Hi, guys,

I may possibly have figured out the solution to my question I e-mailed a bit 
earlier, but in the midst of playing around with iCal and Voiceover, I 
discovered if you turn QuickNav off, you are able to hear the name of each 
event by arrowing without the VO keys.  It seems to, in effect, interact with 
each event.  If you have Quicknav on, however, the issue is that I don't hear 
the event names, but just the days, so I have no idea of knowing what days 
actually have events.  For those who use one or the other, do you find either 
Google Calendar or iCal more accessible, or are they about the same?  I would 
like to use iCal, and I just wanted to share that tip for anyone who may not 
have already known it.  Although I don't use Voiceover Activities, my guess is 
that you could set VoiceOver to automatically turn off Quicknav within iCal 
only.  That way you wouldn't have to bother turning it on and off each time 

I hope this tip/discovery helps someone else out, and for those with more 
experience, I look forward to hearing from you on your opinions on Google 
Calendar vs. iCal.



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