The way an LCD panel works is there are jillions of small 'windows' which open or close a certain amount to increase the amount of light let through for each pixel. Screen curtain tells all the windows to close but that doesn't mean the backlight isn't still running full bore and draining your battery. The only way to stop that is to turn down the brightness all the way by hitting the F2 key about 20 times. Then it doesn't matter if screen curtain is on or not. You can do the same thing by using the Displays preference and interacting with the brightness slider to set it to 0 percent. This one of those annoying sliders that doesn't tell you what value it is changing to as you arrow up/down or left/right so you have to VO-arrow off of it and back on to find out if you reached 0 yet. I had to left-arrow about 21 times to get from full bright to 0% brightness.

There is also backlighting on the keyboard which can be turned off by hitting F5 about 20 times. I couldn't find a software way to fiddle with this but I might have missed it.


On 6/19/13 10:10 PM, Nicholas Parsons wrote:

Thanks for the comments and info.

I'm not really fussed about overkill. What I particularly want to know is, if I 
turn the screen curtain on, will this undermine any benefit of having the 
screen brightness at 0? I understand screen curtain does not turn the screen 
off, but is it therefore the same as having it on with low brightness? I kinda 
got mixed messages from you both but what I think you're both saying is that 
screen curtain makes no difference so I can have it on and brightness set to 0 
and this will conserve some battery life. Is that right?

Thanks again for your help.



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