I've been using a Linksys wireless router for years and it's been rock sold, especially since I put it and the cable modem on a UPS. Apparently they were very susceptible to power burps. I decided to try and upgrade to 802.11N with a new D-Link DIR-628 since Time Machine backups over wireless were starting to take a while. It worked nice, when it worked. For some reason the thing would just drop all connections at random points about once a day or so and the only way to get it running again was to pull the plug to cycle the power. After about a month of this I went back to the Linksys. Slower, but at least I didn't have to head to the basement ever other day to reboot the thing. Now I'm not sure what to do with the D-Link. Maybe it doesn't like Macs. Maybe there is a firmware update. Haven't had time to waste on it lately. Oh, and the Linksys and the D-Link are all configured via a web browser so not really a problem getting stuff done with voiceover.


On 9/7/10 10:26 PM, Christy Schulte wrote:
If you're not using a 2wire modem from verizon already, I definitely suggest going the linksys route. Netgear is horrid, at least when I tried it.

That said I've been using this 2wire for a while and it's been a long time since I fiddled with a linksys router. But when I did, it was completely accessible all the way, at least under windows.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Mike Arrigo" <n0...@charter.net>
To: <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2010 8:53 PM
Subject: routers

Hi all, well, I might be looking at getting a new router, mine has started having some strange problems, so it may be going bad, was wondering which routers are the most accessible with their web interfaces. I know the linksys routers work well, what about net geer, belkin or d-link? I've heard some routers use a capcha now to get in to their configurations, that is nuts.

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