On 4/20/11 1:42 PM, Eduardo Schoedler wrote:
On Wed, 20 Apr 2011, Bret Palsson wrote:
I submitted my objects April 11. the mtrner object needs to be created
by the db-admin. I realize this is a volunteer thing. Could I help out
or could the people that are helping out look at adding my record? I
need to setup some peering relationships. I'd prefer to support open
communities rather than paying and am willing to help out if need be.
You can try the SCW IRR [1].
It's free, but is in Portuguese.
[1] http://whois.scw.net.br/
Eduardo Schoedler
Sounds like that doesn't help the OP, who wanted help with RPSL, not *really*
help from AltDB.