Thanks a lot!
Bob Cochran
Gerry Tool wrote:
Robert L. Cochran wrote:I'm really confused here. I've defined a nice CUPS printer as mentioned earlier, using the web adminstration interface. The device URI is lpd://PS55255/L1 and it will print a nice test page when I click the "Print Test Page" button.
If you look at what I wrote previously, the URL should include the IP address of the printer. Try defining a new printer according to my prescription. For example: I believe in your case it should be:
I notice that cupsd and cups-lpd do not start at startup even with cups-lpd turned on via ntsysv.
I do not use cups-lpd - it should only be needed to print from some older unix/linux systems through your current RH8.0 system I believe.
I've turned off lpd in all runlevels.
I wonder if I'm missing an installation file? I have cups-1.1.15-10 installed. Are there other, related RPMs?
That is the only cups file I have, but I use some gimp drivers so I have some gimp drivers and a cups-drivers package which you may need.
[gerry@gstpc Pictures]$ rpm -q cups-drivers
If you run redhat-switch-printer, does it indicate that you are using CUPS?
Gerry Tool wrote:Cochran Robert L (NO) wrote:It is indeed a network printer. Actually it's an HP Laserjet 6P connected to a Netgear PS110 print server which has IP address I can print to it just fine from my other machines, which access it as a Unix LPD printer and do not use CUPS. I know you will want more details, I'll post them tonight when I'm home with the printer. I'm hoping you have seen this error before and know the fix. The FAQ does not seem to have an answer for this one, although I suspect it's a common problem.You should also set it up in CUPS as a network LPD printer. When you open the CUPS management web page, if you are adding a new printer definition, choose a name for it on the first screen, click continue and then when it asks for a Device:, select LPD/LPR Host or Printer. Then, when it asks for Device URL:, enter something like lpd:// where you should of course substitute the name and port number for your Netgear Print Server. Then select the manufacturer and model for your print driver. You may need to set it as your default printer. It should than be available in print dialogs that let you select the printer, or as the default printer in apps that only offer that in their print dialogs.