We've never been asked to POP that location. If I can, I will, just as my
team has POPed 15+ other locations this year alone.

Brett doesn't seem interested in finding a solution. He's sent dozens of
harassing emails demanding payment and nothing else. I've offered to speak
to him directly but he hasn't responded, so I have to imagine he's just
here for the attention.


On Sunday, July 13, 2014, Randy Bush <ra...@psg.com
<javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','ra...@psg.com');>> wrote:

> > It's a well known regional Internet exchange point in a building
> > which I believe is owned by Level3. It also has huge amounts of
> > fiber cross-connecting it to 910 15th Street, a block from the
> > Denver Convention Center, so that a presence at one is essentially
> > equivalent to a presence at the other.
> how much traffic, how much is eyeball, and who has volunteered to give
> netflix cheap transit to stuff the ache?
> randy

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