This is part of a set of finder navigation shortcuts related to the Go menu. Command shift A takes you to the applications folder while command shift U takes you to utilities. In a similar way D is for desktop, H is for your home folder and since D was already taken, O is for Documents.


erik burggraaf wrote:
Hi,  I'm not Sarah, but I can tell you she is talking here about Command Shift 
C.  This is the finder keystroke to take you directly to the computer area 
where-in are mounted all of your drives and drive images.

So suppose for example that you put in a dvd full of data and now you are in 
finder.  To view the contents of the dvd, you press command shift C for 
computer.  Then tab to your dvd which will be called something different every 
time.  Then you press command O on it to open and view the contents.

Hope this helps,

Erik Burggraaf
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On 2010-08-25, at 4:21 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

Hi Sarah,

What is command shift c doing? Command plus c will copy, ready for pasting 
later, but what is command plus shift plus c that you mentioned?
----- Original Message ----- From: "Sarah Alawami" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2010 2:14 AM
Subject: Re: dmg files.

You can move it to trash but you skipped a step after you move the to 
the apps folder hit cmd shift c and hit command e on the skype icon there.
On Aug 14, 2010, at 5:07 PM, Geoff Waaler wrote:

Hi Sarah,

Thanks for the instructions.  I moved to the applications folder. I 
then went into the computer list and located skype.dmg in my downloads folder.  
In the file menu eject (command+e) is dimmed, though move to trash is 
available.  Is that what I want?

----- Original Message ----- From: "Sarah Alawami" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, August 14, 2010 6:14 PM
Subject: Re: dmg files.

Wo! no no no! don't do that!

1. open the dmg from the downloads folder. another finder window will open.

2. press cmd 2 to get to list mode.

3. copy the

4. press cmd shift a to get to applications and paste. Now eject the dmg from 
the computer place by

1. going to the computer list with cmd shift C.

2. find the skype.dmg

3. pressing cmd E.

Take care.
On Aug 14, 2010, at 2:55 PM, Geoff Waaler wrote:


Thanks to Sarah and Erik I'm more comfortable with the finder so I copied the 
SKYPE disk image file from downloads to applications and can now open it from 
there.  I gather these dmg files are executable and there's no installation 
process necessary after downloading?

Why was "cut" dimmed?  Since I copied it to applications do I now have two 45 
meg files?  I see that command+delete under the file menu is also dimmed so deleting from 
downloads does not appear to be an option.

TIA for any info about these files and best regards.
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