Re: Disney+ CDN

2019-04-28 Thread Dave Temkin
My understanding is that they are launching using commercial CDNs. Highly likely those CDNs don't know what their traffic share will be like just yet. The ASN you're seeing pop up is a mid tier, not for delivery. On Fri, Apr 26, 2019 at 6:38 PM Mike Hammett wrote: > but hey... they're getting

Re: Sunday night social?

2016-06-12 Thread Dave Temkin
Yes. Best Regards, -Dave On Sun, Jun 12, 2016 at 1:24 PM -0400, "Weir, Colin" wrote: Is Wednesday night the only social? -- Colin Weir Engineer, Quality of Experience, Comcast Cable Desk: 215-286-5406 Cell: 215-279-1733 From: NANOG on be

Re: Sunday night social?

2016-06-12 Thread Dave Temkin
Just to clarify based on offline messages: There are still the usual after-Plenary programs such as Peering Personals, Beer & Gear, etc.. There are just no off-site socials aside from Wednesday evening. The agenda is up to date. -Dave On Sun, Jun 12, 2016 at 1:47 PM -0400, "Da

Re: NANOG67 - Tipping point of community and sponsor bashing?

2016-06-15 Thread Dave Temkin
On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 3:43 AM, Aled Morris wrote: > > > Me too and I was confused about what the point of it was. > > I had always assumed the customers of those IXs he singled out were > generally happy with the service they were getting and the money they are > paying. > > Is Dave trying to s

Re: NANOG67 - Tipping point of community and sponsor bashing?

2016-06-15 Thread Dave Temkin
General, with the four being used as varying examples. I could have included US IXP's, but almost none publish their prices and the ones that do only started recently, so the comparison wasn't worthwhile.  On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 8:39 AM -0500, "Nick Hilliard" wrote:

Re: NANOG67 - Tipping point of community and sponsor bashing?

2016-06-15 Thread Dave Temkin
I hope you'll excuse the aggressive snipping, as I wanted to try to address as many of your points without repeating myself as possible. On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 8:48 AM, Nick Hilliard wrote: > Hi Dave, > > Dave Temkin wrote: > > With respect to all parties involved in

Re: NANOG67 - Tipping point of community and sponsor bashing?

2016-06-16 Thread Dave Temkin
Hi Nurani, Much of what you've asked me below is answered up-thread, so I'm not going to rehash it for the sanity of the others following this discussion. I have snipped what hasn't been. On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 8:52 AM, Nurani Nimpuno wrote: > > > I take your point about the Netnod fees (eve

Re: NANOG67 - Tipping point of community and sponsor bashing?

2016-06-16 Thread Dave Temkin
A key point: On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 6:09 PM, Baldur Norddahl wrote: I have studied Netnod extensively because we want to become members > You meant a customer, but because of a lack of transparency (and great marketing) amongst some IXPs, it's very easy to conflate member-mutual IXPs, commerci

Re: NANOG67 - Tipping point of community and sponsor bashing?

2016-06-17 Thread Dave Temkin
It seems as though most subtlety is lost on this crowd, or perhaps there's just a language barrier. I'm saying that if you were to, for example, look at the homepage of and see the "Hosts" block, you might think "There are four similarly named IXPs are all similar orga

Re: NANOG67 - Tipping point of community and sponsor bashing?

2016-06-17 Thread Dave Temkin
Starting to see people like Telehouse move into the monthly XC market, so one might think we're at the precipice of the slippery slope. And with Equinix buying Telecity, how long until we see US-style XCs in Europe? On Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 10:29 AM, Nick Hilliard wrote: > Leo Bicknell wrote: >

Re: cross connects and their pound of flesh

2016-06-19 Thread Dave Temkin
On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 12:54 PM, Brandon Ross wrote: > > > Value based pricing is all the rage these days, which is why they charge > you so much for cross connects. Exactly. Not that I don't like free cross connects (they're the bees knees, in fact), but at the end of the day, an existing col

Re: cross connects and their pound of flesh

2016-06-19 Thread Dave Temkin
If you look at companies that have foundered due to failure to innovate, most of the time it's because they were too focused on what made them money then, not what was going to make them money 5 years from then. And networks don't track very well to Moore's law... _

Re: Excessive Netflix DNS Traffic?

2016-10-17 Thread Dave Temkin
We (Netflix) are investigating this now. -Dave On Sat, Oct 15, 2016 at 12:44 PM -0500, "Velocity Lists" wrote: We have seen it as well. In our cases it is all TCP DNS traffic as well. Velocity Online 850-205-4638 On Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 11:43 AM, Eamon Bauman wrote: > We're ra

[NANOG-announce] 2016 NANOG Election Results

2016-10-20 Thread Dave Temkin
: - Will Charnock - 3 years - Patrick Gilmore - 3 years The officers elected and committee liaisons are: - Chair - Dave Temkin - Vice Chair - Ryan Donnelly - Treasurer - Will Charnock - Secretary - Betty Burke - Communications Committee Liaison - Jezzibell

[NANOG-announce] NANOG Registration Fee Changes

2016-11-03 Thread Dave Temkin
back provided. We decided that it was in the best interests of the organization to move forward with these fee increases immediately and to programatically consider our fees on an annual basis. For the NANOG Board of Directors, Dave Temkin Chair ___ N

Re: Level3 / Cogent / NetFlix BGP Assistance

2016-12-06 Thread Dave Temkin
Hi Sam, As you may have noticed, Netflix no longer uses Cogent as a transit provider. You will see all of your transit traffic from us traverse Level3. We are happy to try to work with you to find the best way to deliver your traffic. Please reach out to and the team will try

Re: [NANOG-announce] 2016 NANOG Election Results

2016-12-20 Thread Dave Temkin
change the makeup of the Election Committee. In past elections, it was made up of two non-conflicted board members and the Executive Director. Going forward, two board members will be joined by 3 NANOG members, to be selected by the seated board. Best Regards, -Dave Temkin Chair, NANOG Board of

Re: Peering BOF/Peering social @NANOG69?

2017-02-06 Thread Dave Temkin
The Peering Personals has been shelved while we try to figure out a better option. There was no peering content submitted to the Program Committee that justified a separate track, and so they chose to include the content in the general session throughout the program. Regards, -Dave On Feb 6,

Re: Peering BOF/Peering social @NANOG69?

2017-02-06 Thread Dave Temkin
Hi Bob, This was inadvertent and we will bring this back for NANOG 70. Regards, -Dave On Feb 6, 2017, 6:58 PM -0500, Bob Evans , wrote: > I suggest in the future NOT to get rid of something because a new method > is attempted. I.E nanog had a nice method of identifying potential and > existing

Re: Peering BOF/Peering social @NANOG69?

2017-02-07 Thread Dave Temkin
a *silent* > rolling slide show on a screen, with 1-slide per submitter, > for peering news items or general peering requests... > > Cheaper... quieter... shorter... But having all the people > in the same room at the same time for the same purpose, usually > pretty useful.

[NANOG-announce] 2017 Program Committee appointments

2017-02-13 Thread Dave Temkin
following to the Ad-Hoc NANOG On The Road Committee: Chair: Steve Feldman Additional Members: Mohit Lad, Jeff Ringwelski, and Ryan Landry In the coming weeks, the new Program Committee will hold its first meeting and select a Chair and a Vice-Chair. Sincerely, Dave Temkin Chair, NANOG Board of

Re: netflix OCA in a CG-NAT world

2018-11-25 Thread Dave Temkin
FWIW (reviving an old thread)- Putting an OCA with bypass through the CGN with RFC1918 space will actually work just fine. We (Netflix) don't formally support it because of the vast number of non-standard CGN implementations out there, but if your clients are in RFC1918 space and the next hop rout

Re: netflix OCA in a CG-NAT world

2018-11-25 Thread Dave Temkin
> > On Nov 25, 2018, at 10:47 PM, Dave Temkin wrote: > > FWIW (reviving an old thread)- > > Putting an OCA with bypass through the CGN with RFC1918 space will > actually work just fine. We (Netflix) don't formally support it because of > the vast number of non-standar

Re: netflix OCA in a CG-NAT world

2018-11-26 Thread Dave Temkin
On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 3:48 AM Grant Taylor via NANOG wrote: > On 11/25/2018 09:47 PM, Dave Temkin wrote: > > Putting an OCA with bypass through the CGN with RFC1918 space will > > actually work just fine. We (Netflix) don't formally support it because > > of the vast

Re: Verizon: Extremely Strange CPE Routing in NYC/NJ Area

2018-12-04 Thread Dave Temkin
See this post for more info: On Thu, Nov 29, 2018 at 3:09 PM Nick Zurku wrote: > Can anyone from Verizon take a look at this behavior for us? > > > We’re having multiple Verizon FiOS users in the NYC/NJ area appear to >

Re: CenturyLink RCA?

2018-12-31 Thread Dave Temkin
On Mon, Dec 31, 2018 at 11:33 AM Naslund, Steve wrote: > They shouldn’t need OOB to operate existing lambdas just to configure new > ones. One possibility is that the management interface also handles master > timing which would be a really bad idea but possible (should be redundant > and it sho

test, please disregard

2017-02-22 Thread Dave Temkin

Re: NANOG 70 network diagram and upstream

2017-06-06 Thread Dave Temkin
Yes, frankly, it doesn't cost us (NANOG) anything - the sponsors like to do it for the "cool" factor, and so long as it's not an undue burden on us, they can throw as much bandwidth at us as they'd like. -Dave On Sun, Jun 4, 2017 at 4:02 PM, James Breeden wrote: > Yeah, I was wondering about th

Re: Vendors spamming NANOG attendees

2017-06-14 Thread Dave Temkin
aggressively pursue any abuse of NANOG's attendee information, trademarks, and mailing list. -Dave Temkin Chair, NANOG Board of Directors

Re: Vendors spamming NANOG attendees

2017-06-14 Thread Dave Temkin
On Wed, Jun 14, 2017 at 5:04 PM, Jon Lewis wrote: > On Wed, 14 Jun 2017, Dave Temkin wrote: > > This is highly inaccurate. The PC and Board have done everything in our >> power to keep sponsorship out of the program. Yes, Beer & Gear looks like >> a >> NASCAR rac

2017 NANOG Elections General Information

2017-08-22 Thread Dave Temkin
NANOG-Bylaws-October2016.pdf> or follow the links to the Board and Committee pages from the General 2017 NANOG Elections Page <>. Best regards, Dave Temkin On behalf of the NANOG Board of Directors

Re: 2017 NANOG Elections General Information

2017-09-05 Thread Dave Temkin
below. Best Regards, -Dave Temkin, for the NANOG Board of Directors On Mon, Aug 7, 2017 at 2:54 PM, Dave Temkin wrote: > Hello NANOGers! > > We are once again approaching the annual NANOG election > <> and appointment time. Board > candida

Re: 2017 NANOG Elections General Information

2017-09-07 Thread Dave Temkin
o the group. You are free to vote whomever you choose. Best Regards, -Dave On Wed, Sep 6, 2017 at 9:18 PM, Robert Brockway wrote: > On Tue, 5 Sep 2017, Dave Temkin wrote: > > Hi NANOG Community, >> >> Nominations are rapidly coming to a close - September 8th is the last

Re: 2017 NANOG Elections General Information

2017-09-11 Thread Dave Temkin
and the torch over to the next guard, and that's the root of my diversity screed. If we try to be everything to everyone, we end up as nothing to no one (or worse, ITW). The board has been nothing but receptive towards ideas on how to make these meetings more valuable to long time and first time attendees alike. -Dave Temkin NANOG Board Chair

Re: 2017 NANOG Elections General Information

2017-09-12 Thread Dave Temkin
On Tue, Sep 12, 2017 at 10:15 AM, Bill Woodcock wrote: > >> On Sep 10, 2017, at 1:59 PM, Bryan Holloway wrote: > >> I point specifically to the opening talk at Bellevue where there were > wackily photoshop'd pictures of NANOG star heavy-hitters. > >> Had I been a first-time attendee, I would've

Re: 2017 NANOG Elections General Information

2017-09-13 Thread Dave Temkin
On Tue, Sep 12, 2017 at 10:03 PM, Randy Bush wrote: > > So how do we fix it? > > this is most strongly an american disease. nanog has encouraged and > supported a frat boy ego parade and beauty contest. try the ietf > nomcomm approach, but with zero white boys on the nomcomm. > > Love the idea,

Re: Hurricane Irma: Florida, Puerto Rico and U.S. VI

2017-09-14 Thread Dave Temkin
Sean - I think I speak for all of us when I say thank you very much for these updates! The concise nature of them is super helpful. -Dave On Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 8:58 PM, Sean Donelan wrote: > > Disclosure note: AT&T and Comcast public relations folks have been sending > information about what

Re: Peering at public exchange authentication

2017-09-30 Thread Dave Temkin
Talks about GSRs and Sup720's, but still relevant today. -Dave On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 11:05 AM, BRAD RAYMO wrote: > Its up to you and how you want to manage your sessions. Some networks > require it, some prefer it but do not requ

Re: 4 or smaller digit ASNs

2017-10-13 Thread Dave Temkin
I appreciate your tenacity! SSI = Streaming Services Inc., always wholly owned by Netflix. We had three ASNs at one point. We needed a fourth to do a migration and the ASN gods smiled down on us and gave us 2906 out of a newly released pool of unallocated ASNs, back in 2011. That ASN birthed o

Promoting Exchanges for Enhanced Routing of Information So Networks are Great (PEERING) Act

2018-01-17 Thread Dave Temkin
New bill out today as part of a larger set of broadband infrastructure bills, the result of some of the NANOG community's conversations with House staffers (and likely other 3rd parties influence): H.R. , “Promoting Exchanges for Enhanced Routing of Information So Networks are Great (PEERING)

Re: Ciscos, BGP, L2TPV3 pseudowires and loopback IPs

2010-11-10 Thread Dave Temkin
David Freedman wrote: e. We will need to set up a L2TPV3 tunnel to their old location (single homed, no BGP on that side). Upon initial reading of Cisco docs to do this, we will need a routable IP on a loopback interface for starters. I'm pretty sure this is just a recommendation base

Re: Some truth about Comcast - WikiLeaks style

2010-12-16 Thread Dave Temkin
Jeff Wheeler wrote: 1) Comcast believes they can exact a great deal of revenue from content networks. For this to be comparable to their captive customers, per-megabit rates must be reminiscent of pre-Level3 days, when $30/Mb was a bargain. This would spell bad news for Netflix. Of course, si

Re: Some truth about Comcast - WikiLeaks style

2010-12-16 Thread Dave Temkin
Jeff Wheeler wrote: On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 12:15 PM, Dave Temkin wrote: I disagree. Even at $1/Mbit and 6Tbit of traffic (they do more), that's still $72M/year in revenue that they weren't recognizing before. Given that that traffic was actually *costing* them money to abs

Re: Some truth about Comcast - WikiLeaks style

2010-12-16 Thread Dave Temkin
George Bonser wrote: -Original Message- From: Jeff Wheeler [] Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2010 1:22 PM To: Subject: Re: Some truth about Comcast - WikiLeaks style On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 1:53 PM, Dave Temkin wrote: I do. And yes

Re: Some truth about Comcast - WikiLeaks style

2010-12-17 Thread Dave Temkin
George Bonser wrote: What I think George's comment does not completely appreciate is that (ideally) cities are imposing such requirements at the behest of and for the benefit of the (local) public, whereas private constraints on local access are (by design) motivated by profit. I wasn't re

Re: Some truth about Comcast - WikiLeaks style

2010-12-17 Thread Dave Temkin
George Bonser wrote: They do already. It's called HBO, Showtime, HDNet Sports, etc. - they get charged per eyeball for those networks, and so they pass the charge on per eyeball to the customer. Nothing is new here. The municipality charges the cable company per HBO

Re: "potential new and different architectural approach" to solve the Comcast - L3 dispute

2010-12-18 Thread Dave Temkin
Richard A Steenbergen wrote: BTW, they rejected my very nice comment on their blog asking if they would be willing to share the graphs of their transit provider interfaces (which are NOT peering relationships, and not under NDA) to back up their claims that the published graphs are false, so

Re: Verizon Public Policy on Netflix

2014-07-11 Thread Dave Temkin
Hi Richard, You may be confusing Idaho for Portland, but either way we are constantly adding new POPs and Portland is a great example of us bearing the cost that ISPs were bearing before to haul traffic from Seattle or San Jose. I would consider that a great success. Regarding Comcast in SF, they

Re: Verizon Public Policy on Netflix

2014-07-13 Thread Dave Temkin
We've never been asked to POP that location. If I can, I will, just as my team has POPed 15+ other locations this year alone. Brett doesn't seem interested in finding a solution. He's sent dozens of harassing emails demanding payment and nothing else. I've offered to speak to him directly but he h

Re: Verizon Public Policy on Netflix

2014-07-14 Thread Dave Temkin
On Monday, July 14, 2014, Matthew Petach wrote: > On Sun, Jul 13, 2014 at 4:00 PM, Brett Glass > wrote: > > > [...] > > > > If Netflix tries to use its market power to harm ISPs, or to smear > > us via nasty on-screen messages as it has been smearing Verizon, ISPs > have > > no choice but to rea

Re: Verizon Public Policy on Netflix

2014-07-14 Thread Dave Temkin
The box doesn't even download 10% of the whole catalog and churns less than 1% a day. Obviously our demand curve is proprietary information, but I can assure you that a lot of people - engineers, mathematicians, etc. have looked at and improved the algorithm - but we are still constantly working t

Re: Verizon Public Policy on Netflix

2014-07-14 Thread Dave Temkin
We inquired about space & power in the location that Brett mentions (Level3) as well as the Coresite location. We were told there was no power to be had in either building, hence we went for the third option. We have transport options available back to both should we need it. That said, that shows

Cross posting: Call for Program Committee candidates for the NANOG PC

2011-09-30 Thread Dave Temkin
ation can be found about how the NANOG community governs itself here: . Thanks, -Dave Temkin

[NANOG-announce] NANOG54 (San Diego, Feb 5-8 2012): Call for Presentations and Registration Now Open!

2011-10-26 Thread Dave Temkin
s and Draft Slides Due: December 5th, 2011 Final Slides Due: December 19th, 2011 The NANOG Program Committee intends on having a draft program published by December 20th, 2011 and the final agenda published by January 16, 2012. --- Thanks, -Dave Temkin (for the NANOG Program Comm

[NANOG-announce] NANOG54 (San Diego, Feb 5-8, 2012): Early Bird Registration Expiring on Sunday, 12/4

2011-12-01 Thread Dave Temkin
Please note that the Early Bird registration for NANOG54 expires on Sunday, 12/4. Register now and save $75 off the regular registration fee! Also, as a reminder, the Call for Presentations is still open! Have something that you think is relevant to the NANOG community and would like to have

Re: Overall Netflix bandwidth usage numbers on a network?

2011-12-11 Thread Dave Temkin
Feel free to contact peering@netflixcom - we're happy to provide you with delivery statistics for traffic terminating on your network. Regards, -Dave Temkin Netflix On 12/7/11 8:57 AM, Blake Hudson wrote: Yeah, that's an interesting one. We currently utilize netflow for this, but you

[NANOG-announce] NANOG 54: Final agenda posted and late registration starts 01/30/2012

2012-01-24 Thread Dave Temkin
on Monday at 9:30AM Regular registration ends on 01/29/2012 and late registration starts on 01/30/2012. Save $75 and register today! Thanks to our host, Telx, for bringing us to sunny San Diego. We are all set to have a great meeting! -Dave Temkin NANOG PC Chair

[NANOG-announce] Tutorials starting today, some available via webcast!

2012-02-05 Thread Dave Temkin
for Network Operators. Both tutorials will be available later for review. You may see all streaming options at -Dave Temkin For the NANOG Program Committee ___ NANOG-announce mailing list

[NANOG-announce] NANOG 55 - Vancouver: Call For Presentations

2012-02-20 Thread Dave Temkin
-2012 Final Agenda Published: 15-May-2012 Please submit your materials to Looking forward to seeing everyone in San Diego. -Dave Temkin (Chair, NANOG Program Committee) ___ NANOG-a

[NANOG-announce] NANOG 55 - Vancouver: Call For Presentations

2012-04-02 Thread Dave Temkin
All, A reminder as per below - abstracts are due today, and we would like to ask for slides by April 9th. Best Regards, -Dave Temkin On 2/20/12 5:43 PM, Dave Temkin wrote: NANOG Community, After an awesome meeting in San Diego, we're already starting to get ready for NANOG

NANOG 55 Agenda Published!

2012-05-14 Thread Dave Temkin
ons/meeting.asp#question2>** The NANOG Program Committee is proud of the program that we have assembled for Vancouver and we are looking forward to welcoming everyone to this amazing venue. *Regards, -Dave Temkin For the NANOG Program Committee

Re: AAAA's for

2012-06-07 Thread Dave Temkin
Just to close the loop on this - UltraDNS has an issue with CNAMEs and their Directional DNS service. We (Netflix) have applied a workaround and it appears stable. -Dave On 6/6/12 8:05 AM, Frank Bulk wrote: I started monitoring IPv6 access to after seeing this posting (http://

NANOG College Immersion Program

2014-09-26 Thread Dave Temkin
engineers, and architects. Please see below for the full program description. Regards, -Dave Temkin, for the NANOG Board of Directors NANOG College Immersion Program Summary: NANOG is committed to ensuring next generation of networking professionals have an opportunity become part of the o

Re: NANOG College Immersion Program

2014-09-26 Thread Dave Temkin
essor be > required to participate or can students apply by on their own? > > -Colin > On Sep 26, 2014 10:26 AM, "Dave Temkin" wrote: > >> I'm excited to announce that for NANOG 63 in San Antonio that we will >> begin >> the NANOG College Immersion Program

ISPs Behaving Badly: GIGLINX slime was Re: ARIN WHOIS for leads

2014-12-01 Thread Dave Temkin
Ressurecting this thread: GIGLINX is still at it. They contacted me on an email that was only ever used for registering an ASN with ARIN. On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 9:14 PM, John Curran wrote: > On Jul 31, 2013, at 1:17 PM, Barry Shein wrote: > > > The usual method is to insert "ringers" which wo

FL-IX in Miami is ready for new members

2015-01-12 Thread Dave Temkin
Hi all, FL-IX has started issuing LOAs for both 36 NE 2nd Street and NOTA in Miami. If you have a network that peers at either location, we'd love to have you as a member. We've committed to keeping the IX platform free for 3 years (you bring the cross connect; we have pre-negotiated deals for in

Re: Verizion FiOS

2015-01-24 Thread Dave Temkin
Quite simple - Verizon doesn't offer BGP or any other type of custom service over FIOS. No Layer 2, no non-VZ Layer 3, etc... You get the IP space you pay for from them (per IP). -Dave On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 1:36 PM, Dennis Burgess wrote: > Got a customer that needs a /25 block routed to him,

Re: Netflix NOC? VPN Mismarked?

2016-01-27 Thread Dave Temkin
Our (Netflix) call center has been trained on how to handle calls for false positive issues with proxy/VPNs. If you don't achieve an acceptable result, please feel free to reach out - but believe it or not, they are the best ones to handle. -Dave On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 5:36 AM, chris wrote: >

Re: Netflix VPN Detection Issues

2016-03-07 Thread Dave Temkin
Daniel, I don't see any emails from *.nodesdirect aside from a peering request from a long time ago. Feel free to email me directly with the IP ranges in question and I'll make sure they get looked at. -Dave On Tue, Mar 1, 2016 at 6:53 PM, Daniel Stephens wrote: > Hello, > > Can someone from N

Re: Google served from non-google IPs?

2015-03-14 Thread Dave Temkin
Seems like an odd waste of resources; what if Google, Akamai, Netflix, and anyone else who wanted caches wanted IPs in that block? The IX would be out of address space pretty quickly, forcing a majority of users to re-number because of a small number of other users. -Dave On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at

Re: ARIN IP6 policy for those with legacy IP4 Space

2010-04-07 Thread Dave Temkin
Patrick Giagnocavo wrote: Joe Greco wrote: It's not the initial assignment fee that's really an impediment, it's moving from a model where the address space is free (or nearly so) to a model where you're paying a significant annual fee for the space. We'd be doing IPv6 here if not for the a

Re: Dutch ISPs to collaborate and take responsibility

2009-10-07 Thread Dave Temkin
Alexander Harrowell wrote: On Wednesday 07 October 2009 00:27:55 Joe Greco wrote: Assuming that the existence of an infected PC in the mix translates to some sort of inability to make a 911 call correctly is, however, simply irresponsible, and at some point, is probably asking for trouble.

Re: IPv6 internet broken, cogent/telia/hurricane not peering

2009-10-12 Thread Dave Temkin
Randy Epstein wrote: No need for me to repeat what Mike has posted. I agree 100% with him on all fronts. Mike and his team have gone out of their way to promote and support IPv6 from the very beginning and I think everyone knows this. In the past, I had some differences with Mike over legacy p

Re: IPv6 internet broken, cogent/telia/hurricane not peering

2009-10-12 Thread Dave Temkin
Marco Hogewoning wrote: Cogent: You are absolutely insane. You are doing nothing but alienating your customers and doing a disservice to IPv6 and the internet as a whole. You are publishing records for, which means that I CANNOT reach it to even look at your looking gl

Re: Is v6 as important as v4? Of course not [was: IPv6 internet broken, cogent/telia/hurricane not peering]

2009-10-14 Thread Dave Temkin
Randy Bush wrote: As for accusations, I challenge you to show where I accused them of anything. From: (Patrick W. Gilmore) Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2009 12:09:58 -0400 Subject: IPv6 internet broken, cogent/telia/hurricane not peering In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <

Re: ISP customer assignments

2009-10-15 Thread Dave Temkin
Nathan Ward wrote: On 16/10/2009, at 1:17 PM, Chris Adams wrote: Is there any good solution to this? I don't expect us to fill the /32 to justify expanding it (although I do see ARIN appears to have left space for up to a /29; I guess that's their sparse allocation policy?). Your justificati

Re: Advice about Qwest, Cogent, and Equinix facilities

2009-10-24 Thread Dave Temkin
Completely agreed; in many situations even if one of those carrier locked data centers allow another carrier in, they may severely limit the portfolio of services that are allowed to be offered by them. For example, one of the vendors listed below only allows "lit" crossconnects from 3rd party

Re: Peering in Latin America

2009-10-31 Thread Dave Temkin
Ken Gilmour wrote: Hi There, I am looking for carriers who offer peering in Latin America (Specifically Costa Rica). So far the only carrier in Costa Rica who I have been able to find that does this is ADN (American Data Networks, While they are already on my list for a quote, we n

Re: What DNS Is Not

2009-11-08 Thread Dave Temkin
Alex Balashov wrote: Thought-provoking article by Paul Vixie: I doubt Henry Ford would appreciate the Mustang. -Dave

Re: What DNS Is Not

2009-11-08 Thread Dave Temkin
Alex Balashov wrote: For example, perhaps in the case of CDNs geographic optimisation should be in the province of routing (e.g. anycast) and not DNS? -- Alex In most cases it already is. He completely fails to address the concept of Anycast DNS and assumes people are using statically ma

Re: Private use of non-RFC1918 IP space

2009-02-03 Thread Dave Temkin
The problem with that solution mainly being that the application itself still needs some sort of intelligence as well as the border device potentially doing L7 operations (header insertion/etc.) - unless you're OK with generally losing all information about the source of incoming tra

Re: Packet Loss between Qwest and Global Crossing

2009-02-09 Thread Dave Temkin
This has been a recurring problem, especially in the Bay Area - and it seems as though neither side really cares all that much. -Dave Andris Kalnozols wrote: This post to the NANOG list in the hope that an interested engineer from either Qwest or GBLX will act on the problem I have observed.

Re: allocation to verizon wireless

2009-02-10 Thread Dave Temkin
Chuck Anderson wrote: On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 11:31:38PM +0100, Matthias Leisi wrote: Mark Andrews schrieb: I don't see any reason to complain based on those numbers. It's just a extremely high growth period due to technology change over bring in new functionalit

Re: allocation to verizon wireless

2009-02-10 Thread Dave Temkin
Patrick W. Gilmore wrote: On Feb 10, 2009, at 5:52 PM, Dave Temkin wrote: Chuck Anderson wrote: On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 11:31:38PM +0100, Matthias Leisi wrote: Mark Andrews schrieb: I don't see any reason to complain based on those numbers. It's just a extremely high gro

Re: OnLive -- Very disruptive internet technology to change things as we know it?

2009-03-26 Thread Dave Temkin
Ravi Pina wrote: On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 12:39:25AM -0400, Rodrick Brown wrote: Not sure if anyone has followed the recent announcement of OnLive and their new gaming service which will basically allow them to stream video game gameplay output realtime to any commodity PC over a broadband net

Re: Consumer Grade - IPV6 Enabled Router Firewalls.

2009-12-02 Thread Dave Temkin
Wade Peacock wrote: We had a discussion today about IPv6 today. During our open thinking the topic of client equipment came up. We all commented that we have not seen any consumer grade IPv6 enable internet gateways (routers/firewalls), a kin to the ever popular Linksys 54G series, DLinks , SMC

Re: Experiences with Comcast Ethernet/Transit service

2010-01-04 Thread Dave Temkin
I purchased a single GigE transport link from them between a off-net building that they lit for us and a lit site. Install went without issue, including pulling in new fiber. Never underestimate the advantages of having pole and conduit rights. My only complaint would be interval - it took n

Re: 10GBase-t switch

2010-03-11 Thread Dave Temkin
Kevin Oberman wrote: Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2010 12:26:16 +0900 From: Randy Bush arista 7120t-4s... hot box. but you are giving away the secret sauce! Hot box for the datacenter, but small buffers make it unsuited for long distances. In the right place, this box can't be beaten

Re: Regional AS model

2011-03-28 Thread Dave Temkin
On 3/27/11 2:53 AM, Patrick W. Gilmore wrote: On Mar 25, 2011, at 3:33 PM, Owen DeLong wrote: Single AS worldwide is fine with or without a backbone. Only if you want to make use of ugly ugly BGP hacks on your routers, or, you don't care about Site A being able to hear announcements from Sit

Re: RES: Anyone still maintaining

2011-04-23 Thread Dave Temkin
On 4/20/11 1:42 PM, Eduardo Schoedler wrote: On Wed, 20 Apr 2011, Bret Palsson wrote: I submitted my objects April 11. the mtrner object needs to be created by the db-admin. I realize this is a volunteer thing. Could I help out or could the people that are helping out look at adding my record? I

Re: RES: Anyone still maintaining

2011-04-23 Thread Dave Temkin
On 4/23/11 6:06 PM, Rubens Kuhl wrote: You can try the SCW IRR [1]. It's free, but is in Portuguese. Reference: [1] -- Eduardo Schoedler Sounds like that doesn't help the OP, who wanted help with RPSL, not *really* help from AltDB. Actually it does, because of a wizar

Re: netflix proxy/unblocker false detection

2020-06-25 Thread Dave Temkin via NANOG
If you or others are not receiving a satisfactory reply from us (Netflix) on this issue, please feel free to reach out directly and I'll make sure it gets handled. So far as we know, we handle CGNAT (and IPv6) appropriately. Sometimes ranges get reassigned and the data that we have gets stale - th