Chuck Anderson wrote:
On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 11:31:38PM +0100, Matthias Leisi wrote:
Mark Andrews schrieb:
        I don't see any reason to complain based on those numbers.
        It's just a extremely high growth period due to technology
        change over bring in new functionality.
OTOH, Verizon is not the only provider of smartphone connectivity in the
world. Most of them try to be "good citizens" and do not waste a scarce
resource (IPv4 space).

I disagree that using global IPv4 space is a "waste". Every device deserves to have "real" internet connectivity and not this NAT crap.

Why must it be always "real" versus NAT? 99% of users don't care one way or another. Would it be so hard for the carrier to provide a switch between NAT and "real" IP if the user needs or wants it?

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