What is your source? It it just the RCA jack outputs of a phonograph or is there already a pre-amp in line before the computer? The original output from a phonograph is like a microphone output - very tiny and not very good sounding. You need a pre-amp which will boost that up to a line-level and apply the proper equalization. Back before the RIAA became the internet music piracy police they set up standards like how to re-EQ a phonograph output. So you can't record an LP without some box to do this. You could go with an Art DJ Pre for about $50:


or go a little higher end to have one that includes USB audio out like this one:


Of course some folks skip all this and just get a phono player with USB output for about $100


But if you already have a nice turntable then I'd go with one of the preamps. The Mac itself only has line inputs, not mic inputs. I think it's a good thing because getting a mic preamp right is a non-trivial bit of hardware and everybody has their favorite. So leave that to the likes of Mackie. In short, you can't just plug your turntable into your Mac and record it. Not only is the signal too weak but in needs the RIAA EQ applied to sound good.

Once you do have it set up you can record with whatever you like. Some like Garageband but if you're ok with terminal stuff you can do it all by installing MacPorts and then getting the Sox package.


On 6/24/13 12:34 PM, Georgina Joyce wrote:
Hello All,

I wondered what apps you preferred to record vinyl records into .wav files? I 
am very familiar with making such recordings from the command line within a GNU 
Linux terminal.

Then I'm going to need to split the tracks. I don't intend upon using any of 
the clean up filters some people like to use. So what do you folks use, to copy 
long player records into a digital format?

In respect of the hardware. Would I gain by buying a USB sound interface? Or 
direct into the microphone socket of my Mac Mini, running ML.




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