Now that I've upgraded my machine from 7.3 to 8.0, I am noticing that my Writer default settings have been overwritten and kissed
off. For instance, I had a default font setting of 14 points. Not any
more! I had gone to a bit of effort to set my own preferred defaults.
Does anyone el
Has anyone tried compiling lm_sensors version 2.6.5 on an 8.0 system?
The INSTALL document is a little hard to understand. I'm confused by the
compilation options listed and the suggestion that I download a vanilla
kernel tree from rather than use a distro kernel tree (such
as the Re
I'm surprised you 'upgraded' the kernel rather than 'install'-ed it.
Installing gives you an older working kernel to fall back on if
something goes brain dead wrong.
Do you mean you are missing a new stanza in lilo.conf for booting the
upgraded kernel? I wonder what is in /boot/grub/grub.conf?
I notice that when I 'umount' my CD doesn't eject as it used to. This
behavior was never consistent across machines. My Dell desktop would
eject after a umount under 7.3 and earlier, but not my Sony Vaio. I
think there is a file somewhere in /etc which aliases commands: 'umount'
is aliased to 'umou
Has anyone tried compiling the following packages associated with
lm_sensors on an 8.0 machine? If you were able to get a clean compile
with no errors, I'd be grateful to know.
(i2c-core.o fails to compile on RH 8.0, but my machine has a memory
problem I'm trying to root out)
st worked after step 5. Others might vary in their
mileage with their IMAP servers.
Bob Cochran
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
Christopher Keller wrote:
On Mon, 2002-10-07 at 21:45, Robert L. Cochran wrote:
I recently installed 8.0 on a friend's computer. He is fascinated with
Evolution an
I'm really confused here. I've defined a nice CUPS printer as mentioned
earlier, using the web adminstration interface. The device URI is
lpd://PS55255/L1 and it will print a nice test page when I click the
"Print Test Page" button.
But when I try to check the printer status, I get errors:
By golly, using redhat-switch-printer worked! It had LPRng selected so I
clicked on CUPS. I do get 2 leading blank pages when I print, though,
but this is better than nothing.
Thanks a lot!
Bob Cochran
Gerry Tool wrote:
Robert L. Cochran wrote:
I'm really confused here. I've defi
If you want to install Windows 2000 or XP, I think the Windows
installation programs will automatically come up with their versions of
fdisk if the target drive has insufficient free space, no Windows
partitions, or is uninitialized (that is, brand new). I'm not sure if
this is true of Windows
I can't answer this but I have a Promise PDC20276 controller on an Asus
P4T533 motherboard that I've given up using in favor of Redhat's
software RAID capability. However, I evidently have a bad component
somewhere because I'm plagued with segfaults pointing to memory or CPU
problems that I'm s
You are not alone. I had very similar problems, but on a fresh install
rather than an upgrade. I filed a lengthy bug report, as
It is very interesting that you are having problems on an upgrade of an
existing RAID setup. I hope you will
e to
recompile your kernel after running patch-o-matic, but you learn from
that too.
Robert L. Cochran
-Original Message-
From: Jack Bowling [mailto:jbinpg@;]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 3:48 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:psyche-list@;>
I've done a clone earlier this year by following the hard disk drive
upgrade HowTo mentioned elsewhere in this forum. If you follow that
closely, and format with the file system of your choice, and don't
forget to add the boot labels with e2labels, it is pretty
straightforward to clone a system
Ooops! I should have written:
Original Message
Subject: Re: System cloning
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2002 21:52:53 -0500
From: Robert L. Cochran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
References: <01B0FA12C6E1D411BB4D0050DA57CD66ECDD69@US
I want to ugrade my 7.3 workstation to 8.0. But I want to have IBM's JFS
file system as part of the upgrade. Since Disk Druid doesn't seem to
support jfs partitions, my bright idea is:
format an 80 Gb hard drive (which is actually in an ADS USB 2.0 Drive
Adapter kit) with jfs partitions using
At least one version of the Linksys chipsets aren't supported according
to the Red Hat HCL.
I like Netgear (the FA310TX should be available on Amazon), and the dirt
cheap CompUSA network cards and Hawking Technology cards. Currently One
of my machines is using a Hawking Technology 10/100 card t
Maybe you need something from the 'old drivers' image file?
Bob Cochran
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
Kevin Waterson wrote:
On Thu, 7 Nov 2002 10:50:21 -0800
Roger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
At the install cd boot prompt, try:
linux apic
No go with this also.
It still does not detect
I'd like to agree with Ed.
Bob Cochran
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
On Thu, 2002-11-07 at 20:46, Ed Wilts wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 07, 2002 at 05:24:14PM -0800, jdow wrote:
> > The Chinese are at it again, either second hand through a hacked host or
> > first hand.
> I don't think that's called for
I did go to the Chantilly, VA stop of the road tour. I didn't see anyone
who looks scary! The Red Hat people look just like anyone else to me. I
am still wondering if some Red Hat employees are following the bus and
attending the stops "incognito". For example, way in the back row with
me, 2 seats
I have a question about signing emails with my gpg key (which is due to
expire soon anyhow.) I generated a key pair on physical machine A. There
are times when I want to send emails from machines B and C. I would like
to gpg-sign the emails. Do I just copy the same public and private key
pair from
Americans don't need visas to drive into Canada. Just show a driver's
license and answer some simple questions. It helps to spend a lot of
dollars once in the country, too...and by the way Canada is beautiful.
When I get closer to retirement I intend to see as much of the country
as I can. The far
to the office. This provides a safe way to commute as well as some food
for thought.
On Sat, 2002-11-09 at 20:34, Joe Klemmer wrote:
> On Sat, 2002-11-09 at 19:00, Robert L. Cochran wrote:
> > Americans don't need visas to drive into Canada. Just show a driver's
> >
What Asus boards exactly -- meaning the model numbers -- did you fry?
Does "fry" mean the boards became completely useless and unbootable, or
just that certain components died?
I think I did hotplug either a keyboard or mouse in my Asus P4T533 board
and wonder if I made a mistake there. I've been
I'm using an optical mouse. Specifically the Microsoft Intellimouse with
IntelliEye. I had an older Intellimouse Explorer which was also optical,
and that worked just fine with Red Hat.It got the hiccups one day so I
replaced it with a small off-white Microsoft with IntelliEye mouse a
couple years
Following a recompile of the 2.4.18-17.8.0 kernel I have a mouse
question of my own.
If I use the stock Red Hat kernel, I get these kernel messages and my
mouse works fine:
Nov 11 10:35:48 bobc kernel: input0: USB HID v1.00 Mouse [Microsoft
Microsoft IntelliMouse ® with IntelliEye] on usb1:3.0
I have the Linksys router box (gathering dust on my shelf at this
moment) and a computer running Red Hat 8 in runlevel 2 which I'm using
as a firewall/router.
And like Chris says, this has forced me to think about my own security
-- an issue I've avoided for a long time. I'm glad the box and the
Why do I think we have lost the Road Tour content completely?
Bob Cochran
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
On Mon, 2002-11-11 at 15:47, Dennis Gilmore wrote:
> When i was in Italy i drank a beer that was 18% alcohol content it was
> made by monks since 1600's and they apply named it black death it was
eing loaded for the mouse.
This has not happened with 7.3 kernels. I would set these:
and the mouse works.
Any suggestions?
Bob Cochran
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
On Mon, 2002-11-11 at 16:58, Markku Kolkka wrote:
> Viestissä Maanantai 11. Marraskuuta 2
I talked about having memory testing errors on a computer that I built
myself a few weeks ago. The processor is the Intel 2.8 Ghz on an Asus
P4T533 motherboard. You can see my earlier posts about this if you want.
Someone on this forum suggested I lower the processor speed. I did this
tonight, low
I recently bought an M-Systems 128 Mb Disk-On-Key (version 2.51). When I
plug this into the USB port of a Linux computer that has never been used
with this device before, it seems to create a directory
'/mnt/diskonkey'. The directory never existed before. It disappears when
you unmount and then unp
I installed a PNY Verto GeForce4 MX 420 (64 Mb, an AGP card) in my Asus
P4T533 motherboard. When the machine boots I first see the Nvidia BIOS
message. It displays within a strangely oval, "fishbowl" shaped screen.
The left and right edges of the screen curve inward at the top and
bottom, leaving a
Is there anyone out there using the Gigabyte GA-8IHXP2 motherboard? If
so, what is your experience...what do you think of this motherboard?
Does anyone have opinions to offer about Gigabyte boards in general?
Bob Cochran
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
Psyche-list mailing list
I am wondering about 3 things:
Are your drive cables rated for ATA133? Are they brand new? You did use
the nice, new cable that Maxtor packed with the drive, did you? And you
did not break off or bend a connector pin?
Is your hard drive overheating? Drives can get hot enough to roast
fingers. Y
I realize this is an *operating system* forum, but I suspect a lot of
you work with hardware. I need to extract a Pentium 4, 2.8 Ghz CPU from
one motherboard and install it on another. Do I need a special tool? Or
can I just use forefinger and thumb?
Bob Cochran
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
I've never tried this on Linux, but you should be able to plug in
something like a Sandisk card reader and it will be seen as a USB mass
storage device. Then you mount it and cp the images.
Bob Cochran
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
On Sat, 2002-11-16 at 04:52, Christopher M. Taylor wrote:
> Hello,
On Sat, 2002-11-16 at 14:51, Lanny Marcus wrote:
> For us newbies, there are thousands of little things like this we need
> to learn, to get up to speed with Linux.
In this case, it is better to say: there are thousands of little things
the anaconda installer needs to learn, to get up to spe
There have been some lengthy threads on video cards that you might want
to check out -- I think either on the Limbo list archives or on this
list, and possibly both.
As to AGP 4x compatibility -- that means the card is compatible with
1.5v AGP slots. Some new motherboards take only 1.5v AGP cards
Sony laptops seem to have problems 'coming back to life' with the power
slide (or the power button, if that is what the newer Vaios use.)
Sometimes my Vaio freezes solid when I'm experimenting with stuff and
not even holding the power slide to 'on' for a while will hard-reset it.
Taking the battery
If you install the kernel-source-2.4.18-18.8.0.i386.rpm and compile the
kernel with a seemingly unrelated change (example: changing only the
processor option from Pentium II to Pentium III in menuconfig), and
reboot with the new kernel, a USB mouse will no longer work.
This has been true of all th
Someone else filed a bug for this. it is Bugzilla #75706.
On Sun, 2002-11-17 at 19:01, Robert L. Cochran wrote:
> If you install the kernel-source-2.4.18-18.8.0.i386.rpm and compile the
> kernel with a seemingly unrelated change (example: changing only the
> processor option from P
He'll get his password on December 1.
Bob Cochran
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
On Sun, 2002-11-17 at 19:57, jdow wrote:
> It didn't work for him because he threw away the password he used and
> cannot remember it, I bet.
> {^_-}
> - Original Message -
> From: "Gerry Tool" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Answer: yes, except I use new-kernel-pkg after copying bzImage and to boot, then doing make modules_install. I do have an initrd
(and one gets generated.)
Bob Cochran
On Sun, 2002-11-17 at 20:21, John wrote:
> On 17 Nov 2002, Robert L. Cochran wrote:
> > If
There is a little hole underneathe. I'll check the manual to see if that
is a reset button. Thanks for the hint.
Bob Cochran
On Mon, 2002-11-18 at 00:27, Jason Wong wrote:
> On Monday 18 November 2002 07:55, Robert L. Cochran wrote:
> > Sony laptops seem to have problem
I have the new motherboard now, and am starting to install it. I'm
starting to realize slowly that one issue is that many of the drivers
for the motherboard need Microsoft Windows to install properly.
Bob Cochran
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
On Thu, 2002-11-14 at 20:06, Robert L. Cochran
It's funny how my earlier post (see below) didn't make it to the list,
maybe it will show up in the end after mailman burps? But large hard
drives have been supported since 7.3.
Bob Cochran
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
-Forwarded Message-
From: Robert L. Cochran <[EMAIL P
I have a smaller Antec case (the Plus880) which I think is very good,
but it gets crowded in there if you have a lot of drives. I'm installing
a new Gigabyte motherboard in it and plan to have 3-4 drives connected.
I'll need rounded cables.
I haven't yet tried drives larger than 137 Gb but see the
. (It's like someone
forgot to put it on the server.) I'm wondering if the update will fix
the problem.
Well I've spent this much money so far, what's another $195?
Bob Cochran
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 07:26, Ed Wilts wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 11,
Love the tutorial. One small correction. applications.vfolder-info lives
Bob Cochran
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 19:52, Michael Knepher wrote:
> I've whipped up a brief tutorial on hand-editing the Gnome menus in
> RH8.0. It's at
In my opinion there is no real value-added reason for buying the 'Pro'
boxed set in terms of additional software. I bought mine hoping there
might be a nice Oracle or DB2 CD inside -- of the fully functional type,
I mean. I also thought I would get one additional Red Hat Network
entitlement. (I alr
still segfault on random modules when doing 'make modules'.
BzImage builds fine. Hmm...
Bob Cochran
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
On Sat, 2002-10-12 at 22:53, Robert L. Cochran wrote:
> I'm trying to compile iptables-1.2.7a related changes into the stock
> Redhat 2.4.18-14 kernel. I
I just ordered 8.0 from $134.99 for the 'Pro' boxed set,
free shipping, no sales tax, and I should have it in 10 days according
to Amazon. Long before then I'll also have downloaded all the CD's. I
could also have ordered it directly from Red Hat, but it is $10 more
plus shipping c
I have 2 questions about ethernet devices.
1. What are the empty IC sockets on 10/100 PCI ethernet cards for?
2. And where would I obtain whatever plugs into them?
Bob Cochran
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
Someone with a broadband connection who downloads the images can turn
around when finished and make them available to, say, 3 others who ask
for permission to download in advance. It can all be arranged in advance
while waiting for the mirrors to open. An ftp pipe then can be opened
for just th
having trouble with the Promise PDC20276
RAID controller. It is really hard to work with the controller. I'll
moan about that later on, not now. But I am learning a lot about
hardware devices and the Linux drivers they need.
Chris Kloiber wrote:
On Mon, 2002-09-30 at 18:54, Robert L.
Is money really the issue? I've tried persuading a friend to use Red Hat
in any version for a couple years now. At his request I've given him CD
sets ever since versions 6.1 or 6.2. He still hasn't installed Red Hat.
I'll give him my 8.0 CD set too, but this time I'll try to supply some
color s
And that's different from the 7.3 method of activating DMA, hmmm.
Bob Cochran
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
Steven G. Taylor wrote:
o DMA is disabled on CD-ROM drives in this release in a different
but more reliable way than previously. If you are sure that your
ttle hard to plug the USB connectors into but
I've no complaints.
Some day I'll have to play with boot roms.
Thom Paine wrote:
On Mon, 2002-09-30 at 18:54, Robert L. Cochran wrote:
I have 2 questions about ethernet devices.
1. What are the empty IC sockets on 10/100 PCI is booting me off no matter how many retries. I'm
using ncftp. I guess that server finally hit it's limit of users?
Since I have an RHN basic subscription, I also tried downloading the
CD's off RHN. Am I right in thinking you are supposed to do this with a
browser download? It
nks a lot!
Bob Cochran
C Moss wrote:
On Mon, Sep 30, 2002 at 06:54:04PM -0400, Robert L. Cochran wrote:
I have 2 questions about ethernet devices.
1. What are the empty IC sockets on 10/100 PCI ethernet cards for?
As you have already seen in other responses this socket is for boot roms.
'Nuff said.
Bob Cochran
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
I want to install 8.0 this weekend to a new drive, using the jfs file
system rather than ext3. Can it be done even though Disk Druid doesn't
seem to support jfs?
Bob Cochran
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
Just reference /mnt/cdrom whether or not the device is really a DVD.
That is what I've done with all my DVD drives.
Bob Cochran
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
Duncan Rubinger wrote:
Hi all,
I have a Gericom Laptop with a DVD Drive, but RedHat only recognizes a
CDROM. How can I create a new DVD Driv
I just installed 8.0 to my self-built computer. I believe I have
configured software RAID sucessfully. But how do I verify that RAID is
Bob Cochran
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
Here is a strange one. Emacs was working fine.
Then I bought up a man page, read a section, and typed 'x' or CTRL-x by
accident before typing 'q' to quit the man page.
Now when I want to start emacs, it exits (without starting it's X
window) with this error mesage:
No fonts founds
Anyone have
Yes this card works great in Psyche. If you don't want to fool with boot
roms and just need an ethernet card, and you want it cheap, get this
one. It has a low profile.
Robert L. Cochran wrote:
I bought a Hawking Technology PCI 10/100 Fast Ethernet Card w/WOL
(#PN102TXA) from Amazo
It looks like xfs died suddenly and that is why emacs didn't start.
On Mon, 2002-10-07 at 01:15, Robert L. Cochran wrote:
> Here is a strange one. Emacs was working fine.
> Then I bought up a man page, read a section, and typed 'x' or CTRL-x by
> accident be
I recently installed 8.0 on a friend's computer. He is fascinated with
Evolution and wants to connect to his employer's IMAP server as the
incoming mail server. (Yes he is allowed to do so. Actually he already
does it with Outlook 2000 on his Windows machine.) He specified the
server type as IMAP a
Well, I didn't care too much about the hat (I already have 2 and lost a
3rd.) I'm a bit freaked not to have a t-shirt, but okay, I'll live
without one. The 2-CD crippleware set of Red Hat made me yawn, since I
have all 5 CD's tucked in my NFS directory. The keychain is nice, but I
treasure the one
I'm finding that if I set /etc/sysconfig/harddiskhdb to USE_DMA=1 hdparm
will show dma is still off for this device.
However, if I rename harddiskhdb so it won't be recognized and then edit
modules.conf to add 'options ide-cd dma=1' then hdparm will show dma
being on for my drive.
Drive identific
Huh, that's weird: I rechecked the DMA setting for my DVD drive with
hdparm and now it is turned off. I guess it can't take DMA? I hope I can
play movies on this thing.
On Tue, 2002-10-08 at 21:06, Robert L. Cochran wrote:
> I'm finding that if I set /etc/sysconfig/harddi
> I agree. I think your motherboard is the problem, but I'd wait until
> you try the latest BIOS before I'd plunk down anymore cash. If you do
> have to buy a new board, you may consider getting a different brand this
> time or at least a different revision of the board you now have.
me cpu cycles and runs rock solid.
> Matt.
> Quoting Christian Thibodeau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > On Thu, 2002-10-10 at 21:24, Robert L. Cochran wrote:
> > > Well it happened to me again. Everything was going along swimmingly on
> > > my new machine,
As a related aside, I just built my own computer, and the Intel 2.8 Ghz
chip didn't come with an "Intel Inside" sticker in the box. The Asus
P4T533 motherboard did come with a little "Powered by Asus" stick-on
emblem. I feel a bit let down, but on the other hand I have all the
blazing fast performa
Arjan and Forrest, a big thanks for telling me this.I tried this and can
say I had the same experience as Forrest. Throughput is much faster now!
I guess I can add it to an initscript to make the setting more or less
Bob Cochran
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
On Fri, 2002-10-11 at 12:42, Tay
Oh, I'm not sure I hate Evolution, I even feel some slight fondness for
it. The Outlook 'look and feel' is a great comfort to my friend whom
I've hopefully turned into a Linuc convert. Amazingly, he paged me to
say he likes Linux -- and out of the blue! So if Evolution lures people
from Redmond to
Well, if you are doing a kernel build why not download the latest
iptables release (1.2.7a) from and compile that
into your kernel, too. Firewalling software is wonderful. Be sure to
check the digital signature on the source and the MD5 sum in case
someone trojaned it.
Bob C
I notice that some of you are using digital signatures now, and I want
to do that also. Is there a good getting-started document on this,
especially with respect to digitally signing emails in Evolution?
When I see a digitally signed mail from, say, Michael Schwendt, I'm
invited to click on the "l
Okay, Michael, let's see if I can do the digital signing thing. I like
the idea.
Bob Cochran
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
On Sat, 2002-10-12 at 01:11, Michael Schwendt wrote:
> On 12 Oct 2002 00:20:53 -0400, Robert L. Cochran wrote:
> > I notice that some of you are using digit
Unable to process data:
multipart/signed; micalg=pgp-sha1; protocol="application/pgp-signature"; boundary="=-mb2IRCexbq2PyGXgwbAO"
Thanks, Chris! I appreciate this.
Bob Cochran
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
On Sat, 2002-10-12 at 03:34, Chris Kloiber wrote:
> On Fri, 2002-10-11 at 22:53, Robert L. Cochran wrote:
> > Arjan and Forrest, a big thanks for telling me this.I tried this and can
> > say I had the sam
Thanks. Reading them now.
Bob Cochran
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
On Sat, 2002-10-12 at 13:18, Feeley wrote:
> On 12 Oct 2002, Robert L. Cochran wrote:
> > Thanks for all the help!
> >
> > I imported your public key by bringing it up in Mozilla, then copying it
> &g
I'm trying to compile iptables-1.2.7a related changes into the stock
Redhat 2.4.18-14 kernel. I've done this with no trouble on my 7.3
machines. I'm getting some strange segfaults at random points in the
'make modules' process. BzImage compiles just fine.
I did 2 separate compile attempts. Before
How can I test the hardware to pin this down? It is Kingston RIMM4200
memory. I seem to recall a memory test suite was discussed in on of the
Bob Cochran
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
On Sun, 2002-10-13 at 05:21, Michael Schwendt wrote:
> On 13 Oct 2002 00:54:28 -0400, Rober
, Maryland, USA
On Sun, 2002-10-13 at 12:16, Willem Riede wrote:
> On 2002.10.13 11:32 Robert L. Cochran wrote:
> > How can I test the hardware to pin this down? It is Kingston RIMM4200
> > memory. I seem to recall a memory test suite was discussed in on of the
> > forums.
I think a 3.0 Ghz Pentium 4 will be coming out later this year which
will feature Hyper Threading. The definition of Hyper Threading that
I've read in Maximum PC, November 2002, p.14 is:
"...The technology helps a compatible OS utilize CPU resources more
effectively by splitting the chip into t
I'm new to the CPU-level stuff and don't have much background in them.
So some of the terms are new for me. Let me get really basic: why would
you want multiple processors on a motherboard as opposed to a single
fast processor? I take it that the Xeon line is for multiple CPU
motherboards -- yo
You mean /etc/X11/XF86Config (for an 8.0 system)?
Bob Cochran
Greenbelt, Maryland
Robert G. (Doc) Savage wrote:
I have a similar A22p. Check /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 for Section
Don't feel bad. My homegrown computer is down until I replace the
memory. Have only myself to blame for it. Only Samsung or Elpida brand
Rambus memory is certified for my motherboard, and I was using Kingston
ValueRAM which my reseller had said would work. I made a mistake
trusting the reseller
end to agree with 'hack' though I'm not an engineer and I can't really tell
you with any degree of non-troll like intelligence.
- Original Message -
From: "Robert L. Cochran" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, Octob
Pete, thanks a lot! I'm learning.
Pete Huckelba wrote:
At 07:35 PM 10/14/2002, you wrote:
I'm new to the CPU-level stuff and don't have much background in
them. So some of the terms are new for me. Let me get really basic:
why would you want multiple processors on a motherboard as oppos
To me this is all pretty simple now that I've done it at least one time.
But it does take careful study and it costs some money.
I haven't tested this procedure on a source disk which contains both
Linux and Microsoft Windows partitions. So I don't know how well this
will work on such a source
And here's my addition: replace the cheapest component first. What's
that? Why, the ethernet cable! You'd be surprised what gets done to
ethernet cables. My electrician has a firm believe that neat wire runs
are the result of generous use of a staple gun on said wires. He was off
a little bit o
spare disk. stephen?
Robert L. Cochran wrote:>
To me this is all pretty simple now that I've done it at least one time.
But it does take careful study and it costs some money.
I haven't tested this procedure on a source disk which contains both
Linux and Microsoft Windows part
93 matches
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