I just checked my Rivendell account information on the web site - the 55 cm
Betty Foy was shipped to me on 2/19/12. As I mentioned, I have 2 55cm
mixtes - the other was shipped in November. The only reason I didn't build
the Betty last spring was because I had knee surgery last May and just
Luckily was able to swap the bars and levers on my SimpleOne indoors over
the winter. Followed the Rivendell method and used a table to make the
levers even.
In the garage during summer it's basically feel. Eyeball it then hop on
the bike and ride around the block with a 5mm wrench and adjust to
Took yesterday off work in part to get out on the SimpleOne. Was only the
second time this year. Weather and cold have kept me on geared bikes too
much. Rode over to Jim Thil's shop where he surprised me with a cool tool
(thanks!) Happened across a friend and we rode together for a while until
Nicely stated, and thanks for all the work you do!
On 17 April 2013 02:08, Cyclofiend Jim wrote:
> As we make our way out of the winter, I know every one is getting excited
> about spring riding. Even in the parts of the world where they have real
> winters, things are looking g
I suddenly have a craving for Hagen Dazs ...
Eric N
Twitter: @CampyOnlyGuy
On Apr 16, 2013, at 9:44 PM, Michael Williams wrote:
> This is a fun video of people just riding
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDUe9BFPrzg
> --
> You received this message
For a rim, I would suggest considering Velocity's A23 rim:
(I have them in 650b, and really like them, built my first wheelset on
those rims.)
Jim Thill, Rich Lesnik, Anthony at Longleaf, Peter White... all would build
you a good wheel set
I have a set of Nitto Moustache bars and need a set of Nitto Noodle bars 46 or
A few scratches from insertion and some tape residue on the Moustache bars.
Bars used for only a short time.
Tom Dusky
Huntington Woods MI
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hi Jinxed - beautiful set up. I have an old road bike frame project in the
mill. Can you measure drop on your bars for me? The 345mm overall drop
listed by on-one for these bars makes no sense. Thanks
On Friday, March 15, 2013 7:15:01 PM UTC-5, jinxed wrote:
> OK. So after some excellent a
I have had this bag for over a year and have yet to use it. It is in like
new condition. $200 shipped
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also, is anyone using a Soma Road 1 bar? tried a search with no luck
On Wednesday, April 17, 2013 8:20:11 AM UTC-5, Ron Mc wrote:
> hi Jinxed - beautiful set up. I have an old road bike frame project in
> the mill. Can you measure drop on your bars for me? The 345mm overall
> drop listed b
I've run Albatross bars on my Surly Cross Check and on my Big Dummy briefly
and they worked great. Although currently both bikes are running the Surly
Open Bar which I currently like more as it's stiffer and the position works
better for offroad riding and fast descending. The Albatross bars see
I have albatross bars on my Bombadil and love them. I considered going
back to drops after the frame gets back from paint, however since then I
took the AHH touring with drop bars. Only three days but I will tell you
that I sure missed the Albatross's.
To say the least when the Bombadil gets b
+1 for building your own. I'm no mechanical genius, but I have now built more
than half a dozen wheelsets, and they're all on the road and doing fine,
including a couple of wooden rim wheelsets, a Rohloff rear and a couple of SON
dynamo wheels. It's not that hard -- I just read through Sheldon
My advice,
Buy the best , buy it once !
I have hired Joe Young (youngwheels.com)to build 2 sets of Mavic/Phil Wood
wheels for me, absolutely perfectly true/round wheels that have stayed that
way, like any true professionally built wheels should ! He "used" to build
wheels for Riv back in the
Today's blog post is about the story of the Taylor brothers, famous for
their wonderful touring bikes and tandems, with wonderfully evocative
photos of men and machines in post-war Britain.
Jan Heine
Bicycle Quarterl
Jim can alert me if this doesn't qualify, but I always feel a little queasy
when "where can I get Riv-type stuff, but, ya know, cheaper" posts show up
here. The question is fine on general lists like iBob or Bicycle Lifestyle,
but seems kinda in violation of the spirit of a forum dedicated to th
In my experience the Nitto racks are stronger and better made than the
Tubus racks even though their self described limits are similar. I've had
one rack, a Tubus Vega that broke at a weld joint as I was gently
stretching it to fit on a tandem hub. Nitto's are bombproof and
beautifully made.
My wife has a Miele road bike from the same era and likes it a lot. The
frame is nice, columbus tubing and has nicely shaped and thinned lugs,
definitely not cheap looking. She said she couldn't imagine anything more
comfortable, that is until we built her a Heron touring bike with upright
Jan, can I order a copy of that issue and pick it up in Seattle?
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I like Nitto racks since I dont have to think too hard about them. They are
beautiful, well made and way under rated load wise. I have used a variety
of other racks and nothing is like my Nittos.
On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 11:37 AM, Mike Schiller
> In my experience the Nitto racks are strong
I suspect for a lot of folks, Riv bikes and Riv stuff remains aspirational.
If they come here for ideas, it works.
Eventually, they will have the $$$ for the dream.
On Wednesday, April 17, 2013 10:26:29 AM UTC-5, Joe Bernard wrote:
> Jim can alert me if this doesn't qualify, but
BMX cassette driver hubs don't have interchangeble cogs, the cog and the
freehub body are one piece. That allows them to run something like a 9t(!)
rear cog on the microdrive setups currently popular with BMX'ers.
The SunXCD 5spd, 120mm cassette hub first appeared on the radar about a
year ag
Smiles all around, and not a clean bike to be seen!
And here's a blatant endorsement for the SKS
longboards: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lumachrome/8645949783/in/photostream/
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Owners Bunch" group.
I've sometimes felt this way but then I began to encounter Rivs in the wild
here in Boulder; a pair of his and hers Atlantii at an art event, a
baker/accordian craftsman with a Hillborne and a local blogger with
another, a Japanese Flute player with a Ram. I know there are a lot of
people out t
Ah. I love joe, had him build me a set of wheels 10 years ago, and they are
still true enough that I still have not had to adjust them. Great guy to deal
with, was happy to see he was still building wheels.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW
Brooks is putting out a new waterproof saddle.
The Cambium.
You can register to be a tester.
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Owners Bunch" group.
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What about a S24-48H meet up early summer on forest service roads and/or
Great Divide Mountain Bike trail? I say this knowing I would be a highly
dubious participant due to my brain injury (highly sensitive to soap, and
laundry scents, sounds, and much more, any of which can end my ability to
Starting this in it's own thread from:
Duplicating my input:
What about a S24-48H meet up early summer on forest service roads and/or Great
Divide Mountain Bike trail? I say this knowing I would be a highly dubious
New thread started here for the Colorado Ramble:
With abandon,
On Wednesday, April 17, 2013 11:08:55 AM UTC-6, Deacon Patrick wrote:
> What about a S24-48H meet up early summer on forest service roads and/or
> Great D
Anyone know where to get a replacement spring for that thing?
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FWIW, the OnOne Mary does come in silver-it's the same bar or so similar
that I can't detect a difference.
Apologies for the non-Riv content.
On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 7:59 AM, Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery <
thill@gmail.com> wrote:
> Mark,
Is there a good group for general C & V? General Camping/Touring? Mechanics?
I thought maybe people could post groups they are a part of for OT posts.
- Ryan
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With the purchase of my new Bleriot I am selling the build parts from my
previous project. The frame will be available on the iBob and rcog lists.
All of these parts are nearly new. Put on my abandoned Rawland project and
ridden for about 10 miles so some insertion/assembly marks but little wear.
Ryan, Good suggestion. Perhaps you should start such a group.
Sunland, CA
On Wednesday, April 17, 2013 10:44:13 AM UTC-7, Ryan Ray wrote:
> Is there a good group for general C & V? General Camping/Touring?
> Mechanics?
> I thought maybe people could post groups they are a part of
I tried to register to be a tester and got the following error message:
"Errore nel salvataggio dei dati
System.Data.EntityException: The underlying provider failed on Open. --->
MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException: Too many connections
at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlStream.ReadPacket()"
Nope, same problem
From: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
[mailto:rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Andrew Letton
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 1:52 PM
To: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [RBW] Brook's new waterproof Cambium saddle coming out
I tried to register t
I was able to register but have not received a confirmation email.
On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 10:52 AM, Allingham II, Thomas J <
thomas.alling...@skadden.com> wrote:
> Nope, same problem
> ** **
> *From:* rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com [mailto:
> rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com] *On
Nevermind... it went through on the fourth try.
From: Andrew Letton
To: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
Sent: Wed, April 17, 2013 10:52:19 AM
Subject: Re: [RBW] Brook's new waterproof Cambium saddle coming out
I tried to register to be a test
Deacon, wish I was out you way and I'd be in.
On Wednesday, April 17, 2013 10:11:14 AM UTC-7, Deacon Patrick wrote:
> Starting this in it's own thread from:
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/rbw-owners-bunch/cLxPstsnm6M
> Duplicating my input:
> What about a S24-48H meet
I'm interested in the Brooks B17 and the Moustache bar. Shipping to 52404.
They'd look awesome on my Riv Road.
On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 12:27 PM, Phillip Hathaway wrote:
> With the purchase of my new Bleriot I am selling the build parts from my
> previous project. The frame will be
If you're ever out this way, Hugh, let me know. It's be great to figure
something out.
With abandon,
On Wednesday, April 17, 2013 11:58:43 AM UTC-6, hsmitham wrote:
> Deacon, wish I was out you way and I'd be in.
> Best,
> Hugh
> On Wednesday, April 17, 2013 10:11:14 AM UTC-7, De
I poked around the web and archives but couldnt get a 100% answer. What is
the extension, ie reach-not quill length, on the 58CM Bullmoose Bosco
Bars? (Riv content 100%)
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+2 for building your own. It's not rocket science and the quality will be
as good as it gets if you can follow directions. :)
On Wednesday, April 17, 2013 8:45:54 AM UTC-5, Pudge wrote:
> +1 for building your own. I’m no mechanical genius, but I have now
> built more than half a do
Has anyone here ridden on Soma Road 1 bars, and what are your impressions?
Also, the published "overall drop" on Midge bars, 345mm, makes no sense
whatsoever. Can anyone measure the actual drop and reach on their midge
bars? Thanks.
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Thanks. Y'all almost have me convinced. I have built one (1) wheel, a fixed
wheel with 36 spokes that presented absolutely no problem, thanks to
Sheldon's instructions; this was still true after I'd put ~2K miles on it,
many with heavy rear loads.
We'll see. And thanks for the encouragement.
On W
My own personal hermeneutic of the ancient text below interprets it to
mean: 554 mm ends of hooks, 37.5 mm width of tops, 112 mm drop c-c .
"Dimensions and stuff:- Geometry:- Width at the ends -- 554mm -
centre/centre Width of "flat se
Yes, I think On One's text description needs a bit of formatting to help
it. Let's try this (I'm guessing):
Width at the ends -- 554mm - centre/centre
Width of "flat section" or "tops" - 375mm
Overall drop - 112mm centre/centre
Sweep forward - 64.5mm centre/centre (from centre of bar
Build 'em!
PS: I need to make a correction to my original post. I typed 'not', when
I meant 'no'; unfortunately, that extra 't' changes the meaning. Peter,
Rich, Jim, Anthony, Joe, etc., can build 'great' wheels. I had meant to
type: "can build good, no, great wheels", b
I was not home when you posted the question earliersorry for the delay.
Looks like the on-one measurements got sorted for you. Good luck on the
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thanks, I'm taking the road parts that I swapped out on my old Raleigh
rebuild and going to build up a such-a-deal Francesco Moser frame into a
brew-pub racer. Going for a modest drop position and so far, I'm looking
at those two bars. I like the shape of the Road 1 bars, and the 75mm reach
yes they're having a bandwidth problem. I got into the form, but submit
always ends up with an error message in Italian - I kind of like it.
On Wednesday, April 17, 2013 12:57:50 PM UTC-5, Andrew Letton wrote:
> Nevermind... it went through on the fourth try.
> cheers,
> Andrew
> -
> I wish I were in SF. Who wants to pick it up and ship it to me?
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I hit submit and nothing happens
On Wednesday, April 17, 2013 1:03:49 PM UTC-4, Michael wrote:
> http://www.brooksengland.com/
> Brooks is putting out a new waterproof saddle.
> The Cambium.
> You can register to be a tester.
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I dont want to speak for Joe but what I would add is if you are looking for
a used Rivendell bike because a new one is out of reach that is great IMO,
since it is getting you on a Rivendell and into the fold, so to speak. On
the other hand, if you are asking if someone makes a bike like Rivendel
I haven't seen anything remotely like gouging in Rivendell's prices. There
may be a few items where a better discount can be found elsewhere, but most
of the stuff I want, anyway, Rivendell has a better price than even Amazon.
On Wednesday, April 17, 2013 2:50:31 PM UTC-5, Peter M wrote:
Agreed, the prices at Rivendell are very reasonable, I just dont know if
its Kosher for people to come here and say something like hey that Atlantis
is nice but does someone make a similar bike for less money? Just like, not
sure if I am off base here, but not sure if its cool or not if you are
Price includes shipping... so we'll just send it wherever you want it to go.
Jan Heine
Compass Bicycles Ltd.
Follow our blog at http://janheine.wordpress.com/
On Wednesday, April 17, 2013 8:53:20 AM UTC-7, Scot Brooks wrote:
> Jan, can I order a copy of that issue a
IMO: -
Dynamo hub wheelset will be an easier sell, due to the popularity of LED
lights. As an example the Avenir lights on Amazon are a killer deal. The
tires probably have some life left. Probably, a wheelset like this new
would cost approx $400.00 (maybe a little more, but if you look at
> I was able to submit my registration. I received my email to varify my
> email address. But when I try to follow the link to verify my email I get
> An Error Has Occurred message in English.
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I think the "secondary market" aspect of this list is valuable, and I don't
see any problem recommending a TIG welded alternative to a Riv model, since
Grant has done the same in the Rivendell Reader. We're not salespeople,
we're just people.
My two cents.
On Wednes
Rivs are aspirational purchases for most and there seems to be room in the
list for "Rivish." I doubt everyone who buys Riv products has a Riv frame.
Even some people who work there don't have a Riv frame.
- Ryan
On Wednesday, April 17, 2013 2:02:59 PM UTC-7, Philip Williamson wrote:
> I t
Just picked up one of the dutch fender lights -
When I went to install, realized that the screw is too long, it will rub
the tire if I screw the bolt all the way snug - anyone install one of these
Tips for how to shorten the bolt? Am I doing something wrong? Bolt seems
pretty long to
Will consider frame set or complete, any color. Please reply offline with
condition and price. I also have a blue 60 cm for trade or will be for
sale once I find a 62.
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The non-Rivish post are like pornography, I know it when I see it. Or
something like that.
--mike (who has been known to go off topic...)
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B17, seat post and moustache bars are sold.
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to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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I have the Brooks B68 you're looking for in Honey Brown with
black undercarriage. Three years old, maybe 500 miles, always stored
indoors, treated regularly, better than new. Pix available if you want 'em.
Dave Redmon
On Wednesday, April 17, 2013 12:27:19 PM UTC-5, Phillip
I'm not in San Francisco but I can have my son-in-law pickup the the
Bleriot Frame/Fork/Headset including the Front and Rear Wheels.
PayPall works for me.
Thank you,
Rodney Lee
On Wednesday, April 17, 2013 8:08:42 AM UTC-7, Irv wrote:
> Selling for a friend:
> - 55cm Rivendell Frame/Fork wi
Giving it another try. I really have to sell the wheelset this time since I
just ordered a new non-dynamo set. Front wheel is a Salsa Delgado Cross
with a Shimano DH-3D72 dynamo hub (32h), the rear wheel is a Sun Rhyno Lite
with a Shimano SLX hub (36h). They're in great shape, albeit a little
You can cut the bolt down, or use a presta valve nut as a spacer. Haven't
seen one in person, but I would bet it would do the trick.
On Wednesday, April 17, 2013 5:12:30 PM UTC-4, Zack wrote:
> Just picked up one of the dutch fender lights -
> When I went to install, realized that the screw
The Riv universe contains a large number of individuals who buy little or
nothing from Riv, but who trawl the used Riv and "Riv-ish" market for
deals. I'm ok with that. I've never thought the best or most honest goal of
this list is to cheerlead for Riv or to banish those who don't regularly
Put the light on, then use a Dremel with a cutting disk.
–Eric N
Sent from my iPhone 5
On Apr 17, 2013, at 2:12 PM, Zack wrote:
> Just picked up one of the dutch fender lights -
> When I went to install, realized that the screw is too long, it will rub the
> tire if I screw the bolt all t
It should be clear that this is a forum for those who enjoy some or all
aspects of what Riv contributes to the world of cycling and cycling
products. But the list isn't owned or controlled or managed in any direct
way by Riv or Riv employees. If we're all being honest, some posts will
On Wednesday, April 17, 2013 2:18:06 PM UTC-7, Mike wrote:
> The non-Rivish post are like pornography, I know it when I see it. Or
> something like that.
Thanks mike!
Yeah, that's kinda the test. There are posts which never hit the list that
land squarely in that genre. Usually by a
I don't understand if/how far OT my post on the fixie is, but I deeply
appreciate getting advice from folks who appreciate the Rivendell level of
quality and experience -- that is something I can't get easily on another
list, where Riv riding philosophy is the exception rather than the norm.
Spacers! That will do for now. I guess I may end up just buying a dremel
tool for cutting bolts too, this comes up relatively often in my bike
adjusting shenanigans.
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I am personally posting less and less since the nasty emails sent to my
personal email address ,it seems some people want to take comments and put
words in the mouth of the writers, but there will always be those people,
unfortunately. I will stick my neck out again and say if you don't own a
On Wed, 2013-04-17 at 18:19 -0400, Peter Morgano wrote:
> I am personally posting less and less since the nasty emails sent to
> my personal email address ,it seems some people want to take comments
> and put words in the mouth of the writers, but there will always be
> those people, unfortunately.
Right on cue. Shouldn't you have sent it to my personal email address
On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 6:38 PM, Steve Palincsar wrote:
> On Wed, 2013-04-17 at 18:19 -0400, Peter Morgano wrote:
> > I am personally posting less and less since the nasty emails sent to
> > my personal email address
On Wed, 2013-04-17 at 18:40 -0400, Peter Morgano wrote:
> Right on cue. Shouldn't you have sent it to my personal email address
> though?
No, I want to go on the public record.
> On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 6:38 PM, Steve Palincsar
> wrote:
> On Wed, 2013-04-17 at 18:19 -0400, Peter
unlike the other nasty ones you sent to my personal email address.
On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 6:42 PM, Steve Palincsar wrote:
> On Wed, 2013-04-17 at 18:40 -0400, Peter Morgano wrote:
> > Right on cue. Shouldn't you have sent it to my personal email address
> > though?
> No, I want to go on the
Boy, Scot, that sure is a pretty Sam!
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Thanks Liesl!
And believe it or not, the wheels and light have been sold and paid
for. This list moves like lightning!
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On Wed, 2013-04-17 at 18:44 -0400, Peter Morgano wrote:
> unlike the other nasty ones you sent to my personal email address.
The last time I sent you a private email was in Nov. 2012. Here's what
I said: "Oy is British as well as Yiddish."
Before that, July 11, 2012, I said:
"No reason you coul
That some of us are a-holes, or occasionally perceived as such, is probably
On Wednesday, April 17, 2013 5:55:29 PM UTC-5, Steve Palincsar wrote:
> On Wed, 2013-04-17 at 18:44 -0400, Peter Morgano wrote:
> > unlike the other nasty ones you sent to my personal email address.
> The last t
Cyclofiend Jim, I so very much appreciate your spring reminder and the
thoughtful way in which you articulated it. The emphasis on the narrow
focus contributing to the quality of discussion is spot on. I hope that I
continue to live up to that noble standard in my posts and not err to far
A dremel is one of the handiest tools for those of us who monkey around
with bikes and their various accessories. Cut/grind to fit. Some of our
customers would be horrified if they knew the barbaric methods we use to
make their bikes look good and work well. :)
On Wednesday, April 17, 2013 5:06
No steve, I doubt you are the only angry old man here, just the most vocal.
I would think as Sullivan County natives we could come together, doubt
there are many of us on this list.
On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 7:01 PM, Liesl wrote:
> Cyclofiend Jim, I so very much appreciate your spring reminder an
I just delight that there are people far more capable than me at wrestling
with the stubborn inanimate of the world and bending them to their will. I
have deep reverence for all of you!
With abandon,
On Wednesday, April 17, 2013 5:03:15 PM UTC-6, Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery
I find the saddest irony in the most recent back-and-forth posts to this
specific thread when its very topic is about tone and civility.
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Good point, what is the sense of telling each other that everyone is civil
when people aren't? There are a few people here who are always on the
attack and try to ruin it for everyone, I know they have ruined it for me
and I will be quitting this whole thing soon. I had two friends from work
join t
Ignoring those who seek attention through annoying or bad behavior is a
tried and true option.
With abandon,
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Another vote for the Spitfire. As a fellow tall guy, it has enough room
(and extra) for me. I have the two man version, which actually fits two
grown men (or me and my six year old and all his toys).
Eric Daume
Dublin, OH
On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 10:28 AM, Scott Henry wrote:
> No experience in
Waterproof schmaterproof. The big story to me anyway is Brooks is coming
out with a vegan hammock saddle.
When I stopped eating meat years ago, I also gave up on leather products.
Except for saddles. I tried a large number of the injection molded
saddles out there. They were all portab
And yet another vote for the Spitfire. Also have the 2 and it is quite
comfy for me being both almost tall and definitely wide.
Borderline Riv content - purchased mine on the advice of Grant after
quizzing him on some of the more expensive tents seen in photos on the site.
Eric Platt
St. Paul, MN
Thanks for this, Steve; will put this aside for future reference (and
thanks to the others, too -- must keep Handspun in mind). Good to hear that
Sun rims are still good buys; am still running M14As and ME14As from almost
20 years ago (in the 559 and 571 sizes).
Almost bought an Alex R500 or somes
Amen, brother Deacon, amen.
Patrick Moore, trying to follow St. Paul and suffer fools gladly in
surprisingly cold, cloudy and windy ABQ, NM
On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 5:37 PM, Deacon Patrick wrote:
> Ignoring those who seek attention through annoying or bad behavior is a
> tried and true option.
The bike shop in Bath, Maine that built my Sam for me did a great job
building the wheels.
Synergy rims, XT hubs, 36 14/15 spokes front and back, hand built by them.
Their prices were surprisingly reasonable and I have had no issues going on
3 years of almost daily use.
They are on the web as bi
I love Rivendell bikes and I used to own two of them. The reason I don't
own any now is simply because I couldn't bear seeing them get beat up. So
now I ride powder-coated, less-expansive alternatives. I still like the
Rivendell "philosophy" and occasional buy great products from RBW. But
Just saw this. Pretty pissed. It was an awesome bike rack also with
Rivendell's name on it. I'm think someone stole it for the metal. Anyone
check at any of the local Recycling places?
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> If you are talking about the Spanninga tail light, I mounted one on my
> Longboards
> It doesn't rub my Hetres.
> Seems to be fine.
> Spacer sounds like the ticket until you can file it down or something.
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