Oh, I'm not sure I hate Evolution, I even feel some slight fondness for
it. The Outlook 'look and feel' is a great comfort to my friend whom
I've hopefully turned into a Linuc convert. Amazingly, he paged me to
say he likes Linux -- and out of the blue! So if Evolution lures people
from Redmond to Raleigh, that is all to the good. 

Bob Cochran
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA

On Fri, 2002-10-11 at 21:01, Paul Gear wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a confession to make: i can't stand Evolution.  Maybe it's 
> because i'm a Creationist, or maybe it's just that i can't stand editing 
> plain text email in a fixed-width font :-).
> Anyway, i love Mozilla Mail (and its predecessor Netscape Mail).  I find 
> it easy to use, full of features (except for that spell-checker issue), 
> attractive, and efficient.  However, it comes with one problem: it's 
> attached to that big clunky web browser.
> Galeon has better browsing features and is pretty lean.  Does anyone 
> know if it's possible to nominate different http and https protocol 
> handlers so that Galeon will be used as the web browser for Mozilla 
> Mail?  I've looked through every preference and searched the Mozilla web 
> site, but to no avail.  Any ideas?
> Paul
> http://paulgear.webhop.net
> -- 
> Psyche-list mailing list
> https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/psyche-list

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