Hi NANOG Community, Nominations are rapidly coming to a close - September 8th is the last day to submit nominees.
Unfortunately, to follow up on my paragraph about diversity: So far, every single candidate that has completed the nomination process is a white male. Having sat in on sessions such as Women in Technology lunch, I know that this community is passionate about diversity. If you, or a friend, would like to discuss what it takes to be on the NANOG board, I or my colleagues would love to speak about it. If you're ready to enter the nomination process, you can see details below. Best Regards, -Dave Temkin, for the NANOG Board of Directors On Mon, Aug 7, 2017 at 2:54 PM, Dave Temkin <d...@temk.in> wrote: > Hello NANOGers! > > We are once again approaching the annual NANOG election > <http://nanog.org/elections/2017/general> and appointment time. Board > candidate nominations open August 7th and the complete Election timeline > can be found here <http://nanog.org/elections/2017/general>. We encourage > those in the community who are not currently NANOG members to consider > becoming members of NANOG and to consider standing for a position in our > leadership. Through membership and voting, you will be an active > participant in directing all NANOG activities. > > Only NANOG members are eligible to nominate, be a candidate, vote, and > serve in the NANOG Board of Directors and Committees. Click here > <https://www.nanog.org/membership> to become a member today! **If you > are not a member and wish to vote in this election, your membership must > be received by 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time on Wednesday, October 4, 2017.** > > Why? > > NANOG is at its strongest and best when there is an engaged group of > members. If you care about NANOG and would like to take a turn at > volunteering your time, please consider becoming part of the team by taking > part in the nomination and election process. If you know someone else > that you believe would be interested in serving on the Board of Directors, > nominate them by completing the Online Process > <https://www.bigpulse.com/138028/signin> beginning August 7, 2017. Any > questions should be submitted to electi...@nanog.org. > > As I spoke about during my opening at NANOG 70, diversity is key to the > viability of the NANOG community. Personally, it concerns me that our only > non-white, non-male elected member of the Board is leaving the board this > year, having served the maximum allowable number of terms. While everyone > is welcome, it is important that we represent our community well at all > levels and so if you or someone you know could help improve that > representation, please consider the nomination process. > > As NANOG continues to evolve, our Board of Directors and Committees will > continue to play an increasingly important role in our success. By joining > now, you can be an integral part of the process. > > For more information about the role of a Board of Director or any > Committee Member, or to find out more about what's involved in serving, > please consult the current NANOG Bylaws > <https://nanog.org/sites/default/files/sites/default/files/NANOG-Bylaws-October2016.pdf> > or follow the links to the Board and Committee pages from the General > 2017 NANOG Elections Page <https://www.nanog.org/elections/2017/general>. > > > Best regards, > > Dave Temkin > On behalf of the NANOG Board of Directors >