pics: http:/

[RBW] SOLD :FS Nitto Soba Bar 46cm

2010-08-04 Thread rperks
Thanks guys On Aug 3, 5:27 pm, rperks wrote: > I have a 46cm Soba bar in near new condition for sale.  If you are not > familliar, the Soba is the same shape as the noodle, but lighter > weight, approx 300g.  This is just the ticket for the noodle fan > building up a Roadeo.  I wante

[RBW] Re: New Sugino Crankset

2010-08-04 Thread rperks
This may sound rediculous, but the middle ring may not be symetric, and may do better flipped. On my 50-30 Ritchey compact set up on my Roadeo I have the outer ring with the text/etching facing out, and the middle ring has the text facing in or left. 9sp chain with an IRD freewheel in the back.

[RBW] Re: New Sugino Crankset

2010-08-05 Thread rperks
m 160-175 and I do not have to scour the glode looking for a decent price on quality chainrings. Rob On Aug 5, 4:10 am, Garth wrote: > On Aug 4, 10:57 pm, rperks wrote: > > > This may sound rediculous, but the middle ring may not be symetric, > > and may do better flipped.  On m

[RBW] Re: what a difference a cm makes

2010-08-06 Thread rperks
do you know the volume and issue the article was in? On Aug 6, 7:30 am, Seth Vidal wrote: > I bought that romulus from andrew on the list and I hadn't had much > chance to ride it due to family drama but recently I was riding it > more and I wasn't entirely comfortable, but I couldn't figure out

[RBW] iBoB?

2010-08-06 Thread rperks
I know a few of you here participate in both lists, has the server gone down again or do I have to figure out if I somehow unsubscribed? It has been radio scilence for a few days now. Rob -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To

[RBW] Re: Tektro CR720 w/Marks Rack Conflicting

2010-08-07 Thread rperks
somewhere on youtube is a video of Mark at riv bending them with a hammer and vise, you do not need to heat them, just do it like you mean it. The vise holds them at the same time and orientation for a syncronised bend. Call riv and talk to mark or one of the guys for moral support, they may even

[RBW] Re: Man-Topic [Shaving Facial Hair]

2010-08-11 Thread rperks
Once you jump into the world of wet shaving you will never look back. Have fun. I have been usinf a brush and soap since Highschool, 20 years ago, god it has been that long. I used the straight razors for a bit, but the return on time and money hits a sweet spot with the double edge razors. I wa

[RBW] Re: Riv's Retreat from 650B in Larger Sizes, & Optimum Tire Pressures/Sizes

2010-08-14 Thread rperks
I will second that this is not just an issue of diameter, but mass as well. Both play into the moment of inertia, and gyroscopic forces that play into handling. The volume of air that affects rolling resistance is the cross section of air directly above the area of deformation. Therefore it stan

[RBW] Re: RIV status of 650; and big frames .

2010-08-17 Thread rperks
Counter point on tire size and aesthetics, http://www.flickr.com/photos/rperks1/4849743094/in/set-72157622761433374/ best shot I have with the fenders on. I can ride anything in my region on or off road with the 42mm tires, they just ride like truck retreads. Although you can crush bottles with th

[RBW] Re: For Sale: Rivendell clothes, bags, and gear, Brooks, Nitto, Berthoud, Grand Bois, Velo-Retro Reprints, and More

2010-08-17 Thread rperks
I will come out and officially admit that I covet your garage - cangrats on the sale Rob On Aug 17, 2:43 pm, "XO-1.org Rough Riders" wrote: > Hello fellow Rivendell Riders. I have a lot of stuff I'd like to clear > out, so here's my For Sale list. Please respond to me directly, not > the whole

[RBW] Re: Want some 700C Hetres or Pari-Motos? Sign up here

2010-08-17 Thread rperks
I would be in for a set of both, the catch is being the one to make it happen. The current candidates are either focused on other tire sizes or content with the current offerings where durability trumps supple speedy tires. I will go out an a limb and say I would like to be the one to bring these

[RBW] Re: WTT/WTS: Paul Racer Brakes for Racer Medium Brakes

2010-08-17 Thread rperks
Just clarifying that is on set? or front and back at that price? On Aug 17, 1:33 pm, Steve wrote: > I realize that this is a long shot, but I figured it's worth a shot... > > I've got a pair of NIB Paul Racer Brakes in Silver Anodized that I'd > like to trade for a pair of the shorter reach Racer

[RBW] Re: The ultimate compact double (IMO)

2010-08-19 Thread rperks
The gray is the bead blasted finish. Nice, but kind of contrasty with the polished or black rings. Functionally the same though, I have sets of both I have been tempted by the 177.5 since they were listed. The price is a little high for my blood. If somebody here gets them, and decides they ar

[RBW] Re: Stuff for Sale

2010-08-24 Thread rperks
what is the angle on the ritchey 120 x 26? - rob On Aug 24, 5:32 am, Beardpapa wrote: > Still available: > Front Rack:  Nitto High Rider front rack (PENDING) > Cranks:  Shimano RX100 triples 170mm. > Stem:  Ritchey Force 120mm 26,0 > Stem:  Ritchey Force 120mm 25.4 > > SOLD: > 2.  Cranks:  Sugino

[RBW] Re: For Sale: More Garage Clean Out (very extensive list)

2010-08-25 Thread rperks
I will take the Kelly Take offs - Rob On Aug 25, 8:52 am, "XO-1.org Rough Riders" wrote: > Hello fellow Rivendell Riders. I have yet more stuff I'd like to clear > out from my garage, so here's my new For Sale list. Please respond to > me directly, not the whole list! First come, first served. T

[RBW] Re: Hunqa and SO update on Riv site!

2010-08-27 Thread rperks
Disc brakes come with good and bad, I have been an advocate, but I think the dishing of the wheels from the left side opens up greater inherent weaknesses. If the canti brakes are not enough, or the flex in the stays is a bit much you can always throw a booster arch on it. It is not like you could

[RBW] Re: Rear Hub Advice

2010-08-29 Thread rperks
go with the 7sp and don't look back - rob On Aug 29, 6:25 am, Montclair BobbyB wrote: > For my Bombadil, I plan to lace up a set of wheels with a derailleured > rear and dynamo front hub.  I'd appreciate advice, particularly on my > rear hub choice. > > Planned setup: > > Rims - 36-hole Velocity

[RBW] Re: Another tall Renovelo (complete bike)

2010-09-01 Thread rperks
that, and the fact that the dia-compe brakes they sell have a minimum reach of 63mm? these must be the new ones VO is selling or the bike is a 650b conversion? so much to speculate on and so little time. Rob On Sep 1, 2:49 pm, Michael_S wrote: > Another one of those darn double top tube monstr

[RBW] Re: Another tall Renovelo (complete bike)

2010-09-01 Thread rperks
would be a new fork.  I can't find the > picture/posting, but they had a photo with it still mainly Orange but > back from having the 2TT fillet brazed in. > > On Sep 1, 3:35 pm, rperks wrote: > > > > > that, and the fact that the dia-compe brakes they sell have a

[RBW] Re: Stan's No Tubes and Grand Bois 700/28C tires?

2010-09-16 Thread rperks
I have been thinking about this for a while, not that I have been loosing too many tubes at the moment, just a lucky streak, I was burning through them a year ago. you can watch the road tire install video here: http://www.notubes.com/movie_road.php and the list of accepted tires here: http://www.

[RBW] Rodeo 650B?

2010-09-30 Thread rperks
I would likely guess that I am not the first one to fit the 650b wheel into every bike in the garage the first time you get on home and set up. I was putting together a 650b conversion for the wife's bike and thought I would grab a few dimensions on all other potential conversion bikes in the stab

[RBW] Re: Rodeo 650B?

2010-09-30 Thread rperks
. Rob On Sep 30, 8:03 am, CycloFiend wrote: > on 9/30/10 7:44 AM, rperks at perks@gmail.com wrote: > > > The clearance is tight, 4mm or so, but it fit.  Brake reach would be > > in the 75mm range.  The rear was similar.  I would put this in the > > possible but why bo

[RBW] Re: Tandem Crank for a Single Speed?

2010-10-15 Thread rperks
If you want I might trade you for a set of xt M730 cranks in decent condiition if yours are 175 or longer. My wife and I ride tandem and it hurts me every time I see a set of these cranks helicoiled. There are many more conventional cranks on the face of the earth, while these older squre taper ta

[RBW] Re: WTB: Grip Kings

2010-10-16 Thread rperks
I will chime in with the shoe width reference as well. I wear size 12 keens when riding and the grip kings felt like they barely made it half way across my foot. Put them on the wife bike, she is a size 7 ot 8 I think and she loves them. if you are going wide and flat look for some decent thin a

[RBW] Re: FOUND, was WTB: Grip Kings

2010-10-17 Thread rperks
I am curious if those of you with large feet that like the GK pedals so much have flattish or high arched feet? I have high arches and with the GK it felt like my feet were going to roll off the outside edge and I had to use concentration to keep the load on my inner three rows of foot bones. As

[RBW] Re: Saluki Tubing Specs

2010-10-18 Thread rperks
good luck getting tubing specs. I will say that my 63 roadeo that is a "hair heavier" than the 747 spec on the smaller ones may have been, or could be 858 based on early adopter correspondence, I love the bike, and for my 220 lb self it does fine, although there are times I wonder if I bought a H

[RBW] Re: what to wear with knickers?

2010-10-24 Thread rperks
You pull up your socks and tuck them into the bottom of the knickers if you are really looking for style. And if you want bonus points, buy a pair of the same socks in a smaller size, cut out the toes and you have coordinating arm wamers. The heel section fits well inthe elbow, as if they werre m

[RBW] Re: Mustache handlebars: XO-3 vs current Nitto bars

2010-10-26 Thread rperks
AASHTA http://www.sheldonbrown.com/bridgestone/1992/1992.pdf page 36 pdf, 35 catalog On Oct 25, 8:14 pm, SJB wrote: > Once again, I find myself intrigued by mustache bars. I used to have a > Bridgestone XO-3 that came with mustache bars. The B-stone bars fit a > 25.4 stem and used mountainbike bi

[RBW] Re: Upgrading from 9 to 8 speed

2010-10-28 Thread rperks
I find that I prefer a narrow chain on a wider cassette spacing when I am friction shifting. The shifts are still quick and smooth enough. I have 6 speeds or less on all but one bike, the Rawland. I find that I need to be much more precise with the 9 sp to keep the casette noise and rubbing down

[RBW] Re: 1950 rough stuff race

2010-10-31 Thread rperks
It may have been me, I have a big and a small one that I use for my longer rides. They fit into the bags better than extra bottles on their sides. I was carrying water in sig bottles, then switched to an old hydration pack that I used to refill bottles, which gave way to the platipus bags. Where

[RBW] Re: What color bar tape, or tape plus shellac, for a Sage Green frame?

2010-11-01 Thread rperks
I have been really happy with the Soma Thick and Zesty, the striated in particular. You can see the gray camo on my Traut here http://www.flickr.com/photos/rperks1/4290618211/in/set-72157623125783235/ I think it may pull together well wiht the saddle and bag you have. Rob - http://oceanaircycles.

[RBW] Re: Ram Tire Snafu

2010-11-07 Thread rperks
I feel your pain with this one. On my Roadeo the front brake pads are at the bottom of the slots and the fork has 45mm between blades. With the Shimano brakes I could still get a 37 in there with a little balck magic to get it in and out. The rear is another story. The bridge is so low that the

[RBW] Re: Rivy takes to the trails

2010-11-07 Thread rperks
Looks like fun, maybe we should do a ride out your way in the spring when the norh winds have blown in the crisp air and things are dried out. Also, looks like the razor worked pretty well ;) - Rob On Nov 7, 2:56 pm, cyclotourist wrote: > Great day for riding.  High 60's and all the funk in the

[RBW] Re: Ram Tire Snafu

2010-11-07 Thread rperks
As in my other post, that is shockingly close to the exact opposite of my situation. I would definately check the rake on the fork, and or any other signs of change in the fork from original. This could be a really good reason to call Tom Matchak and get one of his forks made up. http://tommatch

[RBW] Re: Why doesn't Riv reissue some bag classics?

2010-11-08 Thread rperks
In the case of that particular bag, I think they see the newer BarSack as an improvement and progress. That is likely the view on many of the designs. They have said that about their frames in the past as well. While a couple of the bags fetch good money on ebay, it is hard for us to look from t

[RBW] Re: Riding backwards.

2010-11-09 Thread rperks
Same here, and while I "get it", take a close look at the chain line on that bike. Is it a kickstand making it look odd or are there other things going on down there? Rob - who shold never watch things that make the brain work too hard right befor bed On Nov 8, 9:50 pm, Philip Williamson wrote:

[RBW] Re: Nov SoCal Riv Ride

2010-11-14 Thread rperks
It was a great time, thanks to Noel for lighting the fuse on this, sorry to hear you are under the weather. Pics are up, captions, adding to groups etc., and a full write up on my site later tonight. http://www.flickr.com/photos/rperks1/sets/72157625263351847/ James, thanks for the complement on

Re: clear powdercoat, was Re: [RBW] Re: Nov SoCal Riv Ride

2010-11-15 Thread rperks
ven thumb prints!  The > > verdict is still out on whether they are susceptible to rust though. > > > On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 11:58 AM, james black wrote: > > > On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 07:50, rperks wrote: > > > > James, thanks for the complement on the b

[RBW] Re: Nov SoCal Riv Ride

2010-11-15 Thread rperks
blog: http://oceanaircycles.com/ - Rob On Nov 14, 2:32 pm, james black wrote: > On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 07:50, rperks wrote: > > Pics are up, captions, adding to groups etc., and a full write up on > > my site later tonight. > >http://www.flickr.com/photos/rperks1/sets/72157625

[RBW] Re: Got Rivendell Bombadil

2010-11-15 Thread rperks
Very nice. I wish thigs like that were to be found in my neighborhood. Where do you find things like that unless you live in Walnut Creek? For the rack, the Aherne racks are really nice but $$$, I was able to touch and feel one at Topanga Bicycles, but it was out of my league $ wise. It was red

[RBW] Re: 650b Rambouillet was: Feeling Abondoned

2010-01-14 Thread rperks
I recall from the iBoB archives that there was an apparent difference based on years. If I Recall the first, maybe couple, of rounds did not fit the wider tires as easily. Sorry, but I am too lazy to look it up at the moment, but I do recall a thread about this over there. Rob On Jan 13, 6:01 p

[RBW] Re: Will riding a Rivendell make me self-conscious or overly worrisome?

2010-01-14 Thread rperks
It is pure joy riding them. I have had people stop and chat about it, either other cyclists or non. Seems the look gets attention. Not really a bad thing, just is what it is. Honestly though I had a lot of attention with a de-logoed Cross Check as well. The clean lines of the black bike with c

[RBW] Re: Palms Springs, CA Area Riding?

2010-01-16 Thread rperks
I mapped it from my place and it would take about 3 hours to get there. Has anybody riden this loop? how long if you stop to smell the roses? I might be in if it could be a day trip. If the rain stops by then is could be perfect. Ken- how late are you leaving on the 20th? could we make a Satur

[RBW] Re: How to wrap a bar with two colors of tape

2010-01-20 Thread rperks
Having done it this way once, and going nuts at the brakelevers myself. I was thinking of starting at the lever and working out to the ends. The compound bend a the tops is the hardest to stay on Axis, depending on how you choose "axis" at this point. I still felt like I had been sucked into an

[RBW] Soma Express Tires

2010-01-20 Thread rperks
The 650B was briefly covered in the new RR. Here is the total line up: http://www.somafab.com/tires.html they have the skinwall and colors in their online store. I would buy a set but the Jack Browns are almost new still. Anybody out there ride the "Hypertex" casing yet? Rob -- You received th

[RBW] Re: "Quickbeam Green" Roadeo - pictures

2010-01-24 Thread rperks
Looks really nice. How do you like the tires? What is the actual width on those once inflated? Rob On Jan 23, 3:11 pm, Adam DeFayette wrote: > Check it > out:http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/7IDE6Lx7BsB_In1Rke29SQ?feat=dire... > > Just finished wheel-build and assembly. > > Standard Riv-p

[RBW] Re: Rack on Rambouillet

2010-01-24 Thread rperks
The closest you will get to that bar bag is an Acorn, www.acornbags.com The bag they sell is smaller than the carradice above, but will work better for bars narrower than 46cm. The carradice bag is a licky find that comes up from time to time. One was for sale here on the list a few months back,

[RBW] Ventura Sunday Ride Report

2010-01-24 Thread rperks
The rains finally stopped in a big way, and it is butiful out there. While trying to focus on paperwork, I decided it was just too nice out to sit inside. Headed out on the Roadeo to cross town, 12 miles or so, to the farmers market for eggs and taters. On the way I passed two other Riv Riders he

[RBW] Re: What's in Your Saddlebag?

2010-01-27 Thread rperks
In the Hobo bags (Carradice and acorn): Tube 2 soma tire levers Topeak alien, heavy and yes you can almost put the whole bike together with it regular 5 and 6 mm alen wrenches 3 or 4 zip ties Fiber fix spoke Sram Power link small pen bandana Panasonic GF1 digital camera snack bar band aids patch ki

[RBW] Re: Franklin Canyon Ride

2010-01-31 Thread rperks
Nice looking ride, are you in the north LA area or more west by the coast? Rob On Jan 31, 12:07 pm, Brad Gantt wrote: > I took a nice ride over the hill to Franklin Canyon yesterday. The > canyon is still quite wet from the recent rains and quite green. After > climbing out on the Hollywood side

[RBW] Re: Franklin Canyon Ride

2010-02-02 Thread rperks
We could work out one a similar ride, but shift it north a bit, the further you are away from the city the less cars you see for sure. That being said I have only been on the roads closer to the 23, with lots of riding in sycamaore canyon - http://venturacountytrails.org/TrailMaps/Sycamore/AreaTra

[RBW] Re: Choosing between a 650B and 700c frame

2010-02-08 Thread rperks
My thoughts exactly, I end up ordering almost everything, even with 6 or 7 shops within riding distance. Kind of sad - Rob On Feb 8, 7:57 am, Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery wrote: > It doesn't matter much. Your LBS doesn't stock 650B, but they probably > don't stock the nicer mid-width 700C rubber

[RBW] Re: lively, low rolling resistance 700C road/off-road tire?

2010-02-17 Thread rperks
I have an 42 mm extreme on the back of my rawland with an XR up front, but can only compare to the XR that used to be in the rear. The reduction in weight is noticably large and the ride is much smoother quicker to spin etc. It is not close to the JB in pillow like smootheness, but definately pas

[RBW] Re: lively, low rolling resistance 700C road/off-road tire?

2010-02-17 Thread rperks
rt, > and maybe the Extremes are the way to go... Hard to find in the 40 > width, only one online retailer has them and $65 a pop... are they > really worth it? > > Mike > > On Feb 17, 5:53 am, rperks wrote: > > > > > I have an 42 mm extreme on the back of my rawland

[RBW] Acorn Hobo and Nitto Lamp Holder

2010-02-22 Thread rperks
I know that some of you out there are as in love with the Hobo bag design as I am. On my Roadeo the Acorn version has been working pretty well, but I wanted to tweak it a bit. I bought a nitto Lamp Holder 2, quite a nice bit of shiny Nitto goodness as one would expect. I mounted it with the acce

[RBW] Re: Acorn Hobo and Nitto Lamp Holder

2010-02-23 Thread rperks
in General handling should be improved by keeping the load/mass lower and above the axel. This largely falls into the personal preferance range though. The loads I carry in the front: Panasonic GF1 Spare Tube Wallet Phone Keys Extra water on a big day this keeps the load weight pretty low, all th

[RBW] Re: stem length?

2010-02-23 Thread rperks
Once you stockpile an assortment of stems you can dial in your optimum reach from the saddle to the bars. The next obvious extension of this logic is to pursue additional frames with top tube dimensions that pair with the other stems to build as many bikes as possible with the optimum total reach.

[RBW] Re: stem length?

2010-02-23 Thread rperks
u not justify a whole bike? Rob On Feb 23, 11:56 am, rperks wrote: > Once you stockpile an assortment of stems you can dial in your optimum > reach from the saddle to the bars. > > The next obvious extension of this logic is to pursue additional > frames with top tube dimensions that

[RBW] Re: Bar height and hand pain... don't know what else to do...

2010-02-24 Thread rperks
I concur with the other rreplies so far as well. I have ridden a few bars and prefer the greater flair in the dorps of a dirt drop style bar, helps me achieve the "neutral position". The key is finding that position for you. I also prefer the added thicknes of Soma's thick and zesty tape. It is

[RBW] Re: WTT: My Riv Bullmoose for your Dirtdrop bar and stem???

2010-02-25 Thread rperks
That is wonerful news, any ideas on whne these will het the streets? On Feb 24, 5:29 pm, EricP wrote: > Might not need to trade.  Jim at Hiawatha showed me a catalog couple > of weeks ago with the Nitto Dirt Drop bars back in production(!). > > (That combo is on my list for the Hunqapillar.  Have

[RBW] Re: Bar height and hand pain... don't know what else to do...

2010-02-27 Thread rperks
The midge bars are MUCH wider feeling and in actuall measure. I have them and use them on some set ups, but find the drops short, I have big hands. The number of hand positions is somewhat limited too, due to the shape. I find myself always coming back to the Nitto dirt drop. Downside to that i

[RBW] FS Tan Acorn Roll Bag

2010-02-27 Thread rperks
Like it says Tan Acorn Roll bag for sale in near mint condition. I used it for a short while on my Eisentraut, and decided I am more of a stuff sack kind of guy and use the medium bags from Acorn. A little bit of tire dirt where the bottom hits the tire when unrolled and an imprint of my lezyne p

[RBW] Pending FS Tan Acorn Roll Bag

2010-02-27 Thread rperks
Sale Pending On Feb 27, 4:48 pm, rperks wrote: > Like it says Tan Acorn Roll bag for sale in near mint condition.  I > used it for a short while on my Eisentraut, and decided I am more of a > stuff sack kind of guy and use the medium bags from Acorn.  A little > bit of tire dirt wher

[RBW] Sold FS Tan Acorn Roll Bag

2010-02-27 Thread rperks
Sold On Feb 27, 6:11 pm, rperks wrote: > Sale Pending > > On Feb 27, 4:48 pm, rperks wrote: > > > > > Like it says Tan Acorn Roll bag for sale in near mint condition.  I > > used it for a short while on my Eisentraut, and decided I am more of a > > stuff sack

[RBW] Re: Cross levers only on a moustache bar

2010-03-01 Thread rperks
I like the on the hoods position as an option when setting up m-bars, options are always good. I also have found non-aero levers to be better both for cable routing as well as looks with this style of bars. - Rob On Mar 1, 1:21 pm, nathan spindel wrote: > I'm wondering if any of you have tried

[RBW] Schwalbe Kojak vs Jack Brown

2010-03-02 Thread rperks
Who among us has ridden both and can compare? I really enjoy my Jack Brown greens, but the pictures of the Kojaks on various bikes ar RBWWHQ have got me wondering. Deep Google searches turn up mostly recumbant love. Rob -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Grou

[RBW] Nitto Lugged Stem

2010-03-02 Thread rperks
Is there more to this stem then the love of lugs? Is it appreciably stiffer than the technomic? Does it provide vertical compliance while isolating lateral and twisting flex? Is there more than good looks for 3 times the price? Rob -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the

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