Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows

2010-07-19 Thread Chris Blouch
Just to clarify. Either Bootcamp or VMWare will run Jaws and the like just fine. The main limitation of VMWare is that it runs as another app, just like Safari and Adium so it shares the CPU and disk with whatever else is going on. In other words there will be some measure of a performance hit

Re: question

2010-07-19 Thread Chris Blouch
There are so many areas of computer science and programming that it's hard to say just one platform is going to cover them all. Nice thing with the Mac is it is Unix underneath and with VMWare you can run Windows. So you can have the three main platforms on one box/laptop. Beyond that it depend

Re: virtual machine software with voiceover

2010-07-19 Thread Chris Blouch
The virtualbox software GUI is pretty inaccessible. You can do a lot of it through the command line but your time might be better spent just getting VMware rather than fussing with virtualbox. CB Scott Howell wrote: I have to agree that although VIrtual Box is free, you will have more succes

Re: youtube to mp3 converter

2010-07-20 Thread Chris Blouch
Nice. That's much easier. CB annelie robledo wrote: Thanks this is a really cool trick. By the wash you can use an app called mpeg stream clip to extract audio. Will do flv to aac. On Jul 19, 2010, at 9:20 AM, Chris Blouch wrote: Ahh, I tried it again and apparently Gazzump wants y

Re: Question about webkit

2010-07-20 Thread Chris Blouch
Webkit is a render engine so it uses Safari as the shell but under the hood it's webkit. CB Ricardo Walker wrote: Hello all, I just downloaded webkit and I notice it looks like and even says safari. I was wondering if I needed to actually open webkit to be using it? I mean, so when I open s

Re: dvd ripper

2010-07-20 Thread Chris Blouch
RipIt is another tool you might want to try out. At a minimum it will get your DVD copied to your hard drive and from there you can process it down to something else. At the same time, disk space is cheap so (assuming you still want the video) why not just leave it in the original mpeg2 flavor?

Re: itunes store

2010-07-20 Thread Chris Blouch
Apple has instructions here: CB chad baker wrote: Hi i'm going to be getting a ipod touch 32 gb. I'm trying to create a itunes account i don't have a credit card. All i will be doing is downloading the free apps. Do i need to do it from the ipod when i get it

Re: Seeing shared folders on other computers?

2010-07-20 Thread Chris Blouch
If you do command-K to Conenct to a server (also located under the Go menu) you can just use the server address: smb://server_name where server_name is the DNS or IP address of the Windows box with file serving available. After hitting the Connect button you should get prompted for the userna

Re: Genealogy-software on the Mac

2010-07-20 Thread Chris Blouch
Well, there is the online, but I think the whole UI is Flash. CB clarence griffin wrote: I wouldn't mind this either. My mother does this and is also interested in getting a mac, so this would be kind of cool to find her something to use. GF On Jul 5, 2010, at 2:59 PM, David Hole w

Re: web kit

2010-07-20 Thread Chris Blouch
Webkit is the render engine that powers Safari, Chrome, iCab, OmniWeb and many mobile browsers. When you get the 'nightly build' you are getting an advanced newer version of the engine which usually has a lot more bugs fixed, but could also have new bugs. Generally it works pretty well and has

Re: converting music from M4a to mp3

2010-07-21 Thread Chris Blouch
If the tracks are already in iTunes you should be able to just change your Import Settings in iTunes Preferences to mp3 and then use Create MP3 Version from the Advanced menu. Of course you'd select all the tracks you want to convert before choosing that command. CB Donna Goodin wrote: Hi al

Re: Friendly Hello And Introduction

2010-07-21 Thread Chris Blouch
Welcome aboard. It's been years (over 10) since I did work on ProTools so all my information is stale but I know lots of folks on this list use it and questions pop up here every so often. Hope you'll find the Q&A here useful and it sounds like you hold some secret sauce that ProTools users her

Re: vmware player files in fusion?

2010-07-21 Thread Chris Blouch
I move images between VMWare Player on Windows and Fusion on the Mac all the time so I don't see why it wouldn't work for other VMWare platforms. CB erik burggraaf wrote: Hi friends, Does any one know if it is possible to bring vmware player files .vmx into vmware fusion? I'd like to try th

Re: questions about skype

2010-07-21 Thread Chris Blouch
Didn't see an answer to your first question. The Windows Skype Setup program isn't the whole program. It's an installer which then goes to the internet to download the rest. The Mac version doesn't need an installer since, as you found out, all you do is copy the single Skype application to you

Re: using a hard drive for multiple back ups?

2010-07-21 Thread Chris Blouch
I didn't see any replies to this yet. I haven't used carbon copy cloner. Does it make it's backup into a single file? If so you could probably store that on the 1TB drive. That said, Time Machine's backup folder simply stores incremental backups until it fills up the volume and then starts dele

Re: loading websites in webkit

2010-07-21 Thread Chris Blouch
I didn't notice a reply for this. Are you saying 90-100 kilobits (little b) per second or kilobytes (big B) per second? kilobits would be pretty slow by today's standards. The site itself is really fat with about 1.6MB of data so even if you're running at 100KB/s it would take 16 seconds just t

Re: Accessible TV Tuner Software?

2010-07-21 Thread Chris Blouch
Probably depends a bit on whether your cable is encrypted or not. You could use it with an antenna to get over the air digital broadcasts but if you have to have a cable box hooked to your TV then you'll probably have to have it for your eyeTV tuner as well. That limits the usefulness as you'll

Re: show hidden files?

2010-07-22 Thread Chris Blouch
Are you talking about dot files like .hidden_filename? If so then there is no way short of some hackery to get them to show. You can turn on showing file name extensions. Why would you want them to show? You can, of course, access them through the terminal. CB erik burggraaf wrote: Hi guys,,

Re: ichat question

2010-07-22 Thread Chris Blouch
Hmm. Just tried it again and it worked for me. I'm on Snow Leopard. Are you? CB joseph wrote: Hi Chris, I tried to do VO-shift-space once i found the envitation window but the mouse did not click, am i missing anything out there? best is Blbouch wrote: I had to use Window Chooser (vo-f2

Re: show hidden files?

2010-07-22 Thread Chris Blouch
lFiles OFF" do shell script "killall Finder" end if end try end tell On Jul 22, 2010, at 2:00 PM, Chris Blouch wrote: Are you talking about dot files like .hidden_filename? If so then there is no way short of some hackery to get them to show. You can turn on showing file name ext

Re: show hidden files?

2010-07-23 Thread Chris Blouch
Burggraaf User support consultant, Website: Toll-free: 888-255-5194 On 2010-07-22, at 5:15 PM, Chris Blouch wrote: Or go to terminal and paste defaults write AppleShowAllFiles ON but modifying finder preferences under the hood is still hackery, of

Voiceover volume vs. MVWare Jaws volume

2010-07-23 Thread Chris Blouch
For some reason Jaws is very soft relative to Voiceover such that I have to set the VO speech volume to about 20% to get them roughly matched. Is there anything else I should be checking? I poked at a number of things on the VMWare and Windows side and they are all set to max or 100%. Having VO

Re: using a hard drive for multiple back ups?

2010-07-28 Thread Chris Blouch
backups. Take control books are 50% off this week. (Read the instructions in for how to get the discount). Jon [And no, I get no kickbacks from the Tidbits / Take Control group, I have just found them always to be useful and current] On 21/07/2010, Chris Blouch wrote: I didn&#

Re: Tornado warning! (get away from windows)

2010-07-29 Thread Chris Blouch
The site is not very well optimized but first view time from Dulles Virginia USA via 1.5Mbit DSL was just 2.96 seconds. 842ms of that was waiting on the DNS lookup which is very slow. Sounds like they might be having some kind of issues with their DNS. A lot of's report is image

Re: using a hard drive for multiple back ups?

2010-07-29 Thread Chris Blouch
/07/2010, Sarah Alawami wrote: What if you hook your time capsul to someone else's computer and run time machine on there's? will you loose your back up? On Jul 28, 2010, at 12:16 PM, Chris Blouch wrote: A time machine backup will live in the folder Backups.backupdb when back

Re: using a hard drive for multiple back ups?

2010-07-30 Thread Chris Blouch
accidental deletes and saves. CB Sarah Alawami wrote: What if you hook your time capsul to someone else's computer and run time machine on there's? will you loose your back up? On Jul 28, 2010, at 12:16 PM, Chris Blouch wrote: A time machine backup will live in the folder Bac

Re: New Tech Doctor podcast

2010-07-30 Thread Chris Blouch
If you want just the Sad Song Long tv commercial you can find it here: CB Kimberly thurman wrote: Dr. Carter, thanks for the trip down memory lane. The Apple 2 was the first computer I ever had my hands on back in the mid 80's. I used one of the ol

Electrotactile arrays

2010-08-12 Thread Chris Blouch
Fairly academic but the possibilities are quite large. Demos were done with an iPhone along with proprietary demo boxes. Users could distinguish between wood, metal, stone, brushes etc when dragging across the surface.

Re: problems with safari & google

2010-08-23 Thread Chris Blouch
Yup. I was able to reproduce. Latest Safari on the search results page causes voiceover to crash and restart over and over. Webkit nightly build works fine. So it sounds like it isn't necessarily a Google or Voiceover issue but rather some bug in Safari. CB Allison Manzino wrote: Hi Pete, I


2010-08-23 Thread Chris Blouch
While I use an old G4 Mac in the basement for this there are tons of 2-drive 2TB NAS available starting at about $210. Most of them are platform agnostic. Here's a few from newegg:

Re: joining mov files?

2010-08-23 Thread Chris Blouch
Quicktime Pro is $30 from Apple and will allow you to merge multiple movies with different sizes and codecs. The final movie will have the image size of the largest piece and others will play in the top left corner of the window. That said, you have to use QT Player 7 if you're on Snow Leopard

Re: Using a Mac Mini without a monitor

2010-08-23 Thread Chris Blouch
gh. On Fri, 16 Jul 2010, Chris Blouch wrote: I had written up a lot of detail on this some time back which you can find in the mail archives. Short version is that in the most recent minis they now bog down unless a monitor is detected. The cheap fix used to be to get a mini to NTSC/PAL adaptor

Re: Safari and Google?

2010-08-23 Thread Chris Blouch
The webkit nightly builds have all the latest greatest fixes but can also have the latest undiscovered bugs. Once all the known high-priority bugs are fixed then Apple packages it up and puts out a new Safari release. So Safari will always lag the webkit nightly builds, but it should also be mo

Re: joining mov files?

2010-08-24 Thread Chris Blouch
awami MSN: <> aim: <>: website: youtube: Podcast: On Aug 23, 2010, at 1:14 PM, Chris Blouch wrote: Quicktime Pro is $

Re: Safari and Google?

2010-08-24 Thread Chris Blouch
m <> aim: <>: website: youtube: Podcast: On Aug 23, 2010, at 1:24 PM, Chris Blouch wrote: The webkit nightly builds have all the latest greatest f

Re: Converting .ape files on the mac? / aiff to wma conversion needed"

2010-08-24 Thread Chris Blouch
Might want to try this: The reviews were good but I don't know how good the voiceover support is having never used it. CB Chuck Reichel wrote: Hi Listers, I have a recording client that needs his ruff mixes in a "wma" format. Does any snow leopard friendly app

Re: alternative vm software

2010-08-24 Thread Chris Blouch
Last I tried it the Jaws video intercept would mangle a Parallels virtual machine video driver. Maybe that has been fixed in more recent updates. I haven't upgraded to Parallels 5 yet. Just tried it again on Parallels 4.0.3848, which is the latest 4.x release, and Jaws 11.0.1467 (came out this

Re: dmg files.

2010-08-25 Thread Chris Blouch
This is part of a set of finder navigation shortcuts related to the Go menu. Command shift A takes you to the applications folder while command shift U takes you to utilities. In a similar way D is for desktop, H is for your home folder and since D was already taken, O is for Documents. CB er

Re: VmWare Fusion 3.1.1

2010-08-25 Thread Chris Blouch
Ever find anything? The volume level difference between VO and Jaws is substantial. Only workaround I could think of was to turn the VO volume way down so that Jaws is about the same and then bring the overall system volume way up. CB Scott Howell wrote: Mike are the volume levels the same?

Re: get iphone 3gs or iphone 4?

2010-09-02 Thread Chris Blouch
It also depends on what your typical phone turnover rate is. I know some people who get a new phone every year. For me I tend to buy top of the line and then hang on to stuff for years. My home office Mac is 8 years old and was one of those fancy dual 1.25Ghz G4s, which cost me a bit back then

Re: Read: A question about ITunes 10

2010-09-07 Thread Chris Blouch
Those are to turn on and off items in your playlist. That way you can have things in a playlist but have certain ones get skipped when playing through or shuffling. CB On 9/7/10 12:56 PM, Michael Huckabay wrote: Hi I'm kerius about something in ITunes version 10 when I go to enny of the pla

Re: Blackboard, anyone?

2010-09-07 Thread Chris Blouch
Last I heard Flash was still a requirement for Blackboard and Adobe has not enabled accessibility on the Mac platform. So I would assume it will not work very well with voiceover, depending on which parts they use Flash to implement. CB On 9/7/10 5:33 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote: I can't say I'

Re: Blackboard, anyone?

2010-09-07 Thread Chris Blouch
is is incorrect. Where did you hear that blackboard requires flash? - Original Message ----- From: "Chris Blouch" To: Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2010 11:30 AM Subject: Re: Blackboard, anyone? Last I heard Flash was still a requirement for Blackboard and Adobe has not enabled

Re: MS Word's lack of access with VO

2010-09-07 Thread Chris Blouch
Many web developers I know have gone to the Mac because they can do all their work on one box. A big part good coding is to make sure it works across platforms and browsers. With the Mac and VMware testing everything out is pretty straightforward. And with Unix underneath, all those platform p

Re: routers

2010-09-08 Thread Chris Blouch
I've been using a Linksys wireless router for years and it's been rock sold, especially since I put it and the cable modem on a UPS. Apparently they were very susceptible to power burps. I decided to try and upgrade to 802.11N with a new D-Link DIR-628 since Time Machine backups over wireless

Re: long rant was Re: GW Micro Responds to the Future of Screen Readers Discussion Panel Questions

2010-09-08 Thread Chris Blouch
Actually, at the end of the list of recent backups is a folder called "Latest". Inside there you will find the latest copy of everything. Beyond that each backup is named in a fairly reasonable way. For example, the folders are named something like 2010-09-07-165406 So that backup is from Se

Re: long rant was Re: GW Micro Responds to the Future of Screen Readers Discussion Panel Questions

2010-09-08 Thread Chris Blouch
I thought Opera on the Mac worked with voiceover. It's annoying that Firefox has taken so long to still not work with voiceover. It seems to be a collision of philosophies. They want Apple to change their APIs to conform to the way Firefox already does it for other platforms, which isn't going

Re: duo core or i5 in an mbp?

2010-09-08 Thread Chris Blouch
I have an i5 machine and it seems like more of my waiting is disk input output than CPU bound. That's with the 7200 RPM drive. I can see why flash drives are becoming the rage since disk I O is being a bottleneck to these crazy fast processors. CB On 9/8/10 3:22 PM, Cameron wrote: Hi. What

Re: google translate

2010-09-08 Thread Chris Blouch
Yup, I can reproduce this. They seem to be using some kind of faked pull-down menu so when I VO-space it makes the drop-down of languages, but they never move focus there and moving focus off the button causes the fake pull-down menu to collapse again. The only way I could figure out to make i

Re: ogg files.

2010-09-10 Thread Chris Blouch
From my email of June last year: The live broadcast of the iphone 3gs was in ogg format and the recommended this plugin for QT which worked just fine. From checking around it also adds support for ogg in iTunes. Just download the file and then cop

Re: articles Accessible?

2010-09-13 Thread Chris Blouch
Is the right URL? If so it appears to be a squatter page where somebody just has a bunch of ads and junk up there hoping to gain a few cents from folks stumbling upon their site. CB On 9/11/10 3:21 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote: Has anyone tried reading the articles presented on this web

Re: burning audio cd's

2010-09-13 Thread Chris Blouch
Wouldn't the easiest way be to drop them into iTunes? The process of converting MP3 to uncomrpessed audio and burning it on the disk to conform to red book standards is not something native to most OSes. You're going to need a tool of some sort so why not the free one that you're probably alre

Re: articles Accessible?

2010-09-13 Thread Chris Blouch
. Thanks, Teresa On Sep 13, 2010, at 12:51 PM, Chris Blouch wrote: Is the right URL? If so it appears to be a squatter page where somebody just has a bunch of ads and junk up there hoping to gain a few cents from folks stumbling upon their site. CB On 9/11/10 3:21

Re: articles Accessible?

2010-09-13 Thread Chris Blouch
on it. Maybe it's not flash-laden? Thanks, Teresa On Sep 13, 2010, at 1:20 PM, Chris Blouch wrote: I was able to navigate the main page fairly well but once I went into a particular magazine it was one giant Flash object and Adobe has not made Flash accessible on the Mac yet, and seems t

Re: duo core or i5 in mbp

2010-09-13 Thread Chris Blouch
Back in the day, like 10 years ago, I was able to record 8 concurrent tracks on an old powerMac g4. I would suspect even mundane hardware today could handle all but the most extreme cases. CB On 9/8/10 6:08 PM, Matthew Johnson wrote: hi, I'll be using this for lectures, some language stuff,

Re: duo core or i5 in mbp

2010-09-13 Thread Chris Blouch
io, but not for midi. For example, the event list editor is not accessible with vo. Hopefully that will be addressed in a future update. Cameron. -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Chris Blouch Sent: Monday, Sept

Re: A question

2010-09-13 Thread Chris Blouch
Hmmm. I've never checked but I would guess not. If they want the mini to consume as little power as possible while sleeping they would probably shut down all non-essential power consumers like spinning hard drives and USB ports. This seems to be confirmed in Apple's support article: http://s

Re: duo core or i5 in mbp

2010-09-15 Thread Chris Blouch
from for under 25 grand which might osund like a lot but they were 750 large back in the day. I used to work with one (synclavier 6400) and loved it! On Sep 13, 2010, at 2:09 PM, Chris Blouch wrote: Right, this was just straight audio recording. Any processing was done

Re: two internet questions with voiceover on a Mac

2010-09-15 Thread Chris Blouch
If you search this mailing list's archives you'll see multiple large threads on this topic. Last I heard it came down to Firefox wanting Apple to change their accessibility API to align more with what FF has already implemented for other platforms. Apple has not been interested. There is also

Re: Apps going inaccessible with Retina 4 updates? -- Speedtest for network connections

2010-09-16 Thread Chris Blouch
I used this one: which seems fairly accessible. I'm guessing it's not as nice as the one you were using but it did give me stats on my wifi or 3g connection. Had the usual thing where row 1 was average and max and then row two under n

Re: Win XP PRO with Vmware Fusion

2010-09-16 Thread Chris Blouch
Isn't Remote Desktop a Microsoft product? If so, I think that just shares the screen, mouse and keyboard over a network. If that's all it is, why not go with VNC? I just port map from my external IP address on some random port to the VNC port on the in-house machine. CB On 9/16/10 3:34 PM, M

Re: re_remote desktop and win xp pro vm

2010-09-17 Thread Chris Blouch
I've not used the WindowEyes remote feature which I'm guessing is a bit like Jaws tethering mode. In general whatever ports are used for that stuff are going to need to be forwarded through the firewall. Otherwise all that stuff is going to be dropped. CB On 9/16/10 10:10 PM, Mike wrote: Hi

Re: Closing the lid of the MBP while it remains active.

2010-09-17 Thread Chris Blouch
Possibly. Apple has a support article about it here: You have to turn on your bluetooth wake settings among other things, but they assume you have an external monitor hooked up (which is probably the typical case). CB On 9/17/10 11:06 AM,

Re: downloading/reading bookshare books

2010-09-17 Thread Chris Blouch
I didn't notice a reply to this question. Might try Simply RAR and see if it's accessible. CB On 9/4/10 2:45 AM, Paul Erkens wrote: Hi Mike Arrigo, This makes me wonder. Do you know of a program for the mac that lets you create

Re: Developing accessable websites with jQuery UI

2010-09-20 Thread Chris Blouch
jQueryUI has pretty good accessibility and will be much improved in the 1.9 version. The 5.x series of Safari browsers seems to be doing a better job with ARIA making navigation of web widgets work better. Here is an example which came out of the AEGIS project to improve accessibility of jQuer

Re: Developing accessable websites with jQuery UI

2010-09-20 Thread Chris Blouch
o ios devices? -Original Message- From: Chris Blouch Sent: Monday, September 20, 2010 1:32 PM To: Subject: Re: Developing accessable websites with jQuery UI jQueryUI has pretty good accessibility and will be much improved in the 1.9 version. The 5.x series of S

Re: strange problem with my MPB15

2010-09-22 Thread Chris Blouch
If re-seating doesn't fix it then maybe it's time to do that memory upgrade you've been dreaming about, assuming it isn't already maxed out. I've used AppleCare twice to ship a macbook for repairs and the process was quite good. They fedex a special box, you put it in and they pick it up again

Re: Adding printer in Fusion

2010-09-22 Thread Chris Blouch
I had this happen on mine before and had to restart the Windows services related to shared printing. VMWare has the steps documented here: CB On 9/21/10 1:30 PM, Scott Howell wrote: I have V

Re: help with reading text.

2010-09-22 Thread Chris Blouch
Is there a way to re-read a line it just read? For example, if I'm reading a long document and just want to go back a bit because I was busy taking some notes for a moment. CB On 9/22/10 5:06 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote: It will read from where you left off if you interact with the text first t

Re: download sound on mac

2013-06-06 Thread Chris Blouch
Seems like Growl Safari should do this but I haven't upgraded my Growl since it went non-free. CB On 6/5/13 5:14 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote: well, I guess an ending download sound will need to go on our wish list. Gigi On Jun 5, 2013, at 3:45 PM, Kerri > wrote: It's

Re: download sound on mac

2013-06-06 Thread Chris Blouch
Hall wrote: I had an idea to do this earlier today. I'll update you all once I find out if it will work or not, but it might, if I am recalling my automator correctly... Stand by... On Jun 6, 2013, at 1:15 PM, Chris Blouch <>> wrote: Seems like Growl Safari s

Re: getting a mac mini to G4 to boot from a USB drive?

2013-06-06 Thread Chris Blouch
That's quite a pickle. There are some instructions here to get an older mac to boot from a bootable USB device using some open firmware commands: CB On 6/6/13 12:44 PM, eric oyen wrote: hello guys, I m working

Re: update on Airdrop: hint, and Apple's response

2013-06-07 Thread Chris Blouch
Just verified. I have an OSX 10.7 desktop and an OSX 10.8 laptop. Under the context menu on OSX 10.8 is Share->Airdrop and on the OSX 10.7 machine there is no Share option. So for now Airdrop is kinda limited. CB On 6/6/13 7:02 PM, Alex Hall wrote: Hi all, I finally called Apple Accessibility

Re: putting lots of small videos in to one big file

2013-06-07 Thread Chris Blouch
and videos one after the other, but when I selected everything and and did the VO+o command, it just played one of the videos through quicktime, and nothing else after that. On Jun 6, 2013, at 12:14 PM, Chris Blouch wrote: Would copy/paste using QuickTime work for this? Maybe iMovie would be more

Re: Printing from Priview

2013-06-07 Thread Chris Blouch
Maybe it's something printer-specific. On my machine (OSX 10.8) there is a "Two-Sided" checkbox just after the Copies number input. CB On 5/24/13 1:47 AM, Agent086b wrote: Thanks, as I say Vo does not read that duplex option. I would not have found it except for my sited wife. Thanks again. M

Re: WWDC keynote?

2013-06-10 Thread Chris Blouch
Yup, there usually are some liveblogs (such as our own tuaw folks) and then the video is provided shortly after the event ends. CB On 6/10/13 7:32 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote: There should be a podcast once it's over. On 10 Jun 2013, at 12:21 PM, Donna Goodin wrote: Hi all, anyone heard any

Re: Converting music files

2013-06-10 Thread Chris Blouch
If you like playing in the terminal the sox package will read ogg and write it out to piles of other formats. I don't think it does anything with wma files though since they are a proprietary format. CB On 6/10/13 2:57 PM, Ray Foret jr wrote: Well, a

Re: Question about iPhone battery

2013-06-10 Thread Chris Blouch
The software makes a guess based on past experience. So having the phone shut down on you right away means it didn't guess very well but I suspect it will do better next time. Battery life is always hard to figure out as it depends so much on what you are doing, what the wireless connectivity i

Re: toast titanium free trial.

2013-06-11 Thread Chris Blouch
I poked around their web site and it doesn't seem that they offer a trial, but they do have a 30-day return policy. If you're up for rolling your own you can find my previous post about using the drutil to roll your own solution:

Re: Voice guided pedestrian app

2013-06-11 Thread Chris Blouch
I wonder how good the new iOS 7 walking directions will be: CB On 6/11/13 11:58 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote: Hi there I have found it works fine. Regards, Gigi On Jun 11, 2013, at 7:42 AM, Les Kriegler wro

Re: question about audiobook binder

2013-06-11 Thread Chris Blouch
If you don't mind using the command line you can get sox from MacPorts and then just do: sox --combine sequence input1.mp3 input2.mp3 ... output.mp3 CB On 6/10/13 5:25 PM, Shannon Dyer wrote: Hi, all. I'm trying to use audiobook binder to join tracks that are currently in .mp3 format. Howev

Re: question for the geeks: sftp

2013-06-11 Thread Chris Blouch
at 1:24 AM, Chris Blouch wrote: ssh is encrypted so the actual data going between two boxes is binary. In some respects the whole binary/text thing has gone away as very few data formats can live with just ascii characters, so sftp defaults to binary. In reality the text mode of FTP was just

Re: putting lots of small videos in to one big file

2013-06-13 Thread Chris Blouch
a slideshow; I thought selecting all of them then opening them would do it, but that doesn't seem to do it. On Jun 7, 2013, at 11:44 AM, Chris Blouch wrote: Do you have these images and videos in iPhoto? If so I think you can put them in a folder and play that as a slideshow. CB On 6/6

Re: Accessibility of Safari and Rich Text Editors with VoiceOver

2013-06-13 Thread Chris Blouch
NOt sure I have any good suggestions for rich text editors but Ajax shouldn't be an issue. Ajax is just a technique to fetch a blob of HTML and stuff it into a container on a page (or replace what was in the container). The usual technique is to then move browser focus to that container so the

Re: want to learn more about do shell script?

2013-06-14 Thread Chris Blouch
Not to overstate the obvious but have you checked the man pages for curl and grep? You might also want to check out the macport version of wget. What are you trying to scrape from the page you listed? I didn't notice the temperature on there. CB On 6/14/13 2:10 PM, Traci wrote: Hi all, Can

Re: what's the current state of firefox accessibility with the latest version of mac os10

2013-06-15 Thread Chris Blouch
21 is the latest stable version. Firefox 22 is 'Beta' while Firefox 23 is for 'developers'. CB On 6/15/13 7:02 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote: Hi, Are we talking the latest stable release or the nightly build? I'm also curious to see how this works. /Krister 15 jun 2013 kl. 02:32 skrev Tim Kilburn

Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

2013-06-19 Thread Chris Blouch
I can verify that at least version 7 of Parallels (they are now up to 8) is not usable with voiceover. I can reach the drop-down menus and other standard UI but all the controls for Parallels itself just comes up as 'unknown' and I can't do anything with it. Maybe they fixed it in Parallels 8.

Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

2013-06-19 Thread Chris Blouch
As others have mentioned, for bootcamp you have to partition your drive into two pieces, a Mac chunk and a Windows chunk, which means both sides will have less space and you have to plan ahead since you can't easily change this down the road. That means you might have to allocate a bunch of spa

Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

2013-06-19 Thread Chris Blouch
I suspect the iMac is built off the same motherboard as the laptop so they might not have things engineered to handle the heat or power from a faster drive. Or Apple is just being cheap :) The iMac takes a 2.5" SATA drive and a 1TB 7200 RPM drive is about $120 from Other World Computing. Downsi

Re: Screen Curtain and Screen Brightness

2013-06-19 Thread Chris Blouch
The way an LCD panel works is there are jillions of small 'windows' which open or close a certain amount to increase the amount of light let through for each pixel. Screen curtain tells all the windows to close but that doesn't mean the backlight isn't still running full bore and draining your

Re: Questions About Numbers

2013-06-20 Thread Chris Blouch
The tricky bit here is that RAM prices keep going down just like processor speeds go up. So the 'premium' cost of going to 16GB today will be ordinary and cheap tomorrow. It seems like today 8GB is fine. The conundrum is that to upgrade you have to pretty much toss out your current memory. So d

New BBC developer accessibility guidelines

2013-06-21 Thread Chris Blouch
For those of you who are developers or work with developers who need help with accessibility I found this guide to be quite useful: Not only does it document 71 common accessibility problems but it provides a

Re: Questions About Numbers

2013-06-21 Thread Chris Blouch
Makes me wonder if it's not a tactical reasoning for MS to not make Office work on the Mac? Certainly not in their best interest to have more folks go to OSX. CB On 6/21/13 10:39 AM, Richard Ring wrote: Forgive for my blasphemy, but doing a find is far easier in Excell for windows. It's thing

Re: Questions About Numbers

2013-06-21 Thread Chris Blouch
d have making an Mac OS version of office. I don’t think a few hundred thousand blind users would hurt MS bottom line either way. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Jun 21, 2013, at 11:33 AM, Chris Blouch wrote: Makes me wonder if it's

Re: Accessibility of Safari and Rich Text Editors with VoiceOver

2013-06-21 Thread Chris Blouch
Sounds like this web site is just asking for trouble. Sure it could all be done accessibly but sometimes a simpler UI is just better. Most users don't think to right click on a web page so it sounds like this is just a bad experience for everyone. I'd be curious if they did any real user testin

Re: fan issue solved

2013-06-21 Thread Chris Blouch
You don't happen to have Apple Care do you? I've had one laptop with a 'defective heat pipe' which Apple replaced for free under warranty a couple years ago now. Also, just to check the obvious, but you don't have the machine nestled down in anything soft like a couch cushion or pillow that mig

Re: Recording vinyl records

2013-06-24 Thread Chris Blouch
What is your source? It it just the RCA jack outputs of a phonograph or is there already a pre-amp in line before the computer? The original output from a phonograph is like a microphone output - very tiny and not very good sounding. You need a pre-amp which will boost that up to a line-level a

Re: first time using time machine

2013-06-24 Thread Chris Blouch
Just to be clear, you must dedicate a drive or partition to Time Machine. It will take over whatever you give it and keep archiving until it uses up all available space on that drive or partition. Once it runs out of space it will prune the oldest backups first. As Tim points out, if you start

Re: finding the bit rate of an mp3 file on the mac

2013-06-24 Thread Chris Blouch
When in the Finder, doing a Get Info (command-I) on an mp3 file will give you all kinds of details but some of it is hidden behind a "More Info" collapsed disclosure triangle. If you expand that with the space bar then VO-right you'll find a bunch of stuff including the sample rate and duration

Re: Mail Sluggish when Loading

2013-06-24 Thread Chris Blouch
Were you closing the App each time (command-Q) or just the mail window, leaving mail running for a long long time? Doing command-Q should leave no running process to kill as you did with activity monitor. CB On 6/23/13 11:16 AM, Les Kriegler wrote: Well, I have a theory, not a fact yet. What

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