Hi all,
This is my first time posting to this list, and it's nice to have a community
of users to discuss things with. Since I have three very distinct areas to
discuss, I will divide them up.
First, has anyone noticed VoiceOver saying "busy" in certain programs, but when
Voiceover is turned
jesús, this is a fascinating discussion. Personally, I use Fred on a daily
basis for reading in English, and Paulina when reading in Spanish. Alex is
okay, but I prefer a responsive Voice, and I find that I'm able to move about
the Mac more quickly using Fred. I have tried Javier for Spanish,
2012, at 12:36 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
> Hello Harry,
> On 5 Jul 2012, at 05:10, Harry Hogue wrote:
>> First, has anyone noticed VoiceOver saying "busy" in certain programs, but
>> when Voiceover is turned off all is fine? It is as though Voice
ndow will stay open after it closes the application.
> I can't command tab to the screen and can't interact with it at all but
> my wife will say it is covering my screen.
> Pretty annoying.
> On Jul 4, 2012, at 10:23 PM, Harry Hogue wrote:
>> jesús, th
If you are in VMWare Fusion, you can simply command tab between VMWare Fusion
and the other Mac applications, as usual. To move within windows, press
option+tab, which is the alt+tab equivalent.
On Jul 5, 2012, at 11:08 PM, Maria Chapman wrote:
> HI. if vo is turned off once in
s r to start recording.
> I have also started using Podcast Publisher for simpler things where I don't
> need to mix tracks together, and it is very easy to use.
> Thanks,
> Brandon
> On Jul 4, 2012, at 11:10 PM, Harry Hogue wrote:
>> Hi all,
I know that I have an external drive that I bought back at the beginning of
November. I successfully backed up to it once, as it was preformatted fo Mac,
OSX extended, journaled. I set a password on it, but ever since that single
back up, it has enver worked. I have tried reformatting it, and
erfering with the backups somehow.
> CB
> On 7/6/12 2:55 PM, Harry Hogue wrote:
>> I know that I have an external drive that I bought back at the beginning of
>> November. I successfully backed up to it once, as it was preformatted fo
>> Mac, OSX extended,
>From what I saw when I briefly looked, there are links for earlier, morning,
>afternoon, evening, etc. but I was unable to find any word with "pre," as in
>"previous day," through the find command. My guess? The BBC must have
>changed their schedule layout.
On Jul 6, 2012, at 4:51 PM,
Hi, when using Pages, when you save a file that you want to be in .doc format,
the best thing to do is go to export, then choose "Microsoft Word" format.
When you open the document back up and make changes to it, you can then save
changes to the original by choosing import and then save once yo
That's what I never understood. As a blind person, with a physical board, how
are we to get a visual layout of the on-screen board?
And yes, the Chess app is very accessible, what what I remember. You can even
set it up to read the computer's moves automatically.
On Jul 7, 2012, at 4:59 PM, C
Hi all,
Does anyone have any tips for using track changes, for inserting them and for,
more importantly, reading the changes others have made? This will be very
important for work with my future students.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Gr
ave found it. Maybe she will herself comment
> on your difficulty.
> Best wishes
> Simon
> On 8 Jul 2012, at 02:10, Harry Hogue wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Does anyone have any tips for using track changes, for inserting them and
>> for, more importantl
The answers are in bold, if I remember right, but I'm not sure how to set VO to
automatically tell you that. Would love to know how to do this without a
keystroke, if anyone does know.
On Jul 8, 2012, at 2:09 PM, Eric Brinkman wrote:
> I decided to take the plunge and join EHarmony, but
contains changes, but not where on that page.
> Could you explain your comment about formatting features not working that
> well? Most things work fine for me.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 8 Jul 2012, at 12:15, Harry Hogue wrote:
>> Simon,
> Training on Pages is available via Skype at a cost of €25 per unit and there
> are 5 units in all.
> If you're interested in Pages training, send an e-mail to:
> educat...@cecimac.org
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 9 Jul 2012, at 02:18, Har
Hi, everybody,
I just had a really quick question. I regularly used, and sometimes still use,
the Vision Australia podcasts for learning various aspects of the Mac. He
mentions on there that he has a nature sounds app (with instrumental music,
fountains, birds, etc). it's extremely pleasant
I just graduated with my master's degree in May, and Safari works very well
with Blackboard. I have never sued Blackboard with Firefox, however.
On Jul 10, 2012, at 11:02 AM, Les Kriegler wrote:
> I will be working with a college student later this month. He indicates that
> Firefox ha
Hey, guys, for mentioning this app. it's something I've been looking for for a
very long time, and I really didn't want to spend $70 on a wireless keyboard or
upgrade to Siri just yet, since I really don't text enough to make it worth it.
:) Thanks again,
On Jul 10, 2012, at 11:09 AM, C
Hi, guys,
I was just wondering if there is a way to keep an application open, but in the
background and out of the normal command tab order, like you can do in Windows
by having programs in the system tray so JAWS or Windows Eyes would not see
them in the normal application list.
I was interes
>> Does the newer version of this app fix the sometimes incorrect pasting that
>> some were experiencing?
>> Christina C.
>> On Jul 10, 2012, at 11:17 AM, Harry Hogue wrote:
>>> Hey, guys, for mentioning this app. it's somethin
support for
I hope this helps,
On Jul 10, 2012, at 12:21 PM, Les Kriegler wrote:
> Thanks Harry. That's what I needed to know.
> Les
> On Jul 10, 2012, at 1:13 PM, Harry Hogue wrote:
>> I just graduated with my master's degree in May, and
> operation.
> CB
> On 7/10/12 1:27 PM, Harry Hogue wrote:
>> Hi, guys,
>> I was just wondering if there is a way to keep an application open, but in
>> the background and out of the normal command tab order, like you can do in
>> Windows
Hi, I wasn't aware that Google Chrome worked on the Mac with VoiceOver; I
thought only Safari was fully accessible with VoiceOver. It's nice to know
that other options are becoming more accessible, at least. I know with JAWS,
you could only really count on IE, which I, personally, always hated
Hi guys,
I'm trying to figure out how I can avoid hearing, "selected header cell," in
Numbers when moving from row to row and column to column. I want to make a
foreign language glossary for my different translations, but that is extra
information that I don't really need. Intermediate verbos
> Tel, (631) 724-4479
> Email, j...@macfortheblind.com
> Website, http://www.macfortheblind.com
Buenas, Daniela,
I never used Migration Assistant, but what I did was to save all of my
documents onto an SD card and thumb drive then copy them over. I redownloaded
Skype and applications like that. I don't use very many applications otehr
than Skype and Kurzweil that weren't already on the
w and the first column. Then after you
> have taken out the headers, you can erase the extra row and column you put in
> as a precaution.
> Eugenia Firth
> gigifi...@sbcglobal.net
> On Jul 10, 2012, at 2:59 PM, Harry Hogue wrote:
>> Hi guys,
ut I've
> found TextEdit to be easier.
> Eugenia Firth
> gigifi...@sbcglobal.net
> On Jul 10, 2012, at 11:50 PM, Harry Hogue wrote:
>> Hi, I changed those numbers to zero, and that seemed to fix the issue. I
>> still here the column and row
better since it produces rtf files, and it is ore flexible for
> my reports.
> Eugenia Firth
> gigifi...@sbcglobal.net
> On Jul 11, 2012, at 1:26 PM, Harry Hogue wrote:
>> Oh, wow. That's fascinating. So by putting a tab between each
> On 2012-07-11, at 6:17 PM, Harry Hogue wrote:
>> Hi again, Eugenia,
>> Do you perhaps know how to have Text Edit stop autocorrecting my spelling?
>> I am typing in both English and Spanish, and I really don't need it
>> correcting all the Spanish! L
Hi, guys,
I am trying to have my girlfriend and I share calendars. She uses Google
Calendar on the web, and I use iCal, or would prefer to continue using iCal.
What is the best way to have us share calendars? I do have an FTP server which
hosts my website, if there were a way to set my calen
Hi, Robert,
This sounds like a very interesting podcast. :) Thanks for sharing,
On Jul 12, 2012, at 5:54 PM, Robert Carter wrote:
> In Puerto Rico With The Caribbean Blind Man
> In this podcast, the Tech Doctor visits with a most charming and fascinating
> man from Puerto Rico named Ri
Hi, guys,
I may possibly have figured out the solution to my question I e-mailed a bit
earlier, but in the midst of playing around with iCal and Voiceover, I
discovered if you turn QuickNav off, you are able to hear the name of each
event by arrowing without the VO keys. It seems to, in effect
It is though everything is falling in place for me as I near my translation
certificate. While online reference tools are fabulous, I have been looking
for offline solutions for years to be able to translate words as I studied
foreign languages. I will be contacting them to ask how man
>> Hope this helps,
>> Emrah
>> On Jul 13, 2012, at 2:08 AM, Harry Hogue wrote:
>>> Hi, guys,
>>> I am trying to have my girlfriend and I share calendars. She uses Google
>> Hope this helps,
>> Emrah
>> On Jul 13, 2012, at 2:08 AM, Harry Hogue wrote:
>>> Hi, guys,
>>> I am trying to have my girlfriend and I share calendars. She uses Google
I changed my login to prompt for a username and password rather than showing a
list of accounts. Voiceover speaks fine at this prompt, and this allows you to
enter the username, tab, and enter the password. Hints also work if you need
them. You are able to switch accounts while logged
>> Hope this helps,
>> Emrah
>> On Jul 13, 2012, at 2:08 AM, Harry Hogue wrote:
>>> Hi, guys,
>>> I am trying to have my girlfriend and I share calendars. She uses Google
I changed my login to prompt for a username and password rather than showing a
list of accounts. Voiceover speaks fine at this prompt, and htis allows you to
enter the username, tab, and enter the password. Hints also work if you need
them. You are able to switch accounts while logged
I changed my login to prompt for a username and password rather than showing a
list of accounts. Voiceover speaks fine at this prompt, and htis allows you to
enter the username, tab, and enter the password. Hints also work if you need
them. You are able to switch accounts while logged
I have noticed that Mail will put my Gmail messages, which are using iMap, in
the drafts folder some times. I go to resend them and it look as though the
list has received multiple copies of the same message(s). I'm sorry about
this. I'm really not sure why my messages don't simply go
>From what I understand, Pages isn't really that accessible with the IOS
>products. I have tried using my girlfriend's iPad with Pages to read
>documents, and it sort of works, but not all that well.
It is much better on the MacBook Pro, etc.
On Jul 14, 2012, at 6:57 PM, Chenelle
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2012-07-14, at 6:35 PM, Harry Hogue wrote:
>> Guys,
>> I have noticed that Mail will put my Gmail messages, which are using iMap,
>> in the drafts folder some times. I go to resend them and it
I really appreciate this information, Andrew. I will give this a try.
On Jul 16, 2012, at 5:30 PM, Jesus Garcia wrote:
> Great thanks this is very good information to hang on to. Though as someone
> said in a subsequent post it would be nice if they fix the access issue
> here. Again than
Thanks; I downloaded it. Is there a shortcut guide included for the Mac and
Thanks so much,
On Jul 16, 2012, at 5:03 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
> Got it.
> Thanks very much.
> On Jul 16, 2012, at 4:17 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> Hi, here's the accessible version of audaci
> write access to your calendar, all from the convenience of iCal.
> The sharing and permissions is managed through the Google Calendar pages on
> the Web.
> Hth,
> Emrah
> On Jul 14, 2012, at 1:12 AM, Harry Hogue wrote:
>> Hi, it still doesn't s
Are you trying to move word-by-word? You can do this with VO+right/left arrow,
or just the arrow keys, I believe. To select, simply add the shift key to
these commands (shift+VO+left/right arrow). If you only press shift+left/right
arrow, you will select by character.
I hope this is
Hi, has anyone else had issues creating an event in iCal? I press cmd+N, type
the name of the event, press return, and then press cmd+E. I hear, "Edit
event," but then nothing. I wonder if there is something wrong with my iCal?
Thanks very much for any help. I have a few appointments coming
with the
> scroll area and you can edit the event, adding in any missing details and
> choosing the appropriate calendar.
> iCal is one of the applications that improved drastically with Lion.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 20 Jul 2012, at 10:34, Harry Hogue w
t where you'll find "event details scroll area". interact with the
> scroll area and you can edit the event, adding in any missing details and
> choosing the appropriate calendar.
> iCal is one of the applications that improved drastically with Lion.
> Cheers,
It very well may be a play button embedded inside of an image, so as to make it
colorful, etc. In these cases, there is really no way to get access to it
without sighted help, unfortunately. I love meditation and meditation
podcasts, so this is a shame.
On Jul 22, 2012, at 12:37 PM, Ma
at help? Mel
> On Jul 22, 2012, at 3:36 PM, Harry Hogue wrote:
>> It very well may be a play button embedded inside of an image, so as to make
>> it colorful, etc. In these cases, there is really no way to get access to
>> it without sighted help, unfortunate
YOu will want to go into Voiceover settings with VO+F8, and choose
"aNavigation," I think it is. Here, you want to check the checkbox called,
"Enable curser wrapping." What this will do is let you wrap around from
control to control, which is very useful when you are at the end of a set of
The easiest way is to simply do a search for the tex you're looking for --
usually a few words does the trick. Note that Within there is a limit on how
many words/characters are are able to type into the search box, for some reason.
The other way is to stop interacting until you hear i
Hi, everyone,
I am in the process of exploring Pages and getting ready for my internship, so
I want to be comfortable changing fonts in Pages as needed. I am trying now to
change to Times New Roman. I type some text and select it, although this is
probably not even necessary, and I then press
Hi, guys,
I would be very surprised if there isn't at least one member of this list who
doesn't already use this application, but I just heard about it tonight on a
podcast, and just now downloaded the free trial (the full version may be
purchased for $35.00). It is called Text Expander, and i
m others about that, please feel free to give a
> reaction.
> kind regards,
> William Windels
> Op 25-jul.-2012, om 10:30 heeft Harry Hogue het volgende geschreven:
>> Hi, guys,
>> I would be very surprised if there isn't at least one member of this list
Some applications will also have a list of keyboard shortcuts under the help
menu option. I know Numbers has a list of these.
On Jul 24, 2012, at 5:38 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
> Hello Stacey,
> You can find a lot of standard shortcuts in System Preferences in the
> Keyboar
I, too, have noticed the odd speech issue with the voices. When reading in
Spanish, the voice will go from a low pitch to a high pitch sometimes with no
explanation. I am still on Lion at the moment, but I'm glad I'm not the only
one who noticed this issue.
On Jul 25, 2012, a
If I install Mountain Lion without backing up my system, will I lose all my
data? I have VMWare fusion with Windows 7 and Kurzweil 1000 installed, and my
external hard drive, which would hold all of this, still does not work at the
Any thoughts of what I should do?
Hi, guys,
Apparently, VMWare Fusion is not supported under Mountain Lion. I got an error
message saying that I could not open the application because it was not
supported on "this type of Mac," whatever that means. Has anyone else had this
issue? If so, a solution would be gratefully apprecia
rtain how well that'll work.
> HTH,
> Matthew Campbell.
> On 2012-07-25, at 6:45 PM, Harry Hogue wrote:
>> Hi, guys,
>> Apparently, VMWare Fusion is not supported under Mountain Lion. I got an
>> error message saying that I could not ope
Thank you for letting me know.
On Jul 25, 2012, at 4:48 PM, Hank Smith wrote:
> I think so.
> On 7/25/2012 3:53 PM, Harry Hogue wrote:
>> Hi, I have version 3.1.4. Would I have to pay to upgrade?
>> Harry
>> On Jul 25, 2012, at 4:42 PM, Mat
I will call them to get a price quote -- thank you so much.
On Jul 25, 2012, at 5:01 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
> Hi Harry.
> Unfortunately, you will have to pay.
> On 2012-07-25, at 6:53 PM, Harry Hogue wrote:
>> Hi, I have version 3.1.4. Would I have
Hi, guys,
Not sure if others have experienced this, but in the Mail App, expanding mail
messages either with command right arrow or VO+backslash doesn't seem to work.
I get a sound when I try to do it.
I really like the status menus, though.
You received this message because you are
Strange. I often wonder how we're supposed to learn these things. :) Thanks
On Jul 25, 2012, at 5:18 PM, Austin Seraphin wrote:
> True. Vo-backslash doesn't work. Vo-space however does.
> - Austin
> On Jul 25, 2012, at 7:20 PM,
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> On Jul 25, 2012, at 6:25 PM, Harry Hogue wrote:
>> Strange. I often wonder how we're supposed to learn these things. :)
>> Thanks much.
>> Harry
> and gives instructions for how to use Voice Over from the keyboard
> perspective.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> On Jul 25, 2012, at 6:41 PM, Harry Hogue w
Mike, that's helpful to know.
On Jul 25, 2012, at 5:53 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
> Yes, it's a paid upgrade, around $49 I think.
> On Jul 25, 2012, at 5:53 PM, Harry Hogue wrote:
>> Hi, I have version 3.1.4. Would I have to pay to upgrade?
>> Har
I use Fred, although you said you don't care for the voices included with VO.
I find it is more responsive than Alex. Also, I am updating my computer right
now, and there are several voice updates -- Paulina is one, but I don't know
about Alex, since I don't use him. For Paulina, it mentioned
I noticed a similar problem upon installing Lion when it first came out. it
was a big problem for me every time I switched from headphones back to regular
speakers. Apple came out with an update that addressed the issue, and, with
the exception of a couple of times since, I have never had an i
ow does one update to the so called, new ML voices?
> I know how to download and install them in Lion, but is it different in 10.8?
> Chris.
> - Original Message - From: "Harry Hogue"
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2012 9:38 PM
> Subject: R
to the VO cursor and do
> VO-Shift-Space bar to be sure of selecting the correct template.
> When using a template, use the arrow keys and not the VO keys to navigate so
> that the placeholder text will be highlighted automatically and can be
> replaced by your own text.
I just noticed that when expanding mail messages with VO-space bar, sometimes
the focus is in the wrong place, apparently, and it opens up the "sort by menu"
where you are able to sort by attachments, date, from, etc. So far, my only
complaint is that they took the expand mail messages keystrok
> messages individually or a whole thread, I use Command-O to open a new window
> and Command-W to close and return me to the message list. I did this in Lion
> and I still do it in Mountain Lion.
> On Jul 25, 2012, at 9:36 PM, Harry Hogue wrote:
>> I just
I use Paulina, the Spanish voice, which they also claimed had speech
improvements, and I haven't noticed any difference one way or the other. I
don't know of a way to downgrade the voice to get the old version back. YOu
might try contacting the company that actually manufactures the vo
will investigate a
> little further to try to find a more reliable and efficient way of doing it
> with VO.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2012-07-25, at 11:53 PM, Harry Hogue wrote:
>> How do you close the preview pane? That
Hi, Steve,
I am using a BrailleNote over here, and it works fine with bluetooth.
On Jul 26, 2012, at 7:01 AM, Steve Holmes wrote:
> OK, I just hooked up my Refreshabraille via the USB cable and that seems to
> be working. So I have issues pairing the bluetooth side of things with this
You want to turn off Quick Nav when accessing spelling suggestions. I think
you then arrow through the suggestions and press enter on the one you want, but
I hardly use this feature, so maybe someone else can shed some more light. I
do know that you need to have Quick Nav turned off, however.
Hello, guys,
Is anyone familiar with Numbers and using the menus, checkboxes, etc. features?
I would like to create an attendance tracker to practice skills in Numbers,
but I just now looked at the template for an employee schedule, and the menu
options that are placed into the cells are all di
> problems for me, so that's not a problem.
> On 7/26/12, Harry Hogue wrote:
>> You want to turn off Quick Nav when accessing spelling suggestions. I think
>> you then arrow through the suggestions and press enter on the one you want,
>> but I hardly use this
do a lot
> of interacting/moving around different areas of a dialog. Of course, I
> use it on webpages for the single-key navigation as well.
> On 7/26/12, Harry Hogue wrote:
>> I hope it helps. I'm beginning to think I shouldn't use Quick Nav as often
>> as I do,
Alex, apparently Mail cut off most of the subject line, but this was supposed
to be the title of my reply -- Cons of using Quick Nav in Pages -- as opposed
to the cons of Quick Nav in general.
I apologize for any confusion.
On Jul 26, 2012, at 7:37 PM, Harry Hogue wrote:
> Do
s, any prettifying of text
> I have to do will probably be done through that. It can even handle
> links, images, music, and video... who knew!
> On 7/26/12, Harry Hogue wrote:
>> Do you happen to have any suggestions for using headers and footers in Pages
>> with regards
I thin this has been mentioned by another/or others, but now that I have
stopped using Quick Nav, I am noticing only advantages. I am able to right
arrow to expand a list of messages in mail and left arrow to collapse them. I
suppose it is still necessary to turn on Quick Nav to navigate by wo
kslash on the Conversation column?
> I am doing the same here and have no problems expanding or collapsing
> conversations.
> On Jul 26, 2012, at 10:17 AM, Harry Hogue wrote:
>> Hi, Tim,
>> i didn't notice a difference with the slider set to 100 per
ick using the
> trackpad, then type the new name and press Return.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 27 Jul 2012, at 03:06, Harry Hogue wrote:
>> Is anyone familiar with Numbers and using the menus, checkboxes, etc.
>> features? I would like to
nd footer areas in Pages, you need to interact with the area
> then bring the mouse and do a simulated mouse click (VO-Shift-Space bar) to
> move the focus to that area. We teach all this in our Pages course.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 27 Jul 2012, at 03:37, Harry
Hello Harry,
>> To edit header and footer areas in Pages, you need to interact with the area
>> then bring the mouse and do a simulated mouse click (VO-Shift-Space bar) to
>> move the focus to that area. We teach all this in our Pages course.
>> Cheers,
th a
> pop-up within. It allows me to select but does not read what has been
> selected when navigating through at a later time.
> I'll play some more to see if I can get anywhere.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2012-
Yes, it's me along with my husband, who offers Pages training via Skype. We
> do it together since he is fully sighted and can share the student's screen
> to see that everything is working correctly.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 27 Jul 2012, at 19:02,
i agree. i have noticed less "busy, busy" overall.
On Jul 27, 2012, at 3:37 PM, Lisette Wesseling
> Hi Alex
> I would actually say the opposite. There is less busy busy on my 2011 MacBook
> pro with 4 gb ram than in Lion. Start up is definitely faster and I think VO
> is a bit snappi
Hi Alex,
Regardless of the view you are in (daily, weekly, monthly), you can press tab
to move between existing appointments. The year view seems to be a bit
different, but I typically use the month view, so I can't say how the year view
Hope this helps,
On Jul 27, 2012,
; sorry, I should have specified that. I gather,
> though, that nothing of the kind exists yet, which is too bad.
> On 27 Jul 2012, at 23:38, Harry Hogue wrote:
>> Hi Alex,
>> Regardless of the view you are in (daily, weekly, monthly), you can press
>> ta
I use the Spanish table, and have never found any issues with it under Lion; I
haven't yet tried it under Mountain Lion. The general focus issues with
Braille displays, regardless of the language table are, I sincerely hope,
On Jul 27, 2012, at 11:31 PM, Andrew Lamanche wrote
I have found it helps when in Mila to put the Mail App in full screen mode,
which seems to work better with Braille displays.
On Jul 28, 2012, at 10:09 AM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
> Hi Thersa,
> Thanks so much for the suggestion. I found what I was looking for there.
> If I have spe
Command+control+F will do it.
On Jul 28, 2012, at 5:42 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
> Harry, How do I put mail in full screen?
> On Jul 28, 2012, at 5:15 PM, Harry Hogue wrote:
>> I have found it helps when in Mila to put the Mail App in full screen mode,
gt;> I'll play some more to see if I can get anywhere.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On 2012-07-27, at 10:55 AM, Harry Hogue wrote:
running sl could that have something
> to do with it ?
> On Jul 28, 2012, at 7:28 PM, Harry Hogue wrote:
>> Command+control+F will do it.
>> Thanks,
>> Harry
>> On Jul 28, 2012, at 5:42 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
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