So let me (after a little more whining) apologize. I guess I should hold my tongue until I'm home from the office but some days it really needs to wag....
Bob Cochran
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
jdow wrote:
May I humbly request PLAIN TEXT EMAIL,
PRETTY PLEASE! That tiny font of yours is s little rough
on my ageing eyes.
Thank you.
{o.o} Plain text stops me from responding to you with
accurate data obscured by white on white text.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Cochran Robert L (NO)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:Robert.L.Cochran@;>>
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:psyche-list@;>>
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 13:47 PM
Subject: RE: IPCHAINS modules to unload and IPTABLES modules to load.
Robert Ziegler's book Linux Firewalls Second Edition is really great. It
does contain typos and you should probably check your code against the code
posted to his web site. You will have to adapt the code to your network
configuration as well.
Also check the netfilter web site. I think it has a mailing list.
And finally update to the latest iptables version. You will have to
recompile your kernel after running patch-o-matic, but you learn from doing
that too.
Robert L. Cochran
-----Original Message-----
From: Jack Bowling [mailto:jbinpg@;]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 3:48 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:psyche-list@;>
Subject: Re: IPCHAINS modules to unload and IPTABLES modules to load.
On Tue, Oct 29, 2002 at 12:30:21PM -0500, Robert P. J. Day wrote:
> On 29 Oct 2002, Alejandro González Hernández - Imoq wrote:
> > Hello.
> >
> > I would like to unload ipchains and load iptables. I can run "setup",
> > then unselect "ipchains" and select "iptables" and when I reboot, I get
> > iptables working. What I need right now is to unload ipchains and load
> > iptables without rebooting.
> >
> > So far, I know that I can do "service ipchains stop" but then I don't
> > know which ipchains modules unload (or how to do that, rmmod? insmod?
> > modprobe?) and which iptables modules load so I can finally do "service
> > iptables start".
> as part of a tutorial i'm writing on iptables, here's what i've listed --
> feedback is appreciated.
> to switch from ipchains to iptables:
> # chkconfig --level 0123456 ipchains off (turn off auto start)
> # service ipchains stop (stop ipchains)
> # rmmod ipchains (unload the module)
> # rpm -e ipchains (if you're SURE :-)
> # insmod ip_tables (insmod or modprobe?)
> # chkconfig iptables on (auto start)
> # service iptables start (fire it up)
> # iptables -L (verify with
> comments?
Just one comment: under no circumstances should a user take down one
firewall and put another in place until the user is familiar with the
replacement firewall rules. This may require some study, but a firewall
is such a critical line of defence that IMHO it behooves the user to
bone up on it.
Jack Bowling
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