On Wed, Jun 14, 2017 at 5:04 PM, Jon Lewis <jle...@lewis.org> wrote:

> On Wed, 14 Jun 2017, Dave Temkin wrote:
> This is highly inaccurate. The PC and Board have done everything in our
>> power to keep sponsorship out of the program. Yes, Beer & Gear looks like
>> a
>> NASCAR race, but that helps fund not only the program, but the numerous
>> other outreach programs that NANOG has undertaken.
>> Sponsors who have stepped on the rules have had their sponsorship rights
>> revoked - temporarily, and in egregious cases, permanently. We (the NANOG
>> organization) take this incredibly seriously.
>> While it's hard to solve for the exact case above (scraping registrant
>> lists and then comparing to CRM to glean contact info) we absolutely do
>> aggressively pursue any abuse of NANOG's attendee information, trademarks,
>> and mailing list.
> Is it too simple a solution to post a warning on the page above the
> Attendee List saying something along the lines of "scraping the Attendee
> List for marketing purposes is forbidden, will result in public shaming,
> and may cause some attendees to completely boycott your company." ?

This suggestion was made on the NANOG Facebook group and we will implement
it with the new website coming before NANOG 71.


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