I did go to the Chantilly, VA stop of the road tour. I didn't see anyone
who looks scary! The Red Hat people look just like anyone else to me. I
am still wondering if some Red Hat employees are following the bus and
attending the stops "incognito". For example, way in the back row with
me, 2 seats to my left, was a lady wearing a shirt that has a graphic of
a cheetah and the words "Operation Cheetah Flip". I had this feeling she
works for Red Hat, but didn't have the nerve to ask her.

I thought the standing room only crowd at Chantilly represented an
excellent cross section of users and age ranges. I was especially
pleased to note there were as many older folks as younger ones. So many
see the possibilities with Linux now.

Bob Cochran
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA

On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 15:17, Robert Savage wrote:
> Anyone looking for a fun way to spend two or three hours should plan on
> attending a Red Hat Road Tour 2002 session, hopefully coming to a town
> near you. See http://www.redhat.com/roadtour.
> These four guys (plus a really scary lookin' driver) are wandering across
> the U.S. in a bright red RHRT Winnebago -- or Linnebago as someone
> suggested at the SIUE session in Edwardsville, IL on Wednesday afternoon.
> One look at this rig and you might wonder how five Linux geeks are going
> to survive the tour. This land yacht will probably attract babes like a
> pile of dirty socks.
> They're passing out hats, t-shirts, and other priceless swag while they
> show off RH8 and field questions from the audience. And on the side they
> might just be able to fix something broken. Dave "Lobster Boy" Lawrence
> wrestled with a particularly evil Gnome2 font problem on my IBM laptop for
> over two hours. I call it a font problem, but when a font size shrinks to
> a single pixel per character, is it still a font? It was great fun
> watching over his shoulder while he chatted on-line with Havoc et al,
> trying one thing after another. For a while it was looking like "Stump The
> Chumps". Dave kept hacking on it stubbornly well past their scheduled
> departure time. The scary driver was threatening to leave him behind.
> Dave doesn't know it, but he actually managed to repair 99% of the damage.
> He was typing so fast I have no idea what he did toward the end that made
> Gnome2 usable again. At one time or another he was checking out everything
> that Gnome2 uses or rides on:  themes, Gtk2, xft, the fonts themselves,
> nautilus, etc. All I know is when I got home, Gnome2 came back up pretty
> much like it used to. Some parts of the Bluecurve theme still appear to be
> missing, but that's minor stuff.
> Dave: Next time you come to St Louis (or I pass thru Raleigh) I'm buyin'
> the beer! You earned it.
> --Doc Savage
>   Fairview Heights, IL
> -- 
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