The box doesn't even download 10% of the whole catalog and churns less than 1% a day.
Obviously our demand curve is proprietary information, but I can assure you that a lot of people - engineers, mathematicians, etc. have looked at and improved the algorithm - but we are still constantly working to make it better. If you look at boxes like Qwilt, which is a universal flow-through cache, the best they can get is ~30% offload with Netflix traffic (in the real world, not in their lab). With multiple different encodes (driven by differing DRM and device types) the odds of two people watching the exact same thing are relatively low. The law of large numbers rules the game. -Dave On Monday, July 14, 2014, Tei <> wrote: > Software is... herrr.... configurable. > > Maybe Netflix could be convinced so their box had a switch from > complete catalog hosting / caching most used data. I get from this > discussion thread that small ISP feel having these box download the > whole catalog is more than what their customers (<1000) need. Moving > this discussion away from "net neutrality" (that seems what netflix is > doing in public anouncements) to how these boxes handle and operate > would be better for everyone. > > > > -- > -- > ℱin del ℳensaje. >